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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Just to emphasize it is also very, very important that any Stalingrad Mod map maker have the exact same combination of FLAVOR OBJECT mods in place or odd things will lay about on the landscape for the eventual player of the scenario. Umlaut has a nice pdf in his factory mod to guide and support scenario makers. I now have the Stalingrad Mod 4 folders (I will call SM4) PLUS umlaut's factory mod set and his patch (I will call UFMS&P) and the wooden carts I saw before adding UFMS&P are now displaying as some rusty odd items that are supposed to be derelict factory equipment. Trees look barren of leaves and I see the railcars. So, I think I am good! ~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a lot of cool things in the Stalingrad building mods that Nigel artfully crafted up. But I also see some issues that I wonder if they can be fixed by Nigel. One of the buildings with the lion statues repeats the lions for the 3rd floor but chops the lion in half. Maybe there is nothing that can be done but i just wanted to make mention. I think this happens also for a hanging light on a chain. Maybe it is not correctable and we live with it, which I understand. The interiors in one building are very spooky with a stairwell you see and it has the lighting perfect to look quite convincing. And the building with sandbagged exterior viewed windows (which i think I had specifically requested...). So, thanks for that Nigel!
  2. Hi Stalingrad Mod Team, Congratulations on the birth of your baby. I created a separate additional install of CMRT 1.03 to be a full-time Volga playground. The only mods in there will be your Stalingrad Mod download. Currently that is 4 folders from cmmodsIII. 1. But I see an issue. I think you must update the instructions (and maybe add a 5th folder to the DL) because both umlaut factory mod set and umlaut factory mod set patch (horizons) are also needed or you get some big ugly black trees and trucks (railcars). Some folks might already have them so the 5th folder would be noted as optional. 2. Also I spotted a ground rubble texture with the words "turbosquid" and little circles all over it. That is all I have seen so far.
  3. Heinrich505 and I volunteer to help test the QB arena!
  4. Congratulations gentlemen on the release of your project! Question: Does it now or will it eventually have a non-tagged version for the QB arena?
  5. The one I posted is for sure just vs AI as I played a turn and it rolled onward. I will look for it tonight.
  6. I know this is CMFB forum but here goes.... Well Ian maybe my memory is bad but i did find a "special saved game file" for that CMBN MG bridge battle. A project I was goofing around with back a year or so.... It is as axis vs the allied AI only. If interested, download the folder and read the readme.txt and place the file in your CMBN MG saved games folder. It is called MG Bridge over the River Dommel The battle opens in progress but you can read the briefing and see what to do. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w6sm6ccos3udq7i/AAC5Kp4OnRaXVaPfbyhV4lH_a?dl=0 I will still look around for that regular scenario vs the AI for this battle....
  7. ....at work now but will look for it later on post a link...
  8. A forumite Jace11 has spotted uniform bmp file issues with missing/incorrect normal maps in this thread... http://community.battlefront.com/topic/122685-uniform-normal-maps/
  9. I should go find the CMBN forum thread on this issue. I recall it was a "market-garden-ish" scenario that could be played vs AI or as human on the side with the demo charge and the breach team showing up as a wide time range reinforcement with white knuckle anticipation at the last minute with "ze detonators" (you gotta say that like you are Hans Gruber in "Die Hard" RIP Alan Rickman...). So an added wrinkle for the player. The human player if playing against the AI gets to see the explosion and is self-umpired to know he failed. AND there was an exit objective there under the bridge so Feldwebel Guyver could hopefully get away to fight again. It was a CMPzC Operation....
  10. Watching the first part of that video really gives me a hankering for early war StuG action. I recall from Wittman's bio that he started out with those short 75's.
  11. @Bimmer they are correct. Not sure you are interested in this but if you want to try and write a scenario involving a bridge demo situation it can be "scenarified" by a couple ways. 1. The time limit represents attacking forces getting to the bridge to stop the demo. Touch objective there for the attackers is the key victory and thus the demo didn't happen. They don't make it there in time then the defenders DID have time to blow the bridge. 2. In addition to the above I have put barbed wire around the front of the bridge to force the player to try and use his engineers/pioneers/breach team/anybody with a demo charge to blast through the wire and allow passage to the touch objective. At least some demo charges might be used by somebody...explosions! 3. I also once programmed the AI to show with a similar demo charge equipped team to blow a hole in a tall wall somewhere to allow the AI enemy to enter an inner enclosed area to hit a touch objective and win, thus simulating that there was a team your human player could try and kill to stop the bridge destruction. Then in a campaign, it possibly branches off and you edit the map to have a destroyed bridge on the next battle if applicable. The time limit method is obviously the easiest way!
  12. I think I copied it here okay. https://tacticalwargames.blogspot.com/2016/04/combat-mission-final-blitzkrieg-review_87.html Some very nice screenshots in the review! Good job Wodin.
  13. One of my old CO's would make us owe a beer for every typo on a message draft. James, I think you owe me 2 beers! roll (role) and ordinance (ordnance). EDIT: Spellcheck let you down as those are not actually typo's but incorrect usage or whatever you'd call it.
  14. shucks Fred, you gotta plug in the mods for the terrain and the half horizons. Here is what I see!
  15. I look at that sign and get very hopeful for the future of stuff BFC will decide to create for the games. About 3 months ago I started a new job and had to learn AutoCAD Civil 3D. Day 1 I knew jack diddly but now I can really do some drafting much much faster, still tons to learn though. My point is that I bet that sign took the skilled 3D artist a very brief amount of time to create. But look how much it adds to the game!
  16. ...at 0300 this weekend, someone will glance down to those portraits in the UI and swear they saw their own face! (Too much "Night Gallery" as a kid I guess....) Those snowy portraits are very immersive. Excellent job. I will be needing something like those later on for CMRT Winter Mod!
  17. Aww, that is a start in the right direction. Thanks.
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