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Glubokii Boy

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  1. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Fizou in WIP "The precious few" (a five mission campaign)   
    Progress continues...The PHOTOBUCKET editor has some very nice features...
    This will be the TACTICAL MAP for mission 2...

    Thanks to those editor features it is quite simple to get a nice, handmade look to the tactical map...I thinks this fits WW2 very well 
  2. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Fizou in WIP "The precious few" (a five mission campaign)   
    Some pictures from the first 3 missions...     MISSION ONE ( july 2, 1944, time 07:00, light fog and rain)   The russian assult begins... - - -   MISSION TWO ( july 2, 1944, time 09:00, thick haze)   Your assultguns move to counter a russian breaktrough to the north... - - -   MISSION THREE (july 3, 1944, time 03:00, clear )   During the night you volunteer to lead a platoon sized force to try and get some resupply to 2 isolated AT-guns -  
  3. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Lille Fiskerby in WIP "The precious few" (a five mission campaign)   
    ---- THE PRECIOUS FEW (a 5 mission campaign) ------ - -     Hello...     I have been thinking about it for a long time and now i have finally gotten around to it to try and make my first campaign in CM2/3.   I am planning a 5 mission campaign centered on only a few days in early July, 1944. Location: east of Minsk.   Your CORE FORCES will be a number of StuGs from the 2nd battery / 198th Stug Abteilung. Attached to the 78th Sturm division.   In these five missions you will also command various infantry and armour units from other formations (se picture above...)     Most missions will be in the size of company+ as far as infantry goes..Supported primarely by your beloved Stugs.   The 3rd mission will be smaller...In this one you will be commanding a platoon sized force...   Mission 4 and 5 will also include some other types of armour.     This will be a semihistorical/ fictional campaign (all units and locations will probably not be 100 % historically correct).       The first 3 missions are close to finished. Some additional AI-planning left to do and then a bit more testing.    My plan is to have these first 3 missions ready for some external playtesting in about two weeks (mid april)..     If you feel like helping out with some playtesting please let me know and i will PM you a DROPBOX link to the WIP campaign when i feel it might be ready for some external testing.   I realize that the campaign is not finished yet but due to the small CORE FORCE i can easily include an EDITED version of mission 4 and 5 that reflects your previous losses.     The title of the campaign "THE PRECIOUS FEW" reflects the fact that the StuG units where to few in numbers across the front...There never was enough of them...   Hopefully i will be able to pull this of...Any help will be apprisiated...     / RepsolCBR    
  4. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from George MC in New Scenario - Der Ring der 5. Panzer-Division   
    Ohh Yeah ! this looks really cool...
    Looking forward to playing this one too...
  5. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Inferior to CMBB   
    I think this limited scope is one of the greatest handicaps CM2/3 suffer from when compared to primarely CMBB...especially when it comes to community scenario creation...
    CMRT covers only a few months during 1944 and i think someone mentioned in this thread that it has been out now for 18 months...i belive that many would-be scenario creators might have a hard time comming up with new, intresting ideas for their scenarios when restricted to this timeline only...
    In CMBB... comming up with new ideas was obviously much easier since we had the whole war and a great number of countries to chose from....If you got an idea in your head about some battle on the eastern front...you could make a scenario depicting it with CMBB...
    Eventually we will hopefully be able to do the same thing with CM3 but it is quite a far way of yet it seems...Hopefully within a year we will have the entire western front covered...
    Like i think most people here...I absolutelly loved CMBB and i still considder it one of the best computergames ever made...but with the current state of CM3 i can't really bring myself to play it anymore...CM3 is a huge improvement imho...
    I will just have to wait for the 41', 42' and 43' games....hopefully not to long
  6. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from GhostRider3/3 in Flamethrowers & Russian antitank grenades   
    Fire is a work in progress with CM3 (the new game engine)...We just recently got flamethrower-units but... spreading fire... is not implemented yet.
    I'm sure that BFC are working on it and hopefully we will get it soon...
    As for russian hand held AT-weapons...Yes, the russians  are very ill equiped when it comes to this but i do belive that BFC have done enough research about this to make sure its historicly correct...
  7. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I think the way BFC does this is rather good...
    Oboiusly i would prefer to get everthing,  in one package...NOW !
    But since we can not have that i think this basegame-, module kind of approach is the best alternative...Atleast we get something new to play with with regular intervals (not having to wait 3, 4 years with nothing to do while BFC is developing a MEGA-game...)
    The fact that the Bulge-game will be a new basegame and not a module might not be the perfect solution for us costumers but after all...BFC has to get paid !
    If the bulge was a module instead of a basegame  most of us would already have some commonwealth- and other troops and equipment to play with in the bulge setting (and perhaps not need to buy all the forthcomming modules)...
    With a new basegame we will need to by new modules again to get a wide variaty of units but i really don't se this as a big problem...Atleast not moneywise !
    What BFC are charging us for these products are in no way a large amont of Money...For example...When my buddies and i decide to go and see a movie we usually like to eat something as well (restaurant) and  maybe also have a few beers .
    A night like this (kept at budget level) will easily set us back as much as BFC are charging us for a basegame...A movie gives us 2 hours of Entertainment...A basegame will most likely give us more then a hundred...
  8. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Bud Backer in RT Unofficial Screenshot Thread   
    Well done, comrade !! 

