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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. The feathers of the black rooster. Not a pompom! This aint the Debby and the Dallas cowboy cheerleaders! Read up and get edumacated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bersaglieri Not even a rooster! Dang! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_capercaillie
  2. Maybe we can solve world hunger with a low grade discount rack solution and do a mini mod but if BFC throws us a few extras in the next pack, we could do more. For now I can give you Bersaglieri in Africa. Quote My youtube channel!
  3. Steve said the only T&A he wants to see here is tanks and artillery....
  4. Mosque report: No success yet on my experiments with getting the mosque to appear in CMFI despite assistance from Tempestzzzz and Grunt_GI. Question for anyone with CMBS: is there a mosque in CMBS? CMSF seems to have a system of 8 different roof mdr's for each sized modular bldg. As you ctrl-click the roof during 3D preview, the program cycles to the next roof mdr # which displays a bit differently with the final 8th roof being the roof mdr with "roof-mosque" in the body as seen during hex edit.It has a section called dome which I guess is the part of that mdr which 3D creates the skeleton for the roof-mosque bmp textures. I am trying various renames and tricks but no success so far but I will not give up yet.
  5. Hey Stjepan, I always wanted to do this Italians in shorts mod work. Knocked out the renaming part in about 30 minutes last night. ....and this weekend I will rework some of the bmp images. But have to work Saturday.
  6. I am actually thinking to do that but I think the CMFI 250/3 has no antenna! ..and the angles to get the word "GREIF" on there looks to cause some grief... So I did this while I await a report from a buddy on how buildings behave in CMSF.... Bersaglieri in Africa.
  7. He's back! Hi Dennis. I have been thinking of your CMFI stuff as a subset maybe modtagged [frosted]? I don't know. But it is already tagged as snow right? I always go in and mix and match to my desire. Your call.
  8. I might have to get plastered this weekend and finish this mini mod up!
  9. ...those flat roofed buildings are wearing Kieme's wonderful mods. @Kieme(ITA)
  10. CMFI has snow and many nations with more coming soon as a module 2016/2017 and Africa desert soon as a mod. CMRT now has modded winter and some new nations coming soon as a mod**. Official winter module in 2017 or 2018. Get them all. Eat Progresso soup for lunch. $1.50 a can. ** Hungary and Italy.
  11. ...palm trees, flat roofed buildings with that regional look, etc. Looking ok so far?
  12. Heck yes, no hurry at all. Off to a long work day myself. Thanks!
  13. Hey anybody, Even if you cannot actually do the photoshop stuff, your help is needed! Can you please examine available fonts online (dafont dot com) and compare to ww2 photos and make some suggestions of fonts for vehicles? Thanks for any help!
  14. @RepsolCBR I am working to get us the mosque with the help of Tempestzzz. Question: Do your current palm trees from Tunisia mod pack when based on the same ground level as a 2 story building, are they as tall as the building? I dabbled with a CMSF demo scenario and it seems the palm trees just get about to the top of the 2nd story flat roof. I am able to reproduce that height. 20+ foot height seems ok for desert palms. Right? This isn't Beverly Hills!
  15. I have CO2 and back a few months ago I sat on a rock to think if this would be a good match up. My evaluation was that trying to work with CO2 would not be as easy as with PzC. Plus my brain already has been through the learning curve with PzC. Also CO2 doesn't give you the unit images and some other display type features that make PzC the best lash up IMHO. One of the only if not the only area that CO2 would excel in is the map making flexibility as compared to PzC's only semi-editable map. Sorry for the late chime in. I meant to post earlier.
  16. Come on @BLSTK pay closer attention. We never said anything about BFC making a game based on Stalingrad. If you'd please try to follow closely and read between the lines...you would see it was clearly a veiled request that BFC make a game based on Stalingrad and a specialized unit of axis occult truppen battling Soviet zombies and vampires amongst the ruins. The zombies will be in the initial game but those rascals at BFC will probably make us wait for the module for the vampires. I am pressuring heavily for female vampiresses. Of course! Cleavage in 3D? The subtle hints are there in Nigel's screenshots. Look closer.
  17. @Tempestzzzz Hey Tempest! Been so long that you have been here that you need to post TWICE? I thank you for your work with mdr's and signs and all that stuff. Going new places based on your work!
  18. Mods are free. Why would you bust our ballz?
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