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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Only Russian reconnaissance units have NVG's, standard infantry are stuck with only NV scopes on there rifles.
  2. Nope, the US is not currently fielding an APS system.
  3. I agree for the most part, but I just can't wrap my head around the idea that Obama or the U.S. is now weak because we havn't aided Ukraine lethally, I find that decision could have enormous impacts on what Russia is going to do, I am no expert but I think that is a valid concern. As for the sanctions against Russia they have been very severe, and we are giving economic aid to Ukraine, could it be more? absolutely, but I think we are right to be wary of "Cold War Redux 2.0". The problem is that there is no right answer, and there never will be. I still hold true to the fact that war or offensive action needs to be the very last option in our diplomatic tool kit, Edit: I am all for pointed actions with special forces however, I don't want to see them in Ukraine, but in "other" situations I absolutely agree with there use.
  4. I am inclined to agree here, Obama hasn't gotten us into another war, and there are plenty of opportunities to do such a thing, if the lack of aggressiveness in that manner is "flawed" and the "worst in modern history" than I completely disagree. However, you can now make the case he is certainly setting us up for one, a war in Iraq that we have already fought for the past 14 years, including Afghanistan. Obama will be remembered for someone who tried his best to stay out of wars and ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, I just hope that his term won't be marred by the one I mentioned above. I don't know which way politically you lean Steve and I am trying very hard to not make this about that but, the other side always paints him as weak and indecisive while the only options they bring up as a counter are nothing (And in some cases agreeing with him, but of course they never admit that) or war.
  5. Hopefully this isn't to far off topic Steve but, what do you think the US or I guess the West in general should have been doing for those 3-4 years you reference?
  6. Within 300-500m the Tiger is going to start having problems with T-34-85's, it might get lucky with special ammunition a bit further out though.
  7. Normally JuJu;s UI would change the UI weapon pictures but I havn't seen him around in a while, the only one I can think of is Viens which just flips them around to face the opposite direction. I believe you are out of luck for now.
  8. Yeah I had the same problem with Russian reconnaissance infantry in Tigr's, they spotted a Ukranian BMP at the end of the road while in the Tigr passenger seats, but the gunner or driver were completely unaware of it. This is very silly, because the gunner if anything should have way better LOS from the top of the vehicle rather than the infantry sitting inside. It took two turns for the gunner/driver of the Tigr to finally spot it, instead of just the passengers.
  9. "In the Fields Where the Poppies Grow" is a great narrative driven campaign by Dragonwynn which follows a US armor company, it has a variety of terrain in its missions so you will find it much less restrictive than Montebourg. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/116963-new-file-at-the-repository-in-the-fields-where-the-poppies-grow-2014-12-07/
  10. Ok, Ill bite, what vehicle models are carried over from CMSF and were not changed, and where did you hear this from?
  11. I have a hard time believing BMP-3M even with its enhanced armor is going to be "protected" from a Bradleys APFSD 25mm cannon. Maybe protected from a Ukrainian BMP-2's cannon I can see that.
  12. Within 100-150 meters preferably. As for firepower...if there are any Germans within 100 meters of a 12 man Russian SMG squad you can consider them swiss cheese, the Russians were not known for there subtlety.
  13. Yeah that's pretty much the only way to find mines.
  14. I was actually convinced that's something the Russian government would put out, bravo to you sir. Edit: Oh the Russian government did release that...
  15. That is an SU-27... I am not sure if you are kidding or not but I figured I would clarify that point at least.
  16. If BFC released scenario and campaign packs I would eat them up like hot cakes, price em at something like 10-20$ for 2 campaigns or a pack of like 5 or 8 scenarios.
  17. You can actually rebind hotkeys in the main menu, but yeah you can't rebind spacebar I don't think.
  18. Iron doesn't have anything to do with a rewind option, WE-GO allows one minute turns that can be rewinded and watched over and over again, real time is just like Company of Heroes.
  19. Ah good, that's the book I ultimately chose, I cant wait to dig into it!
  20. With a unit selected press "spacebar" EDIT: HOLY AWESOME! That Diplex guy has 120,000 Subscribers and he did a Youtube vid on CM, excellent, its already got 10,000 views and it only went up yesterday! Great publicity. Double edit: Welcome aboard agathos!
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