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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Remember to put all 4 of the other AI plans on "Never Used" AND SAVE before you play the scenario in scenario author mode to observe AI following the plan you are crafting.
  2. @GhostRider3/3 don't give up yet. Once it all gels together, it is very rewarding. I was just going to get back into some scenario writing after a nice long break. We can learn & relearn together if you want.
  3. Loose fillies! Where? Yahoo...love me a crazy Dutch party.
  4. Hold on, just got back from work, long day...read through this quick....BFC now makes pizza!...alright, great! When will it be released from the oven? ****** Steve once took care of an issue over the weekend for me with several e-mails. Now BFC's John "Elvis" Costello is working a crashed game issue and responded the same day I submitted the issue to the help desk.
  5. No, I think what occurs is in the bmp-2m mdr file set. The main mdr and his 4 lod-1 thru lod-4 buddies...one of the lod files has an incorrect entry and references the bmp-2 hull and NOT the bmp-2m hull. I don't have full CMBS just the demo. If anyone wants to send them to me, I can check and try to fix it.
  6. Now taking wagers gentlemen! When is the new CMFI module gonna come out? Give them a good solid year.....I say April 2017.
  7. I only want the mules if they are in a schwimmwagen!
  8. Move in some CMRT flavor objects and you can have dead "mules"....and some crates on the ground next to them!
  9. Alright, CMFB is soon gonna be old news as far as I am concerned. What is the happening with the next module for CMFI? IDEA: To have the 442 RCT Nisei "Go for broke!"...with Asian faces for the enlisted troops and mostly Caucasian for the officers/sergeants (as applicable)...maybe split off the enlisted troops internally as a foreign country and the skins have different file names? The appearance of troops within a platoon or company can be changed by the dropdown selector so perhaps this can be extended to the skins as well. Automatically or by player choice. This same approach could solve the issue with African-american troops led by white officers or African-american officers AND could extend out as well to North African troops led by white French officers and/or sergeants. BFC probably ---shoot!--definitely knows this idea and maybe it is how they will do the Indian Division? I guess we wait and see. Throw us a freakin' bone here Doctor Evil!
  10. If you wrap aluminum foil around a thumb drive and sort of half insert it at an angle into a usb port, wiggle it a bit...you can get past the encryption. Just like HBO in the late 70's and early 80's...
  11. Great! You are welcome. I am always going to those folders or the z folder to do stuff so I have shortcuts on my desktop....
  12. Will the demo have the schwimmwagen?
  13. Let me know if it all works ok. Good luck.
  14. Do you know where the CMBS games file folder is on your hard drive? Click around and try to find it. Then inside it is another folder for scenarios and another for campaigns. Plus some others. Put your downloaded apples in with the apples. oranges with the oranges, etc.
  15. space bar-space bar-back space-back space then ctrl-alt-# THEN enter "France1940".......
  16. if they are in a zip or an rar or some other compression software, yes. you must unzip them 1st. Then put the apples in with the apples and the oranges in with the oranges. edit: after you unzip them you will probably see the readme that tells you what to do!
  17. if a modder packed his mods as a brz, place it in with the other mods in the z folder. btt are the scenarios and go in games folder/scenarios
  18. Soon with the next CMFI module I think we will have suitable ground to do a France 1940 mod bash up. versus waiting til 2029.....
  19. To Australian CM fans. I am sorry the exchange rate will probably shaft you for CMFB. Perhaps this freebie over at CMFI can help a tad?
  20. The north Africa theater means so much to me. It conjures up my own youth when all of this was new and fresh to read about events of THEN only 30+ years before..relatively recent. My own father was a WW2 veteran and many of his friends and our relatives were as well. I personally feel seasonally out of the loop with the coming CMFB release. I will most likely wait to purchase it later in the year when I get my winter mood for Bulge battles. At that time I would also return to the CMRT Ost Front for some modding based on new 3D models from CMFB. Probably somebody will already have done it by then, which is fine. So, anyway, I have decided to hunker down and enjoy some CMFI Africa Mod. I know of at least a few people who have installed it. Please give a shout if you have played anything with the [africa] mod. I am working on some scenarios and maybe even a campaign. Maybe even a CMPzC Operation is in the works!
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