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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I have no idea about that. They use data from multiple sources though, no idea if this is one of them. Yes, those are modeled.
  2. LOL - what. The NYT is a very credible new source. After all when they make a mistake they will correct it. Propaganda outlets don't do that. If your handle @AtheistDane is serious then you should value those that seek the truth and not just follow the party line by blind faith.
  3. It is good to know information about other forces - friend or foe. In this case I think you have their enemy wrong.
  4. LOL with alcohol all the games would look like that. You can have separate profiles for each game so those anti alias settings could be different for the other games.
  5. I added it to my FAQ post - which is pinned. Hopefully that will be good enough.
  6. The font (and other UI elements) do not scale so text will be smaller. I play at 1080p on a 20 inch monitor and I am 50 and can read the screen easily. If you are playing at 2160p on a 27 inch monitor (assuming 16:9 like mine) the text will be 2/3 the size. I think that would be a bit small but probably manageable.
  7. For CMRT and it can be found on the Repository. For info and the link: http://www.combatmission.lesliesoftware.com/RedThunder/Campaigns/Thunder Over Ponyri.html
  8. On the Imgur page right click on the image and either copy its url or open in a new tab and get it from the address bar or on mobile long click on the image and open it on its own tab, depending on context and browser, then paste it in the message body. If the image appears while you edit it will work. If just the link appears then try something else.
  9. Interesting stuff @Drifter Man. Regarding pictures: the forum has a very small storage allotment for each member. Those of us that post a lot of pictures put them on other sites and share them here. Photobucket was the most popular until they decided to no longer offer any free service. I just started hosting images on my own domain. I am not sure what service most others are using.
  10. The way I pitched it to Steve was to have it work a bit like smoke a toggle. You could have it on full so you see as poorly as your men would, and thus be hard to issue orders but have an idea of how dark / foggy it is. Or toggle it to how it is now where you can tell it is night / foggy but you can see way better then IRL and thus issue orders etc.
  11. Except this is new feature request thread so lets request the right feature and not the hack - that's why I mentioned it. <jokingaround>@JoMc67 Back to disagreeing with me I see - that didn't take long </jokingaround>
  12. Yes. This has been hashed out a few times already - have a search. Try using google's site prefix: search for "site:community.battlefront.com <insert your search terms here>" but without the quotes. That is way better than the built in form search.
  13. My understanding is that the game currently models jams about as frequently as they happen in real live - i.e. pretty much never. Yeah, no. First aid and treatment by medics would not be done laying down. What we should be asking for is dragging injured men to cover. That would be realistic. And getting hit saving your buddies is a time honoured way of getting medals. That would be a worth while feature.
  14. I don't know about this one. Do you think you could board a vehicle, dig around in the ammo storage for what you want, pull it out, pocket it, put back the boxes, and then leave the vehicle in less than a minute?
  15. That all depends on your meaning of right It *is* how the game behaves though. It is a game abstraction that lets us not have to care about un-boxing, loading mags, creating belts and all that other boring stuff that soldiers do after they hurry up and while they are waiting.
  16. ^^^ what he said. Bring a few more IFVs up to the line and have them all fire simultaneously along the hedge row you want to suppress.
  17. Well you guys are free to post what you like but I'll make two comments. 1) This is the CM2 forum so CM2 content would be appropriate. 2) Frankly I much prefer that images and video get added to the screen shot threads for the matching game.
  18. No you cannot accomplish this unfortunately
  19. Correct. Also correct The good news is this happens pretty rarely in regular play. It can be an issue in low ammo situations (campaigns and scenarios that start with low ammo)
  20. Oh I missed that you mentioned the file I pointed to was created by an action you took. That looks like a bash script. It should be runnable. If double clicking it does not work then you can open a terminal window in the directory and type ./Ac<tab> and it will auto complete with the name. That should run the bash script and hopefully let you enter your code. If not then contact support - there should be an easier way. It seems you might need to do a few additional things check out: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5125907/how-to-run-a-shell-script-in-os-x-by-double-clicking
  21. It has been asked for. Hopefully it is on the list of editor improvements we might see one day. +1
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