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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Here we go lads! The final battle for this CMPzC Operation "The Road to Eindhoven" has just kicked off. It is Turn 4 (T4). The battle is called "T4 Ball Buster" and will be 2 hours long (local time 1200-1400). It is played out on a huge a$$ map (3984m x 2704m) that encompasses Valkenswaard and many areas we have already seen contested as well as some new areas. There will be multiple players on the allied side. IanL and Kuderian. The whole shootin' match is being thrown in to the fight to take control of that bloody road and sufficient areas along the sides in order to get the vital bridging equipment and supplies for the airborne laddies exited off the north road edge hexes. 2 convoys of 4 trucks each will arrive down south around 1230 to represent those 2 elements. I hope we will see some AAR action from the allied players.
  2. As soon as my internet is fixed I will upload some video to my youtube channel to show initial concepts of the CMFI North Africa Mod.
  3. @RepsolCBR I think somebody did try to bring a CMSF flat roof building over to CMFI. I forget where I saw it. Your map looks good! EDIT: I like that "wadi" you put in there. Very deserty! I did mostly sand tile and from a distance it looks too much a constant pattern if you know what I mean. PM me your email address and when my internet is fixed we can share a dropbox for the mods and maps. Maybe play a desert PBEM?
  4. @Jorge MC That looks to keep the ears nice and warm! Did you mod it?
  5. Dang. Some of my links are dead! Sorry guys. I will fix as soon as I have my internet repaired.
  6. @Snols Did you download the "guards greatcoats" folder to play with the above scenario "Winter Garden of the Iron Cross"? Your screenshotsd above look like that there is a mods file problem...
  7. I answered him back a month or so ago in the FGM forum. @Odin How did it turn out? @Odin
  8. General bulletin from high command: Any and all remaining battles will be played using the CMRT Winter Mod. If the current players do not want to upload that mod, then we can recruit some new players who already have the mod.
  9. General bulletin from high command: Any and all remaining battles will be played using the CMRT Winter Mod. If the current players do not want to upload that mod, then we can recruit some new players who already have the mod.
  10. @ChrisND I just wanted to throw an idea on the table. If BFC has a very low probability to ever do "North Africa"...could you please consider to pack some "North Africa" flavored stuff in with that elite forces pack? Maybe it helps you to flesh it up a bit? I am trying to think of stuff that already exists in the CM world so to make it an easier decision for you. Like the short barreled 50mm PzIII from CMBN MG? New stuff that might be lower production effort. British 2 pounder ATG? Thanks for your consideration of the idea.
  11. OK, I am now thinking of asking a buddy to do some FJ Ramcke Brigade uniform modding and so this could be considered an "El Alamein" flavored mod. @temijen88 Do you want to make a CMFI GL map with an El Alamein look? Or one with an Operation Compass look? Maybe it is the same!
  12. @Heinrich505 You probably had the Rat Patrol lunchbox with fragile glass thermos! I had Lancelot Link Secret Chimp.
  13. I try to ask for help in a clear manner and the gauge of interest is who PM's with an offer to assist. Usual zero response. Not discounting Repsol and Mr Claw and Grunt. CMRT Winter Mod was pulled off because I had a heart attack and a month on my rear plus BarbaricCo and kevinkin. I do enjoy the teamwork and creative energy. Fact of life: Most nobody comes a running to help with slicing mozzarella, chopping veggies, making dough and burning your forearms on the oven door but most everybody loves that hot fresh pizza! Right? .....now I'm hungry....
  14. If the interest is too dismal, I will ditch the mini mod idea. Or just keep it on my own hard drive and enjoy an occasional battle. I opened the editor and took a few CMFI QB's and changed them to a North Africa feel and saved under a new name. Use lots of sand and some rocky terrain, delete the trees, etc. Produces not a Tunisia 1943 look (sorry Repsol!) but something you'd see down by "the Wire" on the Egypt-Libya border. But it could also maybe make for a decent El Alamein late 1942?
  15. Hello, I don't own CMSF but want to try and use the CMSF desert horizons in CMFI to do a North Africa mod. Can anybody tell me if the CMSF horizons work in the CMX2 WW2 titles? Thanks.
  16. Sure, around that timeframe with whatever I can rig up. Hey grunt. Please test if the CMSF desert horizons work in CMFI. Thanks Jerry.
  17. Sorry fellas, I aim to head back toward the early days before Rommel even arrived!
  18. The Gothic lineBook by Mark Zuehlke Suggesting it so the CMFI module CAAR is really cool with Canadians and maybe a tank named APACHE?
  19. I want to do a "mini mod" for Africa as soon as my dang internet is fixed. Who is with me? Ok, first we need team shirts and a mascot. I was thinking black polo's with gold trim and maybe a jerboa? This will be a fairly simple, small, low scope venture. Brits vs Italians and the IBTC "Itty Bitty Tanky Committee". Can I get some CMSF desert horizons from someone please? If they work with CMFI... I am modding already a British scout car. Already working some Italian desert uniforms from my semi-dead Malta project... I aim to have ONE single upload to cmmods3 with all the parts and pieces and a few small scenarios. Cut and dry. PM me if you are interested and be advised my internet is choking wind lately. Should be fixed this week I hope.
  20. My part of central Texas hit 29F last night and I just saw some thin ice on the dogs' water trough... But I am glad I am not in that cold village up above...thanks Tashtego.
  21. Ladies and gentlemen! And the 2015 award for the forum's most condescending and negative themed poster....who makes no scenarios, maps or mods that I have found...goes to.....
  22. I meant I could send you some notes by PM of what I read or see in the book that might help you....? For example, in the Soviet photos, the soldiers are mostly in greatcoats. FYI. A big Soviet AFV (ISU-122) has snow sprinkled on upper hull surfaces and barrel over a green and brown camo. A Panther G from KG Kather has hull number "122" and a big blue swastika on the turret side! Things like that?
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