    These guys ko:ed two of my panzers with a single shoot  ...oouch !!
  9. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Macisle in 'Old handdrawn' TACTICAL MAP mapmakers tutorial...   
    - - - - - - With a few simple mouseclick you can change a picture like this... - - - - to look like this...     I think this is pretty cool...Hope you do too...      
  10. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from poesel in Improvement suggestion   
    An other suggestion might be that if we for example rightclick the name in the purchase screen...parts of the in-game UI will be shown below.
    Something like this...

    This will only be possible with individual units and not the formations though...
  11. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Macisle in Improvement suggestion   
    An other suggestion might be that if we for example rightclick the name in the purchase screen...parts of the in-game UI will be shown below.
    Something like this...

    This will only be possible with individual units and not the formations though...
  12. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from rocketman in Improvement suggestion   
    An other suggestion might be that if we for example rightclick the name in the purchase screen...parts of the in-game UI will be shown below.
    Something like this...

    This will only be possible with individual units and not the formations though...
  13. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Blazing 88's in Ostfront What ifs   
    The timeline '42 to early '43 is the one i'm looking forward to more then  anything...
    Kharkow, case blue, operation Uranus, winterstorm, operation saturn and so on and so on....Many intresting scenarios can be made here...both historical and fictional...
    some ' what if ' scenarios i'm looking forward to playing-/ trying to make at other dates will be during the '41 timeframe
    - Prepared, Well lead, well equiped russians at the start of Barbarossa...(that means...no paranoid Stalin having killed every capable officer before the war)
    - Germans prepared and equiped  for winter warfare during the fall/winter of '41 giving the germans a better chans to succed with operation Typhooon and actually fight for Moscow... 
  14. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from waclaw in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Sorry, to keep nagging about this....
    But it has atleast been my impression that the bulge games 'big one' and main selling point will be...
    New winterconditions (Graphics, effects, gameplay functions...)...and i still hope (trust) it will be.
    "BFC have never dissapointed yet"...true, true...But if BFC decides to port the snow effects from CMFI then this will be a first for BFC imo...a dissapointment !
    But i don't think they will dissapoint
  15. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Lacroix in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Yes...Some peolpe complaine about these pictures, including me....That's sort of what i meant with my last post...Why show these pictures when they have nothing to show...No improvements...Nothing new...This is just asking for negative comments.
    I  realize that they are WIP pictures but my point is that it might have been better to not have shown them at all at this stage...Can you guys honestly say that you weren't dissapointed and a bit concerned when you saw those Pictures..?
  16. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from zinzan in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Why are you playing this game ???
  17. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from sburke in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Why are you playing this game ???
  18. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from umlaut in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I don't think that it is that much that is 'wrong' with the out of the box stuff but some things CAN BE, and ACTUALLY ARE improved by the MODDERS.
    To name the two biggest improvements the MODDERS bring to the game imo that would be...
    I don't think that there are very many players that HAVE NOT downloaded ALL of Aris and Kiemes weathered veichles as well as juju's UI for example...
    There's nothing 'wrong' with the stock veichle textures but they may look a bit to BRAND NEW...
    It has become more or less 'rutin' that some talented MODDERS set about to edit these veichles as soon as the games come out and as i said...this modding brings some increased activity to the forum...wich i think BFC likes.
    Had these MODDERS not been around i think that BFC themself would indeed 'improve' the STOCK veichle textures in a simular way before releasing the game...
    As things are now...that is not neccesary and i think/hope that the MODDERS actually enjoys editing these things.
    This allows BFC to spend more time on other things like the VEICHLE MODELS, SOLDIER MODELS, ANIMATIONS and stuff like that that they do VERY WELL !
    The veichle- and soldier models are indeed VERY GOOD !
    Most of the terrain graphics are also GOOD right out of the box but the MODDERS brings some improvements to this to.
    Things like the SUN EFFECTS are also very nice...So NO, the game is not 'BAD' when it comes out of the box...FAR FROM IT !
    The things i did not like about the BULGE photos was not the textures (these can- and hopefully will be modded).
    It was the flattness of the snow graphics...on the ground, on the vegitation, on the buildings and on the veicles.
    As i mentioned earlier in this thread...THE BULGE GAME will be the first BASEGAME based on winter conditions.
    I had hoped to see some more 3d effects/depth to the snow grapics and when i questioned why they showed us these pictures this is what i ment.
