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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. The tank gap was significant for a certain period of time before the M1 Abrams was about to come on line in Europe.
  2. It probably wasn't a heat shell, most likely an barrel fired ATGM which the OPLOT has.
  3. Nazis from Mars? Damn, we thought they were coming from the moon! This changes everything.
  4. The BMP-2M problem has been reported, I would make a thread in tech support about that BRM issue.
  5. Ill bite just because you are wrong and need to be corrected before someone believes you. Infantry can kill friendlies by using explosives like AT grenades and bazookas, tank AP, and HE can kill friendlies as well. Air power in an active AO is always a rather large risk, we still kill friendlies with air strikes, some things never change.
  6. Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy is only available for sale on Battlefront.com, if you are worried about the price I suggest playing the demo first and seeing if you really enjoy it, and if you do that price probably won't bother you as much.
  7. Its going to be a %^&*$ to laze that in Steel Beasts in a few years!
  8. Very cool, its nice to see them without tarps finally! The Armata looks very different compared to what i thought it was going to be, and I am surprised that the wheeled and tracked APC/IFV's towards the bottom are only armed with machineguns, I'd imagine those are modular though.
  9. Waclaws sound mod has plenty of cursing! http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118413-hqs-22-black-sea-shock-force-afghanistan-final/
  10. Yeah this is so true sadly, ill never forget the Business Insider article I read describing how the failure of the F-35 insures Russian aerial superiority with there new high tech stealth fighter the T-50 Pak FA. I had a good laugh about that one.
  11. I apologize for the mix up MOS I edited the OP, thanks for the informative post.
  12. I recently saw bulletpoints post in a tips and tricks thread where he explains how he keeps his men within at least 50m of there squad leader by drawing a circular target arc. My question for everyone is, how far do you extend a platoons frontage on the attack, do you also keep them within at least 50m so everyone is in command and control or do you keep a wide spread to minimize possible casuialties, I realize this is situational but I figured everyone has a sort of SOP they stick with?
  13. Whoops, yeah I just had a brain lapse there, I should have worded that better, they use different ammunition across the board, the main point I meant to make was that the cannon is the same.
  14. Yeah I highly doubt that, the Leopard 2 is using the same SABOT style ammunition the Abrams uses, at least until that new US SABOT round is introduced in large numbers, remember the M1 uses the same gun. Not to mention the T-80 and T-90 are a generation behind and I highly doubt the west is using SABOT ammunition they know is hopeless against the horde of invincible Russian super (Last generation) tanks.
  15. That forest "tile" is abstracted, the brush and trees aren't necessarily modeled exactly where they are, it just counts as concealment to the game, so laying down in it is going to have penalties to spotting, its not hard to understand.
  16. There in a forest lying down looking through brush and trees... You are going to have to try harder than that, how about you just play the game instead of looking for every single fault, I am afraid no game is without problems.
  17. I don't see any issues with that Hetzer spotting, its buttoned, its smoky, and vision slits are tough to look through, hell the Hetzer spots the ISU-152 in about 10 seconds, i don't see a problem there. As for the panzerschreck guy, his buddy got blown to bits and he is pretty much sitting in a hedge facing the wrong direction, should he hear the SU-152? yeah probably but, there is a lot of noise going on though so that may contribute to it. Nit picking really gets you no where, the game is not broken, soldiers don't always see everything and neither do tanks, war is hell, its scary, noisy and smoky, if my troops spotted everything I wanted them to I would have stopped playing the game long ago. I will tell you one thing you obviously want to hear though, is the spotting system perfect? nope nothing is.
  18. With the way certain hedges and wheat fields block LOS in strange ways, yes we definitely need an LOS tool.
  19. "SH*T out of luck" Basically it means your uh...out of luck.
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