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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @grunt_GI This post over at FGM explains my advice to get the best of 3 worlds for CMRT and the same approach should be good for CMBS if you so desire... http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/3-cmrt-installs-regular-summer-winter-mod-and-winter-mod-qb.23292/
  2. I am venturing into some skirmishes along the Volga...
  3. I think 10 or 12 years from now. 2026 or 2028.
  4. Comrades! The Soviet High Command has made a weather alert for your battle region. Expect extreme cold and snow to impact future battles!
  5. WARNING: Our agents in Greenland have notified the German high command of a massive cold front headed towards eastern Europe and especially Hungary. We can expect extreme cold weather and snow to show itself during future battles!
  6. Looks like you CMBS guys need to start modding some whitewashed or winter camo modern vehicles!
  7. I am slowly trying to improve my winter whitewash look so please be patient. Here are the latest versions of the Panzer IV's needed for Kevin's "Happy New Year Major Bake" scenario. When I finally have them the best I can, I will upload to cmmods3. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n2x85n53h9e426m/AAA4vgQuAD3ak0oS-95hD6Vza?dl=0
  8. These mods can be a great project to rip your teeth into. The mods have their limitations. But there is no guarantee that BFC would ever do Africa. In fact I think they lean away from it. AND if they did Africa there is again no guarantee they would include that vehicle X or Y that you personally so desire to see in action. So, just the screenshot above looks exciting to me. Of course those are some stand-ins as this is Hollywood. I am willing to serve in an advisory capacity if you desire. No charge!
  9. @BarbaricCo Fantastic job on that video Stjepan. Are those your new advanced tweaked winter terrain files? waclaw had made a variety of winter sound mods for CMFB in advance of release and I uploaded to cmmods3 for him but I think he made the rain one you play in this video for just our CMRT Winter Mod. It was Stjepan's idea to have the option in a game of setting weather to light rain and he modded the rain drops to look like snow. Maybe at the submolecular level I think! Then he wanted the sound of the falling rain to sound more like falling snow. I think he nailed it folks. Take a bow Stjepan! Now back to the program..sorry for the interruption.
  10. Nope. They float. In CMFI at least. EDIT: Maybe I didn't hold the glue long enough?
  11. Maybe the floating poster is CM's Keyser Soze? Many have heard of it but none have seen it? Bernie, you are exactly right! I am calling Casio Lima right now and DEMAND the schwimmwagen be squeezed in before the end of January. Sign my petition!
  12. @Alienman Cheer up. You are good to go. For CMFI it only says "v1.20" down in the bottom right corner. I think it is something they will eventually change as better visual feedback to the player that he properly installed the patch or upgrade. For example over in CMBN it now says on the bottom "v3.10 Game Engine 3".... EDIT: Bud bought his as a bundle maybe and it might be different is all I can think...
  13. I really like the variety in the timeframes! Thanks very much for your support Kevin.
  14. I never cared for the posters. When you destroy the building, don't they remain behind in anti-gravity mode? I just mod the wall bmp and slap the poster directly on it. Then when she goes, the poster goes too.
  15. @Rokko Oliver, I think you read it wrong. If I understand correctly, Steve said his option B was for CMRT FIRST MODULE to keep the timeframe the exact same and pour in more variety of troops. Then in the SECOND MODULE (2019?) to expand the timeframe out. What do you think? Read it again. Maybe we are both needing more coffee.
  16. Todt means dead in German. Right? Your character is the HQ commander on foot and I am pretty sure I saw he was killed in the battle....
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