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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I checked in the data folders and it definitely looks like it shipped with a portrait that seems to have a guy with the regular german helmet. But Juju's Blitz UI mod is headed your way eventually, so don't worry. ....BFC can fix it officially in the first patch I guess.
  2. I searched the suppository and cmmods and could not find VM's German Wehrmacht. But anyway, remember that you can't really haphazardly dump all your mods directly in the z folder. Some will cancel out the others or cause conflict unless modtagged. Or maybe get a mod manager program freeware! google JSGME Jones Soft Generic Mod Enabler. German Computer? Send it back through time and change history? Don't!
  3. Create a folder on your desktop called "mods storage". Then cut all your mods OUT of your mods folder and paste to that folder. This should take you back to plain vanilla stock. Then we can try a single uniform mod and try to see if it shows in game. There is always a reason for everything.
  4. filenames = the actual filename not the name of the mod. It is important.
  5. The Norwegian Blue is often quiet but has lovely plumage....
  6. Maybe it isn't an error. The US Army had pioneers also in the Infantry Battalion TOE for 44 you had an "Ammunition and Pioneer Platoon" in the HQ Coy.. here But I am not sure what the scenario author intended.
  7. Rattle off a few filenames of the german uniform mods please...
  8. Are you purchasing the correct troops? Do you have all the modules to even show Waffen-SS? Did you restart the game after mods were in Z? Are they unzipped?
  9. A few of us are testing the Blitz UI mod in the demo and it is so starkly different to go back and forth viewing the game with and without the mod installed. It seems like an unfinished game WITHOUT the mod in place, a bit crude and simplistic really. But with the mod in place...wow! From lame to fame. I want to thank you Juju for all your efforts for the CM community with these UI mods as well as for the special mods you have done for me over the years. I am gifting you a copy of CMFB download when it is released.
  10. Working with the AI is a ton of fun. For anyone interested, I am doing a small Tobruk scenario right now. ~500m x ~800m desert map. Axis AI attacks. I have 3 breach teams A1, A5 and A9 that will slowly crawl up to the barbed-wire on the left, middle and right respectively. They pass through a mined area and then blast their way through the wire and cross over into an anti-tank ditch. There is a separate friendly trigger where they each go into the ditch to summon follow on platoon sized forces (A2thruA4, A6thruA8 and A10thruA12) if successful. If those follow on forces get through and onward, some other forces A13 attempt to proceed on through the wire. An axis FO A16 is positioned at the start but has no assets. They show as reinforcements A15 so the suppressive fire can arrive at different times. An HQ A14 can be randomly placed around so sometimes the assets have no link to allow use by the FO.
  11. drafting up the battle 1 briefing... It is early morning on the April Easter weekend of 1941. The mild temperatures of the night are over and as the greatcoats come off here in the desert the temperature will now slowly climb until it is warm soon and eventually even hot later in the afternoon. The khamsin winds blow strong from the southeast reducing visibility. You are in a concrete Italian-built strongpoint on the so called "Red Line" outer ring of defenses around Tobruk, Libya. Your strongpoint, designated R33, is integrated with anti-tank ditches, barbed wire and minefields. In this battle your initial focus is 3 Section of 14 Platoon, D Coy of 2/17 Australian Battalion of 20th Australian Brigade of 9th Australian Division under the charge of Sergeant "Blue" Donnelson. Also assigned to R33 is a Vickers MMG. A D Coy Forward Observer is in the company area and has radio link to the battalion mortars and the Royal Horse Artillery 25-pounders. Your platoon leader is inspecting the other strongpoints in the platoon sector and should be along shortly. Machine-Gun Battalion 8 is commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Gustav Ponath. Though reduced in numbers from the 1200 that arrived a month ago at Tripoli to about 300 now, they are well equipped, experienced and highly motivated opponents. Their goal is to penetrate the defenses and create a hole for the tanks of the 5th Panzer Regiment. Defend R33 and your sector from enemy incursion. Your score on this battle determines the follow on battle. Achieve an extremely difficult Total Victory by keeping the Germans from touching anywhere on your side of the wire and the next battle would be on the same map with their renewed efforts to breach the wire. Anything less than a Total Victory and the next battle will assume the axis have successfully penetrated into the Tobruk defenses and be on a different map. However, a "player feedback battle" will open after this current battle concludes to more accurately branch off as the story continues. Note that the spirit of your defense and success in eliminating the enemy will be of great assistance in future battles.
  12. CM Korea 1950 with modules to take us through that entire war (police action) would be my wish! Here is my chart I always whip out at these meetings... After CMFB releases...2017 will see modules for CMFI, CMRT and maybe CMBS. The years pass by quickly! A first module for CMFB maybe in 2018? A new CM Ost Front family to cover 1943-1944 not released until the early 2020's?
  13. Perfect! Set them up as a hotseat battle, Brits vs. Germans or Italians. You can umpire it....and try and get some screenshots.
  14. Market Garden. 2 Irish Guards with 3 Irish Guards.
  15. Sure, whatever you'd like to do can only make things better. Modtag them [za]? I imagine it is glaringly bad when the default British voices are used for the voices of the other "non-Blighty" national troops. What does everybody think? I think there is probably a core of the voice files which are the most important to change. Curses, rally calls, stuff like that. Other stuff might be standard terminology and less an issue. Of course I also think it depends on the strength and tone of the British accented default voice file. Any linguistics specialists here?
  16. Making a scenario or campaign is a lot of work. I took a huge break and now am splashing around in the shallow end. I guess it would be good to send the scenario author a PM with the feedback, maybe he/she can improve for the future or possibly do a revised version. Maybe feedback was sent already. But it takes effort from someone looking at the scenario to do that and I can see if the scenario looks so "primitive and poorly done", that you delete the scenario and move on quickly and don't worry to pass on feedback. Maybe leave a short basic comment "bad briefing, turd forests" (or in code? "bb&tf") at the download site so others know the issue? And that step reminds yourself not to download it again later on when you forget you tried it the first time!
  17. I had no problem to post the embedded YT video over at FGM website so it must be a BFC forum issue, I assume? *********** @Sequoia Hello Bernie, any chance you'd be interested to do some voice mods for Aussie's in North Africa....eh, mate?
  18. anyway, having bad luck lately trying to insert my youtube videos. Just go to my youtube channel to see the latest one about Tobruk
  19. unzip and see if he has a readme but probably place the whole folder NOT each individual sound.
  20. Also, have you watched some of the parts of this video series? Anyway, google Proambulator Youtube The Scenario Project...
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