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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Well, it did involve work with renaming the files so I guess that means you decline? The modtagging debate. Not really a debate. A misunderstanding. I am showing umlaut what I mean so it gets clarified. Your tourney. Do it whatever way works best for you for mods. Indeed modtags are not necessary in that specific case but beyond the tourney they would be a big clusterfuzz without being tagged. We'll be releasing many new FO mods in the coming months. Keep an eye out!
  2. @Stele I was only in Vassal that one time a year or more back and have absolutely zero know how when it comes to Vassal. Sorry. Have you ever been over to the FGM website? There are folks there who hold big operational deals using Vassal. They fought the Normandy June '44 area for several years real time that represented I think just a few weeks or so in historical time. @Blazing 88's
  3. Just e-mail it to me and send me an invoice. I will pay ASAP.
  4. In hindsight maybe they should have done the store changes AFTER the game was selling like hotcakes?
  5. Moving to Berlin? Thanks! There goes my Russian mail order bride plan right down the drain.
  6. @Derfel 2nd Are you mostly a CMBN player? Where are we now? Oh. CMRT Forum...perfect! OK, I have some projects you might like to work on together for flavor objects. Would you like to see a knocked out lend-lease Sherman or knocked-out lend-lease Churchill as your axis soldiers battle against the Soviets?
  7. Definitely the OP can have custom roadmaps for his battles with very little effort and modtag them as needed. I did one for my CMPzC Operation The Road to EIndhoven. Low cost disposable razors of the mod world.
  8. Speak of the devil I got a bit of a 2nd wind and was just working on the mini mod. I couldn't find certain files in the data folders for days and days and just now finally located the culprits. Grey German helmets kept showing up in Nord Afrika! Now I can fix that problem. Thanks for the voice of support!
  9. uh oh. Maybe we have a terminology issue or some misunderstanding? But yes indeed flavor objects as bmp's can be modtagged and are already done so by BFC as stock procedure for example roadsigns and [snow] covered flavor objects. AND thanks to RockinHarry's thread, I back a few months ago learned that flavor object mdr files can be modtagged. That is a great problem solver. Proper modtagging can solve most of the mod conflicts but anyone editing a map must know what they are doing before adding in more modded or modtagged flavor objects to an already modtagged map. The OP is organizing a tourney and would have control to modtag in whatever he desires and to make sure the players had the proper mod files in place. The modtag text files can get very long as you pile the mods on! [snow gc coat fj beute 24pd frosty] is my record longest text file to gather up all I needed for a battle.
  10. Need more time. Never enough time. I am trying to add some variety in the helmets and M42 Tropical Tunics for the Germans. And a Pak38. Ended up doing yard and garden work all weekend instead! Planted 9 red leaf lettuces.
  11. I was in Vassal only one time to look for a Malta map. It looked chocker block filled with games and maps. Can't you find any Sicily hex maps already done and use one of them? I give you a good grade for your efforts but your map is not looking so great compared to what we already have instantly in CMPzC. But since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if it is good enough for you and your buddy..happy op leveling to you both! Keep us posted and maybe if you have time, do an AAR to track how things go?
  12. I am glad to fill a valuable role as every group needs a Ringo Starr!
  13. I am a DISTANT 27th place. I just have a few acid trip induced grand ideas but not the talent to pull them off. But Stjepan has tons of talent and for example completed the snowy roads that I was just bamboozled on how to do.
  14. As an open invitation... If anybody out there wants to organize their own CMPzC Operation for multiplayer on the forums and would desire me as an advisor initially or as needed or whatever to whatever extent until you want me gone! Glad to help with my way of doing things blended with your own approach to whatever ratio you want as you continue to blaze the trail onward. Now play the exciting soundtrack from Chariots of Fire?
  15. Modder of the Year Award goes to.......BarbaricCo
  16. Hey Steve, But the one poster did ask for a single download. Hahaha. In the end what is probably easier for the modders or at least me personally I suppose is to just pile it in one dropbox versus some type of tracking file and organized system. AFAIK not even BFC gives us a file system of what is there in the data files! AFAIK BFC has never ever given a file/chart/spreadsheet to show what shows when and how and all that. So for us to do that is beyond my energy level honestly. I tried to cover my rear in the description to say that there will be issues with mods conflicting in unknown manners. Nothing against you or your idea, I am just human and get a bit tuckered out. Riding my usual roller coaster of CM burnout versus brief mini supernovas of creative attempts. LOL. I would love to get the BFC guys drunk and hear their real tell all stories of their own burnout on this stuff. "Bar maid, another round for these gentlemen!"
  17. OK, I just set up and sent invites out to the key modders. A single place that downloaders can go to get the stuff. I hope it works to everyone's satisfaction. "CMRT WINTER MOD Mother of All Dropboxes" Here is the link and standby as it gets stuffed with wintery goodness. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/21px9vwon0zcjnf/AABJ04NcGaNFPGaFUm4jygvsa?dl=0
  18. I see your point but the cmmods3 site has a maximum size for the upload so that cannot be done. EDIT: Not to be an a-hole but I also just had to think of the days and days and days of effort myself and others put into making the mod. (And others have put into their mods or scenarios or campaigns or gameplay video movies.) Then somehow it is not all combined to make someone else's life so completely convenient for a single one time download that gets them playing in 5 seconds. I understand that must frustrate so many people nowadays because their time is so valuable and such. I guess I have little sympathy that it does take some time to collect up the various downloads and enjoy a mod. I cannot speak for any others but myself in that I didn't set out to make it a download hassle but the way it evolved with many modders has it fractured and then combined with the before mentioned cmmods issue AND the fact that large downloads would die out before successful completion...each one needed a special description. Ugggggggh! OK, venting completed! As BarbaricCo has firmly and repeatedly encouraged me to do, (at my expense for the cost of my dropbox pro account), I will see if we can at least sweep all the parts and pieces into a single dropbox folder and eventually post a link here SOON and in cmmods. Thanks again for your interest and support as a downloader and to all the fine folks who contributed to the mod.
  19. I prefer the older GreenAsJade site compared to cmmods which has many of the drawbacks of the crappy BFC suppository. 1. There is no feedback message upon upload "upload successful". You just have to stagger away in wonder. Real great. GaJ site had a message. 2. It takes them days and days to carefully check that there is no porn in the images I guess or they are "good enough" for cmmods? GaJ site instantly had your upload available for download. 3. If you have a typo in your description, they pass it right on and present it to the audience and you cannot go and edit it yourself. GaJ site had where you as the modder could edit the description and image at any time. Whoever is the person calling the shots with cmmods3 should rethink the system. I think it is not GaJ it is FGM bootie's fault. I hope he makes changes.
  20. On PC but not Mac you can use rez explode to open the folders and learn how to copy the needed files over to your CMRT z folder and make a custom blend of images. We all had to learn by doing. It is rather easy. Please give it a go.
  21. Yes, all the basic terrain ones, download 3 parts.
  22. I can't tell who the mystery guy is but they fit the bill nicely. War weary faces. Thanks!
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