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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. UPDATE: I phoned Heinrich505 and did distance support and we fixed the problem by having him download and reload AFTER I uploaded my latest version. Now we are playing a PBEM of me as the 8th Army attacking him at Halfaya Pass. He is playing the role of Papa Bach of I/104 with some Flak 88's. I am attacking with the "Matildas" of 4RTR. Can you guess what I will use as a stand-in? Keep an eye for screenshots!
  2. Gary, I still don't think you have the proper terrain in there for that screenshot or maybe you have some other mod conflicting with mine or what? By the way, I put the CMSF mini ground modtagged as [africa] in the terrain folder in the dropbox so that will fix that problem with distant views seeing blotches. This weekend I will expand the map from 500x500 to 1000x1000 and create a new simple scenario named "Sonnenblume" that tries to show the DAK just arriving in North Africa in February of 1941. A few axis vehicles special modtagged [africa sonnenblume} that show more or mostly early panzer grey with mud or simple yellow over spray or crosshatching.
  3. Don't feed the troll! Sloppy Reskin? Sounds like Beverly Hills Senior Citizen Plastic Surgery.
  4. @Blazing 88's We got some Flak 88's coming soon to defend Halfaya Pass! No cruiser tanks but we got some bashed up Honeys... I got a buddy who I asked pretty please with a cherry on top to crank out Rommel's "GREIF"... I want to finish up the Bersaglieri uniforms and add some sergeant stripes on some shirts and such. Anybody got any ideas for scenarios? Maybe somebody can remake a few favorites from CMAK for old times sake.
  5. I will redo the Honey or try to based on what I just read in this nice article. Bellman - The Story of a Stuart
  6. I uploaded the Honey and the Pak38 and the simple scenario "Foxes of the Desert" (no briefing and punching bag AI!). Have fun.
  7. Quit worrying about 1945 and get your arses back to '41 when we needed men to fight Rommel in North Africa!
  8. Fired up the photoshop and bashed out a late '41 Honey. Loosely based on "Bellman"...
  9. I cannot change the 3D file. The guys have short sleeves and shorts. The officer with them had long pants and a jacket.
  10. AND those screenshots didn't seem to show Kieme's modded buildings which look awesome in the sun. Little touches like mosaic tiles and such to look Arabian.
  11. For BFC, we would need I think a new barbed wire mdr that replaces the wood (scarce in the desert) with metal stakes and barrels? And signs that are embedded in an old fuel barrel filled with sand. I will try to rig up some mods to show you maybe!
  12. OK, I see from the screenshots that I MADE A MISTAKE and have not uploaded the [africa] modtagged desert terrain from CMSF that I built the map with. So, it is uploaded now along with the "short telephone" pole seen in many WW2 desert war movies. You must have had alt-T on because where are the palm trees Heinrich? You chopped them down? IF ANYBODY WANTS TO HELP WITH THIS MOD, PM ME! Or to make a scenario, hint hint hint.
  13. He put it in the mother of all dropboxes....we got our own cmmods now I guess!
  14. "Fiamme Cremisi"....named after the crimson flames of the Bersaglieri collar flashes. I dropped this small simple scenario to play as British 8th Army allies against the Italian Bersaglieri axis AI in punching bag mode. No briefing, nothing elaborate. Just a sampler. 512m x 512m map with a wadi and some flat roofed buildings.
  15. I uploaded waclaw's sound mods for [africa] wind and combat. Also the desert palm tree and cacti. I will eventually create an editing guide with images to show what tree it is and what bush it is. And for the other items. Here are the contents as of today. I hope to add a few small simple scenarios this week!
  16. OK, I put a folder in the dropbox for the 8x8 small modular building that has a variety of flat rofs and appearances. No mosque yet. Ctrl-click or shift-click in the editor 3D preview and roll through until you find the look you like. Some mods by Kieme from CMSF. I put today's date on the folder. If and when I come out with an update on this modular building portion of the mod, then just delete the entire older and replace with the new named recent revision folder.
  17. I have the HD space so I will set up an extra install of CMFI for the Africa mod so I can enjoy QB's against the AI or my PBEM buddies. Here is the half-azz icon I made for the desktop shortcut. I am learning by slaughter the dropshadow tools. I put the icon file in the dropbox for anyone doing the extra install and wants the shortcut to look different vs standard CMFI.
  18. Unfortunately AFAIK they want/need the money before the game is ready for release or it will never get developed to be released if you follow.
  19. @choppinlt Great job on that youtube video Matt! Things are looking much more polished and professional. I will have my wallet ready when the kickstarter begins.
  20. Those odd channels with constant infomercials.....MikeyD! You not only get the 3D flying Sturmtiger projectile but we are gonna throw in NOT one, not two, not three but yes folks a DOZEN new features. The "random audience" bob their heads in agreement. (There's IanL and sburke in the front row!) This IS awesome. I am getting a big sack of fake snow and try and get that winter groove on...I know this winter I will be having a BIG time fun with CMFB.
  21. I uploaded a folder with [africa] modtagged German helmets so no grey helmets appear for German Motorized Infantry. Here is the link to my CMFI Africa Mini Mod dropbox. Please help yourself. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v679vm8rukgk9qh/AABllXmGqJSxCU3MVFyXXlbba?dl=0 This will be a slowly evolving work in progress with stuff added as it gets developed. I will now be tagging all mods as [africa] but eventually might have a non-tagged version to put in a 2nd install for QB enablement. The dropbox folder now includes: 1. the new desert horizons tagged ][africa] 2. Egger's DAK kubelwagen, DAK Opel Blitz, DAK Protze, DAK PzIII. All tagged as [africa]. 3. Aris L3/35 tagged as [africa]. 4. A modtag text file africa.txt which says africa in the body. Place that in your scenario folder and import to any battle you want to be a North African battleground. 5. a folder with [africa] modtagged German helmets so no grey helmets appear for German Motorized Infantry More to follow!
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