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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. That is a formation of Sherman crab flails, only available if you have the vehicle pack.
  2. Welcome aboard Ricky! Don't be shy to post around and ask questions!
  3. Putin's probably going to need that one pretty soon.
  4. What are the goals for the militias who aren't taking orders from the LPR?
  5. You need to take a screen capture and upload it to an image site, and than link to that.
  6. Looks great Mikey, that tank is just awesome!
  7. Aw come on guys have some faith, it could even possibly be next week if everything goes right, always look on the bright side!
  8. Try using the begleit grenadiers, they are under Sturmgeschutz battalion formations if I am not mistaken. Those guys are loaded for bear with MP40's and MP44's.
  9. Crap? No I don't think its crap, and I am being very civil. I will drop it, but I have no problem saying I disagree with you.
  10. You don't think the tank crew operating that tank might, just MAYBE, be Russian?
  11. Yeah what would ever give us the impression attacks on that airport were led by Russian regulars. Boy those separatists stole quite a few tanks, marked em up like Russian tanks too...
  12. Yes you can choose where you want the game to install to.
  13. Someone always spills the beans early when that happens, we would already know hehe.
  14. Yeah they really need to stop making good games.
  15. I am pretty sure this and the MLRS aren't in because they wouldn't be used at this level of combat (At least what BFC really wants to concentrate on), or because they are just simply too destructive. Remember this system is literally called "A grid square remover", anything caught in the kilometer wide spread of these systems will be dead. Ever hear of "Steel Rain"? it didn't get that nick name for nothing.
  16. You realize Combat Mission is a simulator right...its supposed to be realistic as possible.
  17. Chris is now streaming- http://www.twitch.tv/chrisnd
  18. I can't tell you for sure if hes streaming today (I don't see why not though, usually he would have told us he isn't by now), but I believe he will be streaming the tutorial campaign.
  19. Wow I am impressed, so that is actually modeled? The reason I was so sure it wasn't is because Chris never mentioned it in streams!
  20. Body armor is indeed modeled, restocking ammunition is not modeled, just take the "reloading" or down time in battle as the crew restocking if they need to.
  21. Yup I was there with him, I think I deserve a copy as well.
  22. I am pretty sure he means white phosphorus deployed offensively with the intent to kill not conceal...I would hope not honestly, I am pretty sure there is some kind of international law now barring its use in that way. This is what that looks like and it is not pretty...not for the squeamish...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kET05jtaFjA *Video is from Spec Ops: The Line not an actual white phosphorus attack, however it is no less disturbing.
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