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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Oh that is a good idea too. So you could have a core force made up of reinforcements with fixed locations and random arrival times of 0 - 5 min and then have entry points where the guys dropped further away arrive to join in. And those guys you can set to have arrival times that exceed the scenario length. That way you get an unknown force that arrives in time to be useful the make up and order will change each time you play. Sounds interesting.
  2. Ah, I misunderstood. It sounds like MG is doing just that. On starting a second game: Oh man, and double the work with double the confusion Although it could prove interesting.
  3. Arrival time variation could be interesting. Even if it was over the fist 15min of the scenario you still would get a random feeling to your force each time you played even though in the end they all might make it.
  4. Whoa are you saying you cannot see @Reiter's picture even in my post? That would be freaky because I can see it right now as I type...
  5. Well simulating para drops directly is not part of the game. See the discussion here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/104003-pathfinders/. I took a shot at a scenario: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/104496-pathfinder-mission-areal-photos-of-sicily/ but the drop is definitely not random. See if any of that helps.
  6. The current campaigns can be flagged as playable H2H it just does not work PBEM. That is a feature I would love them to add - see my sig I strongly suspect that would be easier than designing a whole new beast like you are talking about.
  7. @Reiter you can get your images to show up inline by going to the pages you linked to and right clicking on the picture and selecting "Copy Image Location" (that is what the command is in Fire Fox anyway). Then you can use that in the picture button in the tool bar like this. @Reiter's picture:
  8. Oops almost forgot to answer that one. It is Juju's UI mod http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5492/details I also use Aris's vehicle mods too. And I have a German uniform and helmet mod too but I forget whose. You will see those I am sure as we get further into this.
  9. Oh, Ken meant start the game over to make larger changes (well that's how I took it anyway). I think that moving assets around especially based on the discussion from your thread is good thing.
  10. Yep, my father in law is a big icons all over the desktop guy. We really do need all kinds to make the world work - or at least be interesting. I just came from a Dr.'s office he had to carefully manage the piles of papers and files to get to the sample he wanted to show me. But he knew were everything was. I bet if I tidied up it would totally mess up his day. Thankfully I just like to keep my space tidy I do not feel compelled to mess with other peoples' messes
  11. Awesome, this is brilliant. This level of advice could not be given by just one person. This is exactly what we wanted. Thanks everyone!
  12. Indeed another good use for a cover arc. I keep forgetting about that one. I am not sure if I would add that here. It might be prudent as the get close to the edge of the forest so they don't stop before cover for an enemy near the farm.
  13. I pick my pauses to create staggered movement between the teams. It is not based on spotting. If the enemy fires on one team there are one or more other teams not moving that can respond right away. If I wanted them just to spot from of place before moving on I would have much longer pauses. Perhaps even a minute. Do not think that if your unit has one spotting cycle they will see everything the can at once. It just isn't like that. Staying still for a while increases your chance of seeking something. Just like in real life. How much hidden stuff do you see when you stop for 10s? Actually you bring up a really good point. Those scout team are on point. They are not really scouting. I am conducting a recon in force. So if I had sent a couple of scout teams into the forest they would have short circular covered arcs. They would also have 45s to a minute pauses too. My goal with this set up is that once the enemy is encountered my men will engage and they have other teams ready to join in. Thanks for the reminder because it is an important difference.
  14. So I have seen Nat's plans now. Are you referring to the mines on the road. That does look ominous. But I am sticking to the plan, especially since I would not know that if we were playing a regular game. Exactly right able the demo charges I should have mentioned that earlier. Essentially I feel I can move between A2 and A3 if I need to. So if one bogs down I can shift towards success.
  15. This deserves even more emphasis. I cannot count the number of times that the view from level 3 did not reveal important information. Dropping down to level 1 or 2 lets you see that little dip you can use to hide your advance or the fact that a little rise in a field means your men will not have the view you thought. True. And if this goes sideways you can say I told you so. I really do not like running across fields. If there is a way with cover, that is where my men will be. Thanks and yes he decided to just go with what he had.
  16. Well you know me so well. This is the first I am seeing of your actual plan too. This should be interesting. Stuff should start happening real soon.
