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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. My 2 cents, 3 cents with inflation? ....then the poster hovers in mid air after the building is destroyed. Though I read that is fixed in CMBS now. I don't have CMBS. Plus I am pretty sure the posters are random and reload differently each time you would start the scenario. I now just mod the building and put my posters on the bmp directly.
  2. We are good to go now! No skirts and we have short and long barreled 50mm guns. I cannot give you the early 37mm version. Gotta wait for BFC for that.
  3. @Baneman @mirekm61 Do you guys want to decide on some moves and assaults? You need to probably close in on the town in the upper right corner to resume your flow of supplies.
  4. Who wants to play this battle as axis? Come on! AXIS BRIEFING It is 0645 on Sunday 13 April 1941. Easter Sunday. Light wind off the sea to the north. Dusty, hot and sunny. You are south of Tobruk near the El Adem road about 2km from the first defensive belt, the "Red Line".... Your mission is to create a path through the wire, mines and tank ditches to allow the panzers to penetrate into the enemy rear. You are attached to Group Ponath as part of Machine Gun Battalion 8 of the 5th Light Division. Your men, like many others in the DAK, are exhausted and dead on your feet. But in Tobruk awaits cold beer and cans of pineapple! You must summon your final ounces of courage and determination to complete the assigned task. Preserve your force and use firepower to suppress the enemy strongpoints. Clear the mines and wire using demo charges. Fill in the tank ditch at the designated spot by (a) destroying the wall with demo charges and (b) using the rubble to level it off. Part (b) is of course simulated. The plans for the Italian-built defenses are in our hands and we have aerial recon photos. But we don't know many details on how the British have manned or equipped them. We believe the cream of their desert army has been siphoned off to Greece so we should only encounter relatively inexperienced, 2nd line forces. Achieve Points by reaching touch objectives and destroying enemy units. The majority of your Kompanie are with you under cover in a small depression. A few teams are struggling with the heavy weapons and are to the rear. A few teams have crawled slowly forward over the last several hours to close the gap with the wire. You have no significant artillery support as of yet. A Flak battery will arrive later in the morning to set up to provide direct fire support. The panzers are set to begin their movement at 0730. They will proceed toward your bridgehead in the wire, pass through you and onwards to rip open the Tobruk defenses. Follow on the tanks or in their wake as the situation warrants... ...it is early morning, 0645. Not fully light yet. The battle is 1 hour long. Watch the clock up at the compass in the upper right corner. You get several mobile 37mm Flak guns at 0700 arriving at your rear corner behind you. Your company of PzIII arrives at 0715 on your left flank. Good luck....remember it is Easter and Gott Mit Uns!
  5. No Heinrich505, those are the wrong trousers!!!! I must pass you the mod with no sideskirts and even a short barrel Ausf G.
  6. Heinrich and I tried the PBEM last night of my new scenario "Tobruk Easter Battle" but his system kept crashing during the turn resolution. A 2km x 2km desert map. I can play it fine against myself. Anyone else want to try the new scenario against me? I will make a smaller version for he and I to battle.
  7. A couple Bofors rounds in the fuselage and we can rewrite a bit of history.
  8. ...and some "Roo-35's in support of the defense...
  9. Here is the revised OOB from the 2 Soviet assaults, the Forest Battle and the Sapper Battle. Here is the current view. It is axis turn for movements and assaults so standby for what those rascals do!
  10. I decided to do a scenario as a by-product of a PBEM with Heinrich505. It will be called "Tobruk Easter Sunday 1941" and the longer Heinrich takes to play me, the bigger the map gets and the size of the battle! I will play as an Australian Battalion Commander (Leftenant Colonel Kohlen-Penny) and Heinrich is a Mechanized Battalion-Fuhrer with Group Ponath.
  11. Damn and I thought I was being too pessimistic..... time sure flies !
  12. "Sahara"...wow, I have it on DVD and have watched it dozens of times. My sons and I swap quotes back forth! I even have an unfinished CMBN campaign from years back based on that movie. Sigh, so many ideas for projects, so little time.... Glad we got Bud Backer!
  13. @Wodin I offer to assist you if you take the lead. PM me if you want. Resume: I have done one campaign before and a few scenarios/mods. Plus I have the same book.
  14. Please give us a holler when you got it done! Thanks.
  15. Shazam! Blink your eyes and a month passes. I thought we'd all be playing CMFB by now. But finally here is the revised post battle OOB for the axis side. I will revise the op map tonight and you can start your plans for any moves and assaults.
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