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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I dl'd the CMSF demo last night. 1st the good news: there are lots of terrain textures I can insert into CMFI to make a nicer looking desert terrain. Now the bad news: the CMSF building mdr format was too different from CMBN and I consider it a dead end so I am now dl-ing the CMBS demo. I think CMBS has a flat topped building perhaps? Can anyone confirm?
  2. @RepsolCBR Your palm trees seemed tall, where are they from? @mjkerner Didn't you water yours properly?
  3. All day for about 10 hours I am neck deep in AutoCAD Civil 3D but always I wish it was photoshop or the scenario editor. Come on powerball lottery! I will TRY TO download the CMSF demo this weekend and borrow some textures and a flat roofed old Arabic looking building or 2.
  4. I haven't downloaded them. Could you please summarize what exactly they are, where they should go and how you use them?
  5. I have no idea how they handle their projects. A desert pack would be a great idea. It is a chance for them to make some money for their effort but not have to wrestle with an entire normal module with QB maps, scenarios, campaigns, TOE research and changes/etc. As soon as they do that, then the due date goes out the window. Rightfully so.
  6. ....but you could modtag the mods and flavor objects with [tourney1] or [tourney2] and then import that same modtag to the tourney battles too. As long as not QB's, modtags do not import for QB's... Each of the flavor object sets is like a table that CAN seat up to 9 people but usually with initial purchase BFC has only sent less than 9 chairs. As you bring in custom flavor objects or import from other CM games you add the numbered chairs. A modtag on the files can even allow the table to have more than 9 POSSIBLE chairs available but you tell it which 9 to use in the scenario being played. You can send your opponent the tagged mods and maybe he installs them and sees the "roadsign pointing toward Valkenswaard and EIndhoven" I made but if he doesn't install them, he sees a pile of junk bricks or sacks and bottles!
  7. @Bud_B I have the winter QB enabled but it is by doing a 2nd install with its own separate mod folder which you fill with snow modded terrain and vehicles but without a [snow] modtag. The game sees them as default regular and displays them for all QB usage. It IS the bee's knees. A reorganization to do this takes maybe 10 minutes max. <<gently twisting arm!>> Maybe kevin installed a special anti-tamper subroutine to protect his patented hybrid QB from editing?
  8. Not sure about that crash! (Hi Bud, I sent you a PBEM file!)
  9. read this thread and dl the pdf. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/115874-released-umlaut´s-factory-mod-set-and-bitvagorod-map/
  10. I will be writing a few simple scenarios for play against the AI that use the modded toys collected up so far. Standby.
  11. @Kieme(ITA) Great! I will look in the shock force part of the repository and track one down. Thank you.
  12. I plan to use the PzC points system with units destroyed plus hexes owned.
  13. @Kieme(ITA) @Tanks a Lot Can either of you guys possibly mod us a single flat topped building with a North Africa look for inclusion into CMFI Africa Mod? Please. I do not own CMSF or would investigate to borrow an mdr skeleton file for a flat topped building and port into CMFI.... Thanks.
  14. I got the CMSF desert horizons from alwaysfish and they look "marvelous darling"....! Here is the link to my CMFI Africa Mini Mod dropbox. Please help yourself. Might still be uploading as my internet connection is slow as maple syrup in January. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v679vm8rukgk9qh/AABllXmGqJSxCU3MVFyXXlbba?dl=0 This will be a slowly evolving work in progress with stuff added as it gets developed. I will now be tagging all mods as [africa] but eventually might have a non-tagged version to put in a 2nd install for QB enablement. The dropbox folder now includes: 1. the new desert horizons tagged ][africa] 2. Egger's DAK kubelwagen tagged as [africa]. 3. Egger's DAK Opel Blitz tagged as [africa]. 4. A modtag text file africa.txt which says africa in the body. Place that in your scenario folder and import to any battle you want to be a North African battleground. More to follow!
  15. Thanks! I will be checking them out after coffee and breakfast and washing dishes and feeding the animals.
  16. Does any PC version CMFI player have CMSF and can get me the desert horizons? No reply from CMSF mod forum.
  17. I have dropbox pro and can host the CMRT Winter Mod QB Folders.
  18. Here is a link to the 3 extra mods that you need to put in the z folder to enjoy this scenario. Soviet Maxim MMG, German Light Infantry Gun 1918 and Soviet Guards Greatcoats. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pcfk9iq01k3dg4s/AAA3aC0E89c8dl1k2Ehu0VPma?dl=0
  19. I think it is a misconception that the 2nd install is difficult or dangerous or some oddity. I think it is very easy and takes 5-10 minutes max. No CD is loaded, no install exe is run, no license key is entered. It is just copy and paste and rename and set up a new desktop short cut. For playing the CMRT Winter Mod as quick battles it is the easiest way to go versus each time you want to play a quick battle to run some program to change the names of all your bmp files?
  20. From previous modding in support of the Malta project.
  21. I would love to see some Waffen-SS winter parkas with hoods. The fall camo pattern has always been a favorite of mine.
  22. Here we go! The final battle for this CMPzC Operation "The Road to Eindhoven" has just kicked off. It is Turn 4 (T4). The battle is called "T4 Ball Buster" and will be 2 hours long (local time 1200-1400). It is played out on a huge a$$ map (3984m x 2704m) that encompasses Valkenswaard and many areas we have already seen contested as well as some new areas. FYI. There will be multiple players on the allied side. IanL and Kuderian. But I think just mjkerner is the footsoldier on the axis side. Not sure! I hope we will see some AAR action from the axis side.
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