  17. Notes: Showing movement orders and setting up the movement of a platoon First thing I want to mention is: I play at all times with “show all movement paths” turned on. The hot key <alt>P toggles this setting. Turn it on and leave it there. This allows you to see what the movement orders are for your units whenever you have someone selected. The unit you have selected will have white circles for each way point at the end of each movement path segment while the movement orders for all other units will appear as just lines. The next thing of note is that if you are moving with a chance of making contact with the enemy you need to be scouting and not everyone should be moving at any one moment. So, split a scout team from your lead squads or split the squads up totally and use one team as the scout team. That team should be moving while the bulk of the squad is not. Then once the scout team reaches a spot it should stay put while the rest of the squad moves up. Do not plot too many movement orders if your men run out of orders before the minute is up that is a good thing. Staying still allows them to spot the enemy. To manage the bounding movement of your split teams or even whole squads plot several short (two or three action square long) movement orders at each way point pause for a while. In clear terrain 15s is a good length but in rougher terrain 20s is better. Then stagger the start times for each team. Do not give the scouts an initial pause but give the follow on units a 15 or 20s pause at the start. When you watch the turn you should see the scouts head off and after a while they will stop and observe while the rest of their squad moves up behind them. Once the squad stops the scouts should start moving again. Repeat. Figure 22 Bounding movement orders The picture above is a composite of two teams’ movement orders. Because of the closeness it is a little hard to read but the scout team’s movement orders are on the left. They have no initial pause and a 15s pause at the first way point and a 20s pause at the second. The rest of the squad’s movement orders are on the right. They have an initial pause of 20s and a 20s pause at the next way point. This should mean that the scouts start out while the rest of the squad watches. About the time that the scouts stop for their first pause the rest of the squad will move forward stopping to wait at which point the scouts start moving again.
  18. Minute 30: Orders - continued While 2nd squad will go down the right hand side of the road. Figure 19 Scouts Lead Down Right Side The tank platoon is split into sections. Two tanks each for A2 and A3. For the first turn they are not moving. Figure 20 Tanks Split between A2 and A3 The company CO has a preplanned artillery barrage behind the bocage at the farm. That barrage is set to go in 10 minutes. There will be 10 minute delay plus the time for the shells to fall so we should have 12 – 15 minutes to get into position to assault the farm. Figure 21 Company CO Calling Artillery
  19. Minute 30: Orders The order of battle for the Allies is one company of US infantry with platoon of Stuart tanks and a platoon of engineers attached. There are two jeeps as well and 1 Platoon has an organic .30cal MG as part of it. A US company has three infantry platoons and a weapons platoon with three 60mm mortars and two .30cal MGs. So, with the plan established and me ignoring the additional advice we are off. Here is how I set up the first movement orders. The plan goes like this: 1 Platoon with two mortars and an MG attached will move along A3 through the woods with two tanks behind them. 2 Platoon with a mortar and two tanks will move up the road along A2 3 Platoon and the engineers will be held in reserve One MG and a squad form 3 Platoon will move to the bocage line at the start of A1 to cover the fields and protect the flank of 2 Platoon 1 Platoon starts off in the woods. Figure 9 1 Platoon in the woods - A3 The two lead squads each have a scout team separated and leading the way. On the right there is 1st squad with scouts. They conduct bounding quick move orders followed by a final hunt movement order segment. Figure 10 1 Platoon Scouts Lead Right The scouts lead the way. There is a good chance I will make contact soon but I really do not know when. The first quick movement orders reflect that I do not think contact will be right away. The final hut order is so that if they do make contact half way through the woods they will stop. Figure 11 1 Platoon Rest of Squad Follows 3rd squad does the same to the left. Figure 12 1 Platoon Scouts Lead Left The other elements of the platoon have an initial pause so they will wait and give the lead squads a head start and then they just move forward so they stay behind the leaders. Figure 13 Rest of squad follows The supporting mortars and MG are not going anywhere. I want them to trail behind and bring them up when contact is made. They will move behind the platoon but in this first few turns that is not going to be necessary. Figure 14 Mortars and MG Supporting 1 Platoon 3 Platoon and the Engineers wait in reserve. There are two jeeps here too so I can rapidly move the engineers up if needed. Figure 15 3 Platoon and Engineers in Reserve One MG from 4 Platoon will move to the bocage line and cover the open field along A1 next to the road. A squad from 3 Platoon will lead the way just in case this area is not clear. I do not expect to find enemy soldiers in those trees but I am not going to assume that. Figure 16 MG with a Squad from 3 Platoon Cover A1 2 Platoon heads down the road along A2. Figure 17 2 Platoon Starts on A2 Just like 1 Platoon in the woods the scouts lead the way with the rest of the squads in over-watch. 1st squad will go down the left side of the road. Figure 18 Scouts Lead Down Left Side
  20. Page 11 of the engine manual. The O key. Press it again and again and it will cycle through various amounts of transparency.
  21. An excellent demonstration of why cross posting is bad Now we have two threads each with an answer - related answers mind you but different.
  22. I have a short cut saved. Read these tips by @StoneAge: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/101573-google-earth-is-your-friend/ I show an example starting here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/104496-pathfinder-mission-areal-photos-of-sicily/#entry1375620
  23. Not much. I just cleared away a few apps that I did not notice had put their bloody short cuts there. So, I have the recycle bin, computer, LAN home drive, plus at work three PDFs of our buildings floor plans so I can find people and at home a link to my personal projects dev environment, lightroom and two backup scripts. Nearly minimalist
  24. Oh you are one of "those" people are you Some how I am not the least bit surprised I bet you know where everything is too.
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