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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. You can send in a ticket at any time and ask for another activation, I can't think of a situation where a user who honestly owned the game got denied another license.
  2. And why! For me its the BMP-3M with any of its add-on packages, although I am partial to the ERA because of how it looks. I love my Abrams and my Bradleys (I am an American after all) but the BMP-3 just has this coolness factor around it for me, that 100mm and 30mm cannon are probably what it is and its looks in general definitely help with Kieme and BTR's mods added. I am pretty sure I fell in love with it completely after that amazing assault river crossing in the Russian campaign.
  3. What expansions do you own, and what version of the game have you patched to?
  4. Are you running the correct version/expansion for said scenario? PC or MAC? This is where my shock force scenarios/campaigns and mods go on a Windows 7 PC- C:\Users\Todd\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission Shock Force
  5. You can already do that, double click on a company commander and you select all of the units under his command, give a movement order and they all get it as well.
  6. You can clearly see that the quality graphics setting for those Bulge screenshots are set at about balanced or lower, it looks nothing like what a final product would ala Battle for Normandy or Black Sea.
  7. Its alpha and they are obviously running that build at "balanced" or lower quality, its not supposed to be representative of the final product.
  8. Yeah it definitely does, stone buildings are far tougher than barns and all that.
  9. There are no mods that add vehicles or equipment for any CM title. Here is a link explaining how to install mods, it is a very simple process. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/97104-how-to-install-mods/
  10. Guys I suggest you take this to PM's honestly, this thread has blown way off course.
  11. Haha its funny how much ARMA 3 borrows from that theme, back to the roots I guess. Edit: Congrats on winning the "Make love not war" contest.
  12. Contact the help desk here and submit a ticket- http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  13. Yes, you should have launched the base game first, and once you have, there is a specific order that you need to patch and install expansions in. I recommend you completely uninstall the game, than install it again and run it at least once. Having done that, go to the Shock Force store page and find the "patches" section, there it will tell you what patches you are going to need to install and in what order with the expansions. Edit: Make sure you launch the game at least once after every patch/expansion you install.
  14. Did you launch the game at least once before you started patching and adding the expansions?
  15. Whatever your desktop resolution is, that is what the games resolution is set to with the "desktop" option.
  16. Yes please, just make the Ukrainians or Russians insurrectionists XD!
  17. I do the same thing Wiggum, if an enemy unit doesn't have at least a "?" above it I will not fire on it with one of my units until they either spot it or are relayed its position through C and C. I think that is a great house rule.
  18. Take your rant somewhere else, he can decide what he wants to spend his money on.
  19. Courage and fortitude is brutal, be warned the next mission is probably one of the most difficult the game has to offer especially with all of the improvements/changes made to machineguns in previous upgrades to the game.
  20. You can't go wrong with Red Thunder, its a great deal for 55$. Be warned though, the campaigns for both sides involve a lot of units, especially the Russians where you are playing with Battalion + sometimes. Start out with small scenarios and work your way up as you get more comfortable with the game, and good luck!
  21. There hasn't been any official word on a release date, but I would say the very earliest is mid-fall. The game is in alpha right now so its not going to be "soon"
  22. I would love to play test for you dragon, I have thoroughly enjoyed your other campaigns.
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