    The WINTER CONDITION is one of the PRIMARY features of this game and this BONE showed nothing new in this regard...or to be honest...Nothing new at all...
    Thats why i think that showing these pictures now, in this state, might have been a bit premature...Yes...It's aplha but why not wait
    Better to wait until some NEW stuff could be shown...
    I'm sorry if i'm sounding negative but i really do want nice winter graphics/effects for the future CM games...
  19. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    That could be called PROGRESS...Not complaining i mean...but the IMPROVED QUALITY of games.
    Yes...We are spoiled. But by now we have HIGH expectations on BFC. They have shown that they are are in a class of their own when it comes to these kind of tactical games but that does not mean that we don't wan't these games to continue evolving.
    At this day in age snow graphics like in those pictures couldn't possibly be considdered  'GOOD'...(Yes, i know they are in alpha)...
    The BULGE GAME will without a doubt be the best tactical waregame depicting the battle in the ardennes even without improved snow graphics and new features...But some of us have become 'spoiled' and wish for more then simply - the best...
  20. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from GhostRider3/3 in 'Old handdrawn' TACTICAL MAP mapmakers tutorial...   
    - - - - - - With a few simple mouseclick you can change a picture like this... - - - - to look like this...     I think this is pretty cool...Hope you do too...      
  21. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Bud Backer in 'Old handdrawn' TACTICAL MAP mapmakers tutorial...   
    - - - - - - With a few simple mouseclick you can change a picture like this... - - - - to look like this...     I think this is pretty cool...Hope you do too...      
  22. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in 'Old handdrawn' TACTICAL MAP mapmakers tutorial...   
    Hello...   I'm currently working on a campaign for CMRT and i came up with an idea that i wanted my briefing screens to look a bit more 'old time'...   I posted a few pictures of this in my WIP campaign thread and i got a request to do a small tutorial on how i did these pictures...     I think the hastely, handdrawn feeling to these pictures fits better into the WW2 timeframe then the 'standard' tactical maps...   If you to like these...Here is how i did it with only a few mouse clicks...using PHOTOBUCKETS picture editor...     First...Make a basic 'handdrawn' tactical map in PAINT (or any other paint program...) - -   - - Then load that picture into the EDITOR... - - - - - - - -    
  23. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in 'Old handdrawn' TACTICAL MAP mapmakers tutorial...   
    Hello...   I'm currently working on a campaign for CMRT and i came up with an idea that i wanted my briefing screens to look a bit more 'old time'...   I posted a few pictures of this in my WIP campaign thread and i got a request to do a small tutorial on how i did these pictures...     I think the hastely, handdrawn feeling to these pictures fits better into the WW2 timeframe then the 'standard' tactical maps...   If you to like these...Here is how i did it with only a few mouse clicks...using PHOTOBUCKETS picture editor...     First...Make a basic 'handdrawn' tactical map in PAINT (or any other paint program...) - -   - - Then load that picture into the EDITOR... - - - - - - - -    
  24. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Bulletpoint in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I understand that getting negative feedback on your work is not something that you want but it might not be all together a bad thing either. If everybody who commented on these pictures said "WOW ! thanks, Battlefront...These pictures looks great" then mayby BFC would considder them to be 'good enough'...
    "let's release this..."
    I don't think that any of us that have voiced concern about these pictures takes any pleasure in...COMPLAINING...We just want's the game to be as good as possible and that we would rather see BFC holding off on the release for a while longer to get some improvements in...
    After all..The BULGE GAME is expected to set the future standard for winter conditions...Not only in this game but also in the comming expansions to RT and CMFI...
    I'm for one is hoping for something simular to Kohlenklaus last picture so seeing those pictures and hearing statements from battlefront that the game is pretty far along in its development got me concerned...
    But you are absolutely right ! If we don't like it we don't have to buy it....(the problem is... i want to buy it )
  25. Upvote
    Glubokii Boy got a reaction from Vanir Ausf B in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    I understand that getting negative feedback on your work is not something that you want but it might not be all together a bad thing either. If everybody who commented on these pictures said "WOW ! thanks, Battlefront...These pictures looks great" then mayby BFC would considder them to be 'good enough'...
    "let's release this..."
    I don't think that any of us that have voiced concern about these pictures takes any pleasure in...COMPLAINING...We just want's the game to be as good as possible and that we would rather see BFC holding off on the release for a while longer to get some improvements in...
    After all..The BULGE GAME is expected to set the future standard for winter conditions...Not only in this game but also in the comming expansions to RT and CMFI...
    I'm for one is hoping for something simular to Kohlenklaus last picture so seeing those pictures and hearing statements from battlefront that the game is pretty far along in its development got me concerned...
    But you are absolutely right ! If we don't like it we don't have to buy it....(the problem is... i want to buy it )
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