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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Hey Stjepan, that guy in the lower right is still sweeping his roof? Send somebody to "talk" to him!
  2. @snake_eye Greg, A couple days back I got this word but have had internet issues myself....Your opponent had an error message about a corrupted file and says you should replay/resend turn 65.... I think 65? Unless things are going along ok.
  3. Mike, Bloody Streets. I got it much cheaper. Anyway, looking at it from a CMRT scenario writer's perspective I could provide some brief notes for your possible consideration if desired.
  4. Wolfseven: Hi, maybe post us a screenshot of the folders in your Winter mod z folder. We can try to see if you have all the stuff...
  5. my internet is acting very slow at the same time I am neck deep in a demanding new job. civil engineering... I want to keep vehicle mods rolling out but am stymied by the above 2 items.
  6. Maybe a Stuka attack will solve that problem... ...my internet is going so slow..I have some stuff to upload but cannot do it yet. Today is finally back to work for the heart attack man. Talk to you later!
  7. ALL the roofs done? Wow. OK, at a euro a roof, this is getting way too costly Stjepan! Sorry, you must delete them.
  8. Yes, but if it matches up close enough, it could be passable. It is a carefully made decision to weigh visual happiness to see the vehicle in the mod versus how far off the mark it is beneath the surface. I feel if one decides to create the mod or download and play with the mod....they really have to at least mentally sign off that the results obtained are not those of an official BFC module and you either accept that or just patiently wait the years til it is released or pine away quietly for something that will never be officially made. This was temijen's thread. whoops!
  9. Hi Mike, I had internet issues all dang day.... Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the offer, I can easily slap your Tiger into a DLC pack I upload to cmmods3. I've gone that DLC pack route as the individual little uploads, each with a readme and preview image, for each separate vehicle or whatever is getting really exhausting. ******************** Do you have or get to read "Bloody Streets" about Berlin '45?
  10. Sometimes a vehicle can be substituted in if it already exists somewhere else in the CM world....
  11. Thanks Jacob. I struggle to turn my mental image of what I want it to look like into the actual final result... Do you want to mod a vehicle? I can set you up with some free tools.
  12. What modtag did you use? The more the merrier I suppose. The one drawback to modtagging is the game engine will just slap turrets to hulls without a matching protocol...
  13. I have no idea what a proper overhaul mod means but I think it would be a very fun project to create a CMFI North Africa Mod...
  14. A new link for those Panzer IV's. Made a few changes as I work towards finishing them. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gfg3sl6azll41z6/AAALRoKuOaKEGzpsg0ZnQlWUa?dl=0
  15. Now uploading a fresh panzer IV to that link. Give it a wee bit of time.
  16. I tried to fire up the crowd but it sure looks like I got no takers for the modding team effort.
  17. Don't worry Mike. I will take a look and since many vehicle families share the treads and wheels files so maybe the pace will go faster than I suspect. What modtag are we going to use? [may45]?
  18. Panzer IV's! I am slowly getting there. By the time the actual module comes out, I might be done! I am trying to go for a late 42 look where they still had that panzer grey color as the base and then got the crisis alert to head east. They masked around the crosses and markings when they whitewashed the vehicles.
  19. New Year's challenge! Get in the CMFI scenario editor and make an African map and scenario. Have fun, keep it small in units, put in the designer's notes what specific time period you are shooting to represent. Take a look at cmmods3 and see what has already been modded. Egger did some DAK vehicles... Blazing88's I bet will have a nice 88 out there on the horizon!
  20. ....a regular Gosh Darned Heinrich Hemingway we got here folks!
  21. CMRT Winter Mod QB Project: I have several testers enjoying CMRT Winter Mod Quick Battles against the AI and human opponents. PM me if you want to be a tester. Since the QB system does not accept modtags I advise an entire separate install for just fighting Quick Battles. Luckily this is merely a quick 5 minute copy and paste of the Program Files (x86) Red Thunder folder and a rename and a creation of a new desktop shortcut and a swap of snowy looking icon so you don't get confused. Courtesy of BarbaricCo, we even have UI screens that up in the upper left have a cool "QB" stamp in an interesting red font. The mods in the z folder of this install are special files renamed without modtags and change the default of the terrain appearance so when you fire up a QB, each and every map looks like a winter wonderland. The same with the infantry forces: Greatcoats, gloves and galoshes! We are adding in winter camo vehicles at a steady clip. The testers are assigned to provide inputs toward "tips for the best CMRT Winter Mod QB experience"
  22. After CMFB releases...2016 and 2017 will be modules for CMFI, CMRT and CMBS. The years pass by quickly! A first module for CMFB maybe in 2018?
  23. Steve, As CMx1 bmp's and skeleton files (or whatever you had for CMX1) could not come forward and be used for CMx2, do you foresee/plan/envision a new iteration of Combat Mission image handling where the CMX2 bmp's and mdr's we use now cannot be used with "CMx3" (or whatever you'd call it)? Or is it the opposite and it will be designed to use and take advantage of all the previous artwork even if we are talking 10+ years down the road to get us to Barbarossa. For example...
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