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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Bernie..hold up and wait..I recommend you hold up and wait to see the vehicles for CMFB and then not only do the plates but maybe add some divisional insignia and vehicle numbers?
  2. The good news! Mirek's tally of T-34/85 is up to around 9 I think... The bad news! Mirek is todt!
  3. I did this one for Oberst Kerner's kubelwagen... and early Barbarossa Opel Blitz...also Luftwaffe plates. I seem to vaguely recall that Aris did a half-track with SS plates....I might be wrong.
  4. Love the signs. Thanks for expanding away from the only random mode of before. @MikeyD Can you maybe show the BMP for the famous Peiper sign with the rifle? I immediately wonder how I can mod it to take the rifle out and get the same to the left and to the right look? But perhaps with Kalach and Stalingrad instead for example. Or a hundred other combos to the limits of our imagination. Great stuff.
  5. Install the winter terrain mod first from cmmods3! Right?
  6. Wow, thanks. I got so many bones I can make some turkey soup!
  7. Does this method fix the points allocated? Do I throw the salt over my left shoulder or right shoulder?
  8. Another thing I was just thinking of. The half-tracks and much of the armor has some type of subroutine (Please kindly forgive me if I mess up the terms. My last programming course was "basic" in 1982!) which randomly grabs some cargo or gear from an mdr/bmp set and slaps it on the hull of the vehicle. Right? Sometimes the big tarp, sometimes the spare bogey wheels, sometimes the sand bags, sometimes the landmines, etc. That type subroutine maybe could be used to randomize the headgear possibly? Shucks, maybe the randomizer is already there for choosing gear on soldier's belts, right? Disclaimer: I don't think I got an "A" in the course.
  9. @LukeFF Thanks for sharing that info. Now I am curious how the random card shuffler subroutine will work for those axis available choices for the NCO BMP images. Perhaps a German platoon leader image will show a feldwebel but in his platoon it shows a squad led by a oberfeldwebel or hauptfeldwebel? Or will it go to a system like with a tiered scheme like with the officers? nco-sr, nco-mid and nco-jr? Oh well, nothing is perfect but I am very, very happy that some small amount of programmer time is allotted to experimenting around in this area. Suggestion: For the CMRT Module, please consider to implement an appearance option for the Soviet forces (along with any others you intend to implement! ) called shall we say, "mixed-uniforms" where it will, like with axis "mixed-camo", draw upon 2 mdr's and thus 2 options for clothing. Headware mdr's too if you can! Ushanka or caps on some tough frontoviks and helmets on the rest. Fire, night time flares, spotting are all giant mountains of programming and testing with no promise it will be solved. It probably makes you guys not even want to log on and "go to work"... So perhaps the uniform issues represent an achievable small scale feature improvement to get you warmed up and feeling productive! Thanks guys.
  10. Eastern Europe! Yes, just yesterday I was doing some snow modding of the clay tile roofs on those files. BarabricCo showed me a new technique and I am trying to learn from the professor. Hey Jacob! PM me with your e-mail address and I will invite you to a dropbox and we can do a H2H snow battle?
  11. I was shocked and saddened to see the note near the last page of the CMFB manual pdf. In honored memory of Stephen "The Teacher" Hilla, Stephen was a warm hearted guy and first helped me on several scenarios way back in 2012. He playtested my CMBN "Bloody Aachen" and "Salvatte il Maggiore Rinetti" and always provided great constructive feedback. We skyped a few times and he told me of his spinal condition which left him in daily horrible pain. It didn't stop him from being a creative fountain for CM. In 2013, we H2H playtested a huge CMFI scenario he had written "Avanti Americani" with rangers landing at a port in Sicily and it took months as it included numerous restarts as he passionately tweaked and adjusted the scenario. I helped him with some briefing images as well. Somewhere along the way I smiled when I learned he had "made the big time" and started doing BFC stock scenarios and maps for CMRT as well as the CMBS Beta AAR scenario that Bil and panzerleader battled over. Stephen was age 51 when he passed away suddenly at home in Geelong West, Australia on 17 November. I hope he had the scenario editor open and was enjoying what he loved! Rest in Peace my friend.
