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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Dang. I really miss the old cmmods. Oh well, new cmmods probably hasn't got it yet. So, I will look on my hard drive. Standby.
  2. I am not afraid of you anymore "Caunter Scheme"!!!! I will tweak the colours a bit but it is promising and exciting to explore this less travelled arena of modding.
  3. Hang in there Michael. You'll see. Remember in Forrest Gump when the movie starts with him sitting on that bench with the box of chocolates? Then he tells the story and it goes elsewhere?
  4. adding some new stuff. Swing by and order a 1 pound bag of africa mod, whole bean or ground.
  5. I slowly gather up more stuff as time goes by. I just did a few milestones...."Tobruk" and the like.
  6. "Honey..as soon as CMFB is released I promise I am gonna sell this company and be through with making war games for these ungrateful bazterds. We'll pack up and move off and set up that little gas station and convenience store you always dreamed about and finally live the good life!"
  7. Maybe drive over to the bloody museum at Oosterbeek and take some digital photos? Oh, hold on. Photos are no good....
  8. You park your half-track outside the store for 5 freaking minutes to quick run in and get some ammo and some chow. 5 minutes! You come back and the treads and wheels are gone. Rough neighborhood.
  9. An Afrika Korps CAAR would be dang sweet Bud!
  10. Everyone works harder when the boss is watching! Thanks! @Egger
  11. A contributing modder has provided this towards the [africa] mod effort! Thanks @Egger
  12. You made it through! So everybody knows, that was neither staged nor rehearsed. APACHE very well could have been toast! Hey, you now have 4 blue completed and only 1 red in progress so I guess "Red Lightning" is next on the agenda to finish? But if you fancy something in North Africa ever or the snows of Russia, you know I will try my best to oblige.
  13. @aleader If you wait for the next module to CMFI I predict you will be waiting til around Halloween of 2016 or so. Maybe even early 2017! Please just buy the CMFI GL bundle now and after you do, PM me what kind of africa scenario you would like to play and as a special gift, I will make it for you to the best of my ability.
  14. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But you can't beat the price probably! It is just a mini mod for fun and already I have enjoyed a few PBEMs and getting back into the history of the desert campaign. It is where I first started back in grade school when I found a war book on the library shelf. These are works in progress so hold off throwing the tomatoes!
  15. Hang in there lads! The BFC folks are probably neck deep in some perplexing issue trying to get the webstore up and running. I am bettin' on Saint Patty's Day and March 17th aint far away. So, have a drink, mark your calendars and see you then.
  16. Yes, CM is great as I personally can get a bit bored of one area/region or whatever and then hop over to another sector to get back that "new car smell"...! Do you have CMFI? If so, please take a look at the [africa] mod.
  17. I budgeted in myself some CM time today and will improve a few vehicle mods and then try to edit and upload "Halfaya Pass" to the dropbox for folks to try as axis vs allied AI. Give a shout if you have downloaded the [africa] files! Anybody besides Heinrich505?
  18. I am glad you enjoyed it! Something has to fill in the months until CMFB arrives!
  19. 4RTR throws in the towel and withdraws with a bloody nose. Papa Bach is victorious!
  20. They were/are. The map is 1.5km deep and those infantry are in defilade awaiting the 4RTR breakthrough to exploit the situation against Jerry. The "Matildas" are firing back but of course the infantry must close the range...
  21. Here is something to help occupy the last few hours until CMFB is released....
  22. Panzer Alarm! Halfaya Pass is under attack by 4RTR. Standby for action.
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