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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Is the AI attacking or defending and what are the maps? Hopefully MarkEzra sees this, he pretty much scripted and made most of the QB maps, this information will be very helpful. Edit: Also force composition.
  2. What kinds of Russian vehicles were used in those tests on that custom map? BMP-3 and BMP-3M have drastic differences in optics packages, while BMP-3m has thermals, BMP-3 doesn't. Things like that are extremely important to know before saying anything concrete on this test at least. I learned that BMP thing the hard way... However, over all yes, American forces have the better optics packages across the board, infantry, armor you name it.
  3. I have 3 books I want to choose from and I can only buy one, I would love it if you guys could tell me which one is the best. "Battleground Prussia: The Assault on Germany's Eastern Front 1944-45" by Prit Buttar "Korsun Pocket" By Niklas Zeterling Blood Red Snow: The Memoirs of a German Soldier on the Eastern Front By Gunter K. Koschorrek
  4. No, Bulge is a new game family, CMBN won't be receiving any more modules.
  5. That "modern warfare stuff" is the innovation, UAV's, laser warnings, ERA, precision artillery ETC, are all part of fundamental changes to the engine. Whats wrong with using "target" as an LOS tool, I am open to change but unless you say whats wrong with it or bring up an alternative than it will stay the same.
  6. Getting shot at tends to have an interesting effect on human beings, usually they seek cover and try not to die. Could the tac ai do a bit better in seeking cover when taking fire before being pinned? sure, but I see no problem with someone "cowering" if they are taking fire, that's just human nature, I don't care if your Russian or American.
  7. I wouldn't say TOW is obsolete...that's a little overboard. I have had my Bradleys spot and kill with TOW's in defensive positions many times, if you are driving a Bradley into an attack you should be aware that its at a significant disadvantage compared to an Abrams.
  8. I completely disagree, bring on the Panzers and devil dogs!
  9. You can actually fly the DCS SU-25 for free, just download DCS world and you get it, a training P-51 and the full editor to do what you wish,
  10. Ukrainian troops do this in real life to distinguish there older Russian equipment like the BMP-2 from hostile ones.
  11. The music tells half the story, have you ever seen "Cross of Iron"? Its a great movie.
  12. Well I didn't win that time, but I didn;t find them to be completely useless, sorry should have added that.
  13. My infantry killed more tanks than my Tigers in one of my playthroughs of the first mission, I did not find them to be cannon fodder as you did.
  14. Its only been about 2 hours, someone will respond to your ticket soon and you will be on your way.
  15. Well we have our first real world scenario available in the maps and scenarios forum section, ironically it is a Separatist attack on Debaltseve!
  16. I am already thinking about making a scenario where Russian paratroopers invade my neighborhood .
  17. Do you have Gustav Line? Panther turrets are only available in Gustav line and there are no other kinds of AT bunkers in CM: Italy.
  18. Great series so far and I loved your Shock Force videos as well. I have one tip for you though, if you don't want your guys firing at anything too far away give them a short target arc.
  19. Wonderful, you are a gentleman and a scholar Kieme!
  20. They are way to far away to fire that AT-4, but yes I agree it would be nice if infantry took a knee in terrain like that. As for saying its "straight forward to program" I highly doubt that,
  21. Yeah I think its a bit too dirty, I would like to see the dark green come out a bit more.
  22. The best way is also the most obvious, do the Velukie tutorial as Soviets and read along in the tutorial manual with it, once you have done that I recommend following this guide. After following these guides I recommend the road to Minsk scenario next as it is only 3 turns long and you will learn how to exploit and encircle Soviet formations in short order, infact instead of finishing off Road to Leningrad as that guide I linked suggest, do Minsk instead! I am no pro at it as I have only just started playing a couple weeks ago, but the most important thing in the beginning is to have the infantry divisions do as much of the fighting as possible and let your Panzers and motorized divisions exploit as much as possible. Attack along rail lines and make sure Soviet units cannot interfere with rail repair as it is imperative your logistics are kept in check, be aware of where your supplies are coming from and make sure they are getting through. Panzer divisions are exceptionally powerful, but they are going no where and doing nothing without fuel. While cliche Ill let Guderian do some taking here, his quotes are as relevant as they were back than... "If the tanks succeed, then victory follows." "You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread." "Logistics is the ball and chain of armored warfare." One last thing to recognize is that you are fighting against history, playing as Germany is kind of like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, in the beginning things are easy, but the odds are forever against you if you fail to meet satisfactory objectives before the first winter. Of course it is still fun to see how you will do for the rest of the war but the writing is on the wall so to speak at that point, we all know how this story ends, its up to you to see how long you can last. Edit: One final thing , it is impossible to stop operational losses that occur during movement, such as a truck breaking down or a panzer, try to follow terrain that is as open and clear as possible to mitigate this, for example, the pripyat marshes are a nightmare and you are better off completely avoiding them as they ramp up those losses. The motor pool at the top right is also super important to keep an eye on as once you have less trucks than you need things start to get very interesting for Germany logistics wise. Yes definitely, I try my best to have my infantry divisions do the fighting as much as possible, unfortunately it is inevitable that the panzers will have to engage the enemy as well at the tip of the spear. Unfortunately the enemy at that tip of the spear are fresh Russian infantry corps numbering in the 30,000's of men or tank corps with hundreds of tanks. Choosing when to consolidate and wait for the infantry in early Barbarossa is difficult because you have to advance as fast and violent as possible if you have any chance of surviving that first winter.
  23. I am having this problem in Gary Grigsbys: War in the East, serious wear and tear starts way earlier than I expected, the war of attrition is already in full swing a week in.
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