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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. But there are also threads describing how you can actually do it in WEGO too.
  2. I am happy with the wait - makes it more likely I'll be available. But like I said, I think I did, let others go first but I am available subject to free time from the other campaign.
  3. Right, an example of a place where they have made improvements. Now when you have to do that you can just get the all in one installer and not have to worry about the order you installed or bought it or if you patched to the right level before installing the next thing. etc. Lots of headaches all fixed. LOL there is so much wrong that that statement. Starting with the graphics are way better than you are implying (have you looked at the screen shot thread) and ending with who gives a crap the game play is fantastic and that is what counts. Oh come on lighten up man you are harshing my mellow That is not a fair statement - BFC are always working on things and improving...
  4. Don't send emails to BFC log a help desk ticket: http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ "New Ticket" button in the top right (or search around for an answer)
  5. I hope so. It is number 3 on my list of feature requests The suggestions above about using the largest sized QB and just ignoring some points are great. If you need to go bigger or want to mess around in the scenario editor a while back I put together some instructions and an example in the CMBN thread read the first few posts here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/104558-axis-side-20-000-point-quick-battle-dar/
  6. Yeah, those 20mm cannons are nasty. We should have a most casualties contest. Oh, wait forget I said that - someone will just whip up a lambs to the slaughter scenario and create some amazing number. On second thought go for it
  7. Naaaaw, you have to whine a lot more than that to get me to call you on it
  8. This is the basis of my argument against DRM schemes in general. They cost effort for development. They cost effort for customer support. They occasionally make customers lives difficult. And to top it all off it often does not seem to stop the pirates much either. I sincerely wish DRM was going to go away one day. Not a practical wish and BFC have made it clear that they want one and I totally get that. I'm just glad they have one that works better than any other I have experienced. My experience too. There are a lot of crappy annoying DRM schemes out there. Not just for games BTW.
  9. The other choice is to have two groups assigned to counter attack one for the attack from the South and the other for the attack to the North. Set them both up so that they will counter attack based on a trigger and never move if the trigger does not happen (exit time longer than scenario). This can work if you have a good place for them to be on defence and set them up there. I'm not saying this can replace branching I am just describing something that might work for some situations. So lets say the defence consists of a screen and two counter attack forces. Each counter attack force is deployed initially to protect the final objective from an attack from the one direction and is assigned a trigger so that the move to counter an attack from the opposite direction. So, 1 platoon acts as the initial defence and screen. 2 platoon is deployed to protect the objective from a northerly attack and also assigned a counter attack plan for if the enemy uses the south route. Similarly, 3 platoon is deployed to protect the objective from a southerly attack and also assigned a counter attack plan for if the enemy uses the north route. Both have a time out on the trigger order so that it will never time out.
  10. OMG are you guys serious? Find a documented case of a customer not being able to play their game from BFC and then we can talk. Look we all know DRMs suck - they all do. It is a fact. They suck for the developers, customer support and customers themselves. But they are a fact of life there is no getting around it and no wishing it away and if you have a "favourite DRM scheme"tm that you think is some how superior, well bully for you. I say there is nothing superior about it - they all just suck. Get over it. BFC have a track record of making customers whole: so what are you worried about. Since I started playing CM games I have replaced a video card a few hard drives and got a bran new machine. Never had a problem of lack activation. In fact the only upgrade in there that actually required an additional activation was the new machine. I did have a problem after one module install where the DRM just lost its mind but customer support had me back working again very quickly. Seriously this is only an issue in your minds.
  11. Where did you find complaints like that? I can only remember it coming up occasionally on these forums where people had problems and each time they were resolved by the help desk. At least as far as I recall. Sure, sometimes we get a thread that is a bitch session but I have no knowledge of actual unresolved issues around licensing that resulted in people not being able to play. I personally have had problems twice and both times the help desk had me back up and running very quickly.
  12. Yikes that tree is totally gone. Nice demonstration.
  13. I do not think that anyone has catalogued maps by size but Mark's new map naming convention in CMBS means the size is there for all to see in the file system. As an example consider: Village-Water (864 X 592) 299 Attack.btt First part describes the terrain, second is the size, third is the unique number and last is the type of QB game it is for. So, you can see the size distribution pretty easily. There are 330 map files in the QB directory but many of the maps are reused for attack, probe and assault so Mark usually does not count the individual map files. By his way of counting there are 86 attack/probe/assault maps and 72 meeting engagement maps.
  14. Overall it looks great but would the additional components really be a different colour. If they would be then sure but my gut says why would the look any different the whole thing could easily have a fresh coat of paint after the upgrade was done. Unless some one chimes in and says - yeah all the upgraded stuff comes looking like that then I would not use two different colours.
  15. +1 to that - you can take out a variety of tanks with those guys too.
  16. Yeah, I did not want to pile on back then. I took the time to come up with some alternative for ya. That so often is the case - it seems fine to me... I like your thoughts on making improvements and adjustments. Looking forward to the next one - which I am sure will be even better.
  17. Cool, I never noticed the highlights not showing reasonably well. Your screen shot sure is clear that they are not in some circumstances. I guess I'll have to pay better attention I'll check and see if there is a report around. Yep, it has been reported.
  18. I very much doubt that you can bring anything over from another game to get it to show up but you never know some of the stuff that people have done has been pretty cool. I do have a question for you - what time frame is the battle you are not seeing packs. Does changing the time frame make a difference?
  19. I think that this was just brilliant. Great style, great story telling. And now that I think about it you concentrating on one area for a while and then going back to another was so natural I did not even realize you were doing it. Nice. Suggestion for you overview map. Push pins with labels or flags on poles instead of arrows to differentiate between locating and movement.
  20. No, and no. I get the same multicolored AS's as I plot movement orders in all the CM games. In fact many squads have three teams and then you get three AS's highlighted. So, I'm not sure what you are seeing. There are a few occasions when a squad might end up in only one AS. I find it happens sometimes after an assault command or if there is only a small space between the hedge rows.
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