  12. We definitely didn't mod them all. But I am whittling away still!
  13. @Sublime Take a look at that pdf and decide if you want to press forward. Even if you decline I am working a CMRT Winter Mod Quick Battle solution. I am winterizing a huge QB map. "Huge Open-Rural 031" is 2480mx2224m. For the large probe it is 5000 odd points for the attacker and 3000 odd points for the defender. But I keep getting that switched sides bug issue. I don't play QB's much, can we fix it by some trick?
  14. To me a leap forward was made with the appearance choice of "mixed camo" and you have that squad or small team being outfitted using 2 different skeleton files and each of those randomly reaching out to numerous bmp uniform options. The officers have several different skeleton file options for headgear. There are many empty or greyed-out slots in the dropdown menu. I think it is untapped capability. Oh well. I personally hope we see some real imaginative use of that dropdown menu in the future. How many skeleton files could be used to outfit a squad including headgear options? What a great looking squad that would be with variety in headgear and uniforms and camo! I saw that Russian-made film "Stalingrad" last night. I know this is CMFB, but now I can envision a Soviet "Straggler group" or whatever term for an adh oc defensive unit holed up in a building and you have regular Soviet army, factory workers, sailors and some variation in headgear among them. Steel helmets, army caps, sailor hat, civilian hats. As soon as you get those civilian clothing and hat skeletons and bmp images in there, you can more easily kill 2 birds with 1 grenade and get into partisans and Volksturm, right? But my key point of the 1st post was if anyone on the BFC team knew or recalled WHY the US had no NCO slots? Perhaps a lost footnote in the development process history.... (A lot of US Army NCO's might be rolling in their graves! ) Anyway, Merry Christmas.
  15. I appreciate your open mindedness. I will invite you to a dropbox and pass you a pdf I made to walk folks through making a 2nd install and separating mods folders. I just placed my 2nd install right there in the main drive but I had plenty of room to do so. And then you want a QB so you are guinea pig #1 for my plan to enable that for 2 players who both have the CMRT Winter Mod. Think it over, take a look and if it seems too much hassle, or looks to take too long, just say so or decline the dropbox invite and no harm done.
  16. If you want to play a CMRT winter battle then I might clear out my schedule a bit....
  17. Maybe the history of this goes back to CMSF and has some odd backstory full of BFC inside jokes. Or it might just be boring and sterile. You have NCO uniforms slots in the German axis forces and the Soviet allied forces. Why never for the Anglo-American allies? Also no NCO slots for the Italians as axis and I guess soon to be allies? Also, will pigs fly before we'd ever see the uniform slots created to have helmets for the US officers (vertical stripe), nco helmets (horizontal stripe) and soldier helmets (no stripe). Did we get a Mackinaw jacket for the officers by any chance? I asked Bil to maybe showcase US winter uniforms but I think he got justifiably busy with his AAR. Thanks.
  18. A Winter Mod version of my "Garden of the Iron Cross"....download from here. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/omzxqhgb533hbzg/AAAkW5q-xbjtttAlI23d6Quva?dl=0 ....and grab these 3 new mods to make it nicer. Maxim MMG, IG75 and "Guards in greatcoats".... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jg23jg45lo8esqk/AACNNWstmr-Z6oC73voIl43Ga?dl=0
  19. This video starts off a little odd with tourist footage but around 1:00 kicks in nicely even with the conductor of dubious skill. Are those official, legitimate arm waving gestures?
  20. For all the quick battling bazterds out there, good news! The preliminary quick test of the idea I had does solve the QB issue for the CMRT Winter Mod. But you must do the 2nd install system described previously and await me rewriting the untagged mod files as a brz file most likely. You and your buddy can soon play a nice winter warfare wonderland QB PBEM or just you against the old AI. Be patient....it takes some time for my pool of 21 year-old secretaries to type this stuff up.
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