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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @||CptMiller|| <that @ thing didn't seem to "take"...!> I am impressed! I think for slippy, for the single player approach he desires (and I have NOT delved into), you are the godsend expert! I think I will listen in and learn how you do it....
  2. @BLSTK What is the big fuss? IMHO doing a mod usually has little to do with what BFC will or will not do.... Relax! Nigel is enjoying his creative expression. Stop with the negative waves Moriarity! But if BFC marches backwards in time on the Ost Front as they have indicated is their master plan, then eventually they will do a family or family module that covers this late '42/43 time period...and if they didn't do a Stalingrad campaign or scenario I would think that would be really a bad marketing decision. They are much more astute now with regards to marketing and metering out content versus CMBB as has been expressed in the forum by beta tester insiders. Years have passed and their kids are headed off to college, wives and girlfriends need plastic surgery, that Audi TT looks damn nice, new golf clubs, ...human nature tells me this is probably more and more a job for the money versus what some modder or a gameplay movie maker or scenario writer or fan of the game does til he finishes at 2 or 3 or 4 AM. Casio Lima studios does x number of mdr file 3D skeletons for X dollars for BFC, no special extra schwimmwagen for kohlenklau, sorry. Same with content such as scenarios and campaigns and everything else.
  3. You are welcome Nige. We got to get you some proper horizons! I THOUGHT that umlaut's factory mod shipped out with some type of industrial horizon...did it? Anybody know?
  4. Nigel and I have a production line gearing up. I make the initial mod and he is doing some rust weathering. Then we pass it to another guy for some frost and snow. Didn't Rolls-Royce start off like that?
  5. @Kieme(ITA) But then they show up with US crews in the beutepanzer shermans, right?
  6. BFC depicting Stalingrad is like 2021-2022 probably. I prefer not to wait on BFC but to see what I can accomplish on my own. I am happy like minds exist! The phase where you try to cross the street is probably doable now. To have 2 opposing forces in a building and have it play out well...? So much is abstratced for interior walls that it may be somewhat frustrating. Folkie and others modded cellars/basements but there are drawbacks. But oh well, it can maybe look good as it happens.
  7. A knocked-out PzIIIg scattered aside on the Stalingrad battlefield...
  8. Hey Nige, I made you this for your mod. A KO'd 24PD PzIIIg as a flavor object. I will probably add some frost and more weathering and find a better font match for the turret numbers. I even vanished out the tracks... From this photo.... PM me your e-mail address and I can pass it to you via dropbox. I will also make you some "runners". PzIV and half-tracks....modtagged [24pd] I guess.....
  9. ...here in the Texas morning having my nescafe....you're in the UK and it is lunch time? Last I tested I determined that flavor objects block LOS but things will pass through....concealment but no cover. Eye candy for immersion! My PC seems to run fine with many flavor objects. Stalingrad wouldn't have many or no trees so that should help balance things out! I can make some grey tanks. I did a PanzerIII but first try was too light a grey. A PzIII shooting up a T-70. Needs a better coat of grey paint, some turret numbers and unit insignia....
  10. Finally the weekend is here and I can work on this project a bit. I will upload a few packs of goodies and a map or 2.
  11. Hey Nigel, It is ironic to see this spring up as I HAD contemplated to ask you to take it on! My small "Dom Pavlova" map that could use this. Can you give some love and attention to a few of the room interior images if/as you have time to make them look battered and beaten? I find that dumping some junk flavor objects here and there helps the piled slanted debris look. An unfinished project (among many) is a KO'd T-34 used as a unit direction sign by the Germans on one side with Soviet slogans on the other side. Modded to be an additional junk flavor object that can be dropped in the map. EDIT: I really like the one window with the sandbags. I have seen many photos in researching for "Dom Pavlova" aka "Pavlov's House" where the entire window and window frame are gone and the rectangular opening is just a brick lined rough shape if you follow me and THEN they had sandbags piled in there in a few photos. In modern color photos the bricks had a reddish-brownish tint if that is of any guidance. But I will appreciate and take anything you upload! Happy Modding! Phil
  12. @Baneman inbox gets full and it is odd how it seems to make you have to open and the leave the conversation vs a delete all selected conversations.
  13. I think I will make a new version of that scenario. Gluten free!
  14. Beautiful winter mod. Well worth the price of the "MODule". 100+ downloads so far!
  15. Hi Bud, CAAR looks great. The AA half-track crew need a shave or is that just the shadows? Can you please check in the editor if you have time...COULD the crew have been equipped with greatcoats or always just the jackets? I wish you had been attacked by Waffen-SS troops. I am anxious to see the camo pattern hooded parka's on those guys....
  16. I didn't have to do that in this case. Just renamed a file. I tried a few tricks that failed but finally saw the key to the puzzle and did that rename. And voila!
  17. SUCCESS! Flat roofs in CMFI. Screenshots later. Gotta go to work. Big project due monday.
  18. SUCCESS! Flat roofs in CMFI. Screenshots later. Gotta go to work. Big project due monday.
  19. The hard code in CMSF and CMBS does something special and so CMFI hard code does NOT do the special thing and so flat roofs do not show in CMFI even with the same mdr's. Dang. Oh well. Thanks. I will ask BFC to give us some CMFI flat roofs in a so called "desert pack"....
  20. Help! I am working on a North Africa mod for CMFI and desire to somehow import a flat roofed building for that Arabic village Sahara desert look! I have the demo's for CMSF and CMBS and am trying unsuccessfully so far to get a flat roofer to show up in CMFI. In CMBS, which buildings are the flat roofers? Do these buildings ONLY have flat roofs or do they click through flat and regular peaked roof? Which buildings are they? I think they are just modular but please confirm, modular or independent? Or both? If independent, which ones? Thanks for any help someone can lend.
  21. The CMBS Winter Mod is all by BarabricCo. I only have the demo! But I was unable so far to figure out how to get the flat roofed building into CMFI. The scenario editor in the demo is not functional so I am not seeing how the flat roofed buildings behave. I thought an mdr file itself was the key to the shape of the house but the mdr's from CMBS when placed in CMFI do not yet make a flat roofed building. Hmmm. I remember seeing a thread where someone experimented with this same thing but I cannot track it down. I have to work all weekend but will try to mess with this some time soon.
  22. No confirmation needed! Here is a screenshot with the building I CAN import into CMFI and then use the bmp's from CMSF to make it look appropriate for 1940's north Africa.
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