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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. The posts regarding Russian squads in forests make perfect sense, if you don't have a 3:1 advantage against SMG armed Russian troops in thick forests, go around them if you can. German infantry are not well equipped to deal with situations like that and avoiding that situation entirely is completely rational, however if it has to be done the best tactic is area firing and mass fire power employment after scouts find enemy positions. Both of those solutions are listed in threads pertaining to Russian infantry in forests, and one of those threads I made myself.
  2. Tell that to my dead Ukranian BMP-2's that got nailed at 300-400m 3 for 3 .
  3. Hm fair enough, I believe I have seen this happen across all CM titles, I will keep a lookout and report it if I see it happening again.
  4. The round went through the wheels and hit the ground right? Shrapnel splashed up and damaged the machine gun. Edit: In all seriousness the damage model isn't 100% accurate, its abstracted to a degree and a little imagination is required for situations like that.
  5. I don't have quite the same background as you because I am an American, but I would love to see Russia and meet some of its people one day.
  6. If it is an aufklarungs platoon than that is normal, and you can just put them back together by placing them in the same tile.
  7. Hits from those kinds of weapons are really really small so you have to be a bit more thorough.
  8. Happy to help! Keep your head down out there and hopefully you won't be seeing to many of those hit decals!
  9. Make sure shaders are enabled with ALT+R.
  10. I never called you a liar, but I can taste the hypocrisy.
  11. Shtora has an increased failure rate against a TOW-2B, this is because the TOW is designed to defeat it.
  12. Your comments are just as wrong as you think Vanirs are.
  13. I apologize for the two week quote, I must have misread one of your posts. I know some coding from playing ARMA but you are right, I am no good at it really. However, they still both run on different engines and implementing that logic is obviously harder than you think it is seeing as BFC doesn't deem it a worthy thing to do because of money and time.
  14. Why is it so important that I mentioned OpenGL in that post? My point still stands, the games run on completely different engines, therefore coding the AI like ARMA in Combat Mission, isn't a "two week" affair.
  15. The mainstream media is terrible at reporting on Ukraine, they still refer to any separatist action as "Russian backed separatists", they never come right out and say Russian troops are also aiding them. Another gripe I have is the lingo they use, when referring to equipment they always refer to BMP's as tanks or artillery, I may be getting a bit picky here, but I'd say that distinction is pretty important, especially in a critical battle being fought. You can get the complete wrong idea of how the battle is going from a report saying Ukrainian and Russian tanks fought outside Donetsk, when in actuality it was artillery pieces trading fire.
  16. I was just being specific, I included it because that combined with the engine make the game what it is.
  17. Combat Mission runs on the CMx3 Engine and OpenGL ARMA runs on Bohemias Real Virtuality game engine
  18. Thats the unfortunate thing isn't it? However, the reasons have been repeated in this thread many times (Unfortunately I am getting deja vu from my steam thread ), unless BFC devotes a year or so of resources and abandons other projects for this advanced AI than it isn't going to happen. They do not have the time or money for an undertaking of this magnitude, Combat Mission is very much an "What you see is what you get" kind of game, if the AI is lacking play against a human player. Edit: Yes I know what ARMA is capable of, and I have played ZEUS, once again comparing it to combat mission makes no sense.
  19. I play ARMA 2 ACE and 3. I am not belittling it when I call it a "milsim shooter", however its just plain silly comparing it and combat mission.
  20. If you can't understand how coding an simulation level strategy games AI compared to a milsim shooter are two completely different things than I give up. Just to add on to this, don't you think BFC would have added this apparently obvious AI logic to there games if it only took two weeks?
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