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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I will put all the stuff I have done so far for CMFI Africa into my dropbox this weekend and call it a wrap. It was just a mini-mod....
  2. BFC should probably use plastic model hobby kits as idea source for SOME buildings we want for Stalingrad/Berlin/Budapest/Newark city fighting. ...and the iconic burned house with only the chimney remaining!
  3. I use the free version of FRAPS to take video of gameplay from various angles in a crude beginner manner and then use some other free program I dl'd to join them together into a longer video. Then I upload to my youtube channel. See link below. So far it seems easy but I have another CD to do better more sophisticated editing and add in music or whatever. Take it to the next level and go for the Emmy!
  4. That one guy with the fat lip and black eye reminds me of Billy Idol. Thanks!
  5. My divorce and heart attack really opened up some time slots! But available time is shrinking back again with my new job. With spring coming I want to get back into vegetable gardening and hiking with my sons. So maybe my mug will be seen less around here in a few months!
  6. For Nige as promised...now texture it up...!
  7. I tried hard for many hours but was unable with my limited ability to find the right trick on the program for allowing the mosque to appear in CMFI.
  8. OK, both Turn 3A battles are completed and the analysis is in progress for making a new OOB chart. It will be completed this week. You maintained control of the 2 hexes that the Soviets attacked. Meanwhile start thinking of your operational turn 3B moves and any assaults.
  9. This is gonna be exciting. I hope you all get a chance to share some screenshots and commentary.
  10. When can we see some Waffen-SS troops? Is the art completed?
  11. Not a hold up for a pending release but a post from Steve about how long it takes to create a family or module. TOE research and getting all that right was a long pole in the tent so to speak. Stretching out the timeline. I will find it and report back. EDIT: Looked for a while but didn't hit pay dirt so disregard my comment as/if you desire.
  12. Maybe the new BFC webstore will have a shopping cart system! You add vehicles into your shopping cart and then check out, pay and do your download? Somebody's wife will see the credit card bill... $299.00 for vehicles!
  13. TOE;s: OK, I will agree they are fine and good to have. BUT when it gets thrown that the family or module suffers some delays as the TOE's are researched then the needle on my BS-ometer starts to twitch. What rare book store in Uzbekistan are they shopping at and awaiting the hand carried manuscript? Or is all the actual data entry and coding being done by those poor young kids at that soccer ball factory in Pakistan? Or do the BFC guys only work a few hours a day a few days a week and timeshare against their other real jobs or what? Male models? I finally have been unlucky enough to have to live a slave worker existence working 60-70+ hours for a slave driver boss with no personal life. I see the power of a 10-12 hour day at the computer working civil engineering plans. It sux but you sure can get a lot done working on the weekend. I need the money. Debts and kids headed to college. OK, I will patiently await the webstore and all that wonderful CM-gear. And the TOE's.
  14. Maybe the webstore is taking a long time because we will soon be able to purchase all kinds of cool CM gear! Apparel! Sweatshirts, hoodies, polo's, ties, cap sleeve shirts for the ladies, little CM onesies for the newborns? Mugs, cups, etc. ??
  15. OK, I will do the post-battle analysis and provide new images as soon as possible this week.
  16. If anyone would like to take on this assignment, please PM me. I need some skin tone work to the faces of our axis troops encircled at Stalingrad and other locations. Der Kessel! Maybe some dark circles under the eyes? Some various facial scruff? Thank you!
  17. If anyone would like to take on this assignment, please PM me. I need some skin tone work to the bare legs of my Italians serving in Africa wearing shorts. Their skin is way too white and Britishy looking! I also would like the faces to have some sun tan look and some guys with goatees and facial scruff. Thank you!
  18. Thanks so much to everyone for the help! I downloaded the "din_1451" font and will use that mostly from now on...I might also do some tweaks to make them look stenciled!
  19. @Snols I see that the Forest Battle is over but is the Sapper assault battle completed yet?
  20. My 2 cent opinion is that I think BFC should get more agile to market out a lower scope solution to many of these requests. I am inexperienced with how long it takes to develop a storefront website. But is anyone else a bit surprised that their new storefront website has been in development now for how long? 3 or 4 weeks since they said it was their number one focus? to have a way to take your money for the brand new CMFB game or germane to this discussion, take your money for a vehicle pack or mini-module to make a few bucks off these niche areas of for example north africa or Ost Front axis allies. They need a quick template to make these "splinter versions" of the game. They need a way to pack up some content and charge you for it and press forward. No big grand module solutions with weeks of TOE research. I guess I personally don't really see the big deal about accurate TOE as I play little hodge podge battles. Quick battle throws all that TOE stuff to the wind anyway, scenario authors do as they please, it all seems like a bit of a wasted effort. Just post some pdf's to describe the recommended TOE maybe? At least for these mini-modules. My idea for a BFC Mini-module for CMRT "axis allies": BFC would ask their "stable" of hotshot scenario/campaign authors if they have anything in the hopper. If not, then it ships without any scenarios/campaigns, just a new brz file with some new added mdr files and maybe a few new maps. They decide a dollar amount and they make some money. Right or wrong? Instead they do the big scope project and need a dozen new scenarios, campaigns, qb maps, Bil AAR. Jeez
  21. I don't write formal scenarios anymore...but anybody who wants to can. RemsolCBR has one in progress for Tunisia 43 I believe. ETA 1 to 2 months he said. So maybe in April? I will usually just do and already have in progress a small test map for PBEM H2H or simple AI plan for playing against the AI dummy on the defense. No briefing or fancy stuff. **** Back on topic! My 2 cent opinion is that I think BFC should get more agile to market out a lower scope solution to many of these requests. I am inexperienced with how long it takes to develop a storefront website. But is anyone else a bit surprised that their new storefront website has been in development now for how long? 3 or 4 weeks since they said it was their number one focus? to have a way to take your money for the brand new CMFB game or germane to this discussion, take your money for a vehicle pack or mini-module to make a few bucks off this niche of north africa. They need a quick template to make these "splinter versions" of the game. They need a way to pack up some content and charge you for it and press forward. No big grand module solutions with weeks of TOE research. I guess I personally don't really see the big deal about accurate TOE as I play little hodge podge battles. Quick battle throws all that TOE stuff to the wind anyway, scenario authors do as they please, it all seems like a bit of a wasted effort. Just post some pdf's to describe the recommended TOE maybe? At least for these mini-modules. My idea for a BFC Mini-module for africa: BFC would ask their "stable" of hotshot scenario/campaign authors if they have anything in the hopper. If not, then it ships without any scenarios/campaigns, just a new brz file with some new added mdr files and maybe a few new maps. They decide a dollar amount and they make some money. Right or wrong? Instead they do the big scope project and need a dozen new scenarios, campaigns, qb maps, Bil AAR. Jeez.
  22. Some folks here do use vassal. Broadsword with sburke I think has done a CMRT Bagration Op Layer game using Vassal. It has the ability to hand edit the op level maps. If it clicks with your style, then it can be a good thing, especially with the single player approach where you are the only person who needs to see or know the status. I bought several of my PzC games off e-bay as used or 2nd hand and they were $20 or so and it comes with instructions that exactly 99% mirror what I already know so the economy is there in my opinion. JTS still supports them with patches and the modders do the new art work with the ability to use Ron Volstad stuff as "not for profit" which the JTS guys or anyone else could not negotiate, right? My key saying is that it is not perfect but you enjoy it to the best you can and have fun. Maybe what the single players might need is a "SP partnership" where a buddy helps arrange your stuff and you arrange his. So the fog of war is maintained a bit better...?
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