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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: Parroy Forest CMFI: Hey Diddle Diddle The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  2. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: Parroy Forest CMFI: Hey Diddle Diddle The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  3. ^^^This: "Its not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got"
  4. Ahem, I call B*** S***. At no time did the west try to impose a democracy on Libya or Syria. Some part of me wishes they would but that is not in the cards. Operations in Libya were to prevent Gaddafi from slaughtering people whole sale. Sure there are groups trying to help Libyans to have a functioning government but no one is even close to trying to impose anything on them. As for Syria that's just a huge mess with US and a few other's forces just trying to keep the worlds worst from taking over from one of the worlds worst dictators. Also a very far cry from trying to fix a country.
  5. No NATO force will ever attack / invade Russia. It was never designed for that, there was never an appetite for that. It will never happen. The Russian government can go on and on about the NATO threat but NATO forces are only a threat to Russians who are in someone else's country - specifically only other NATO members.
  6. The sharpness of the turns is important - as it is in real life. I have a question though: What does zig zagging get you though? The key to keeping gunners alive and operating the MG in a half track is to keep their distance and square on to the location of the enemy.
  7. ^^^ There is a brave commander Seems like a tactic worth trying though - off to find some balconies.
  8. LOL good point. All I can do is flip variables around correctly. I am absolutely no help figuring out how to actually create atoms out of energy.
  9. Feature creep baby. Nothing kills a project slower than "just add this one little thing, it's small" and "development is delayed, well that's OK we have time now to add this other little thing too then". Slow decent into hell - via project failure.
  10. This s worth repeating - one more time. Also it seems to still be necessary, for some reason.
  11. m = e / c2 As in mass equals energy divided by speed of light squared.
  12. One good place to start is with drivers. What version of win 10 are you running. When 1709 came out a few other vendors were caught off guard with some of the changes. I think everyone has updated their drivers to work by now. Once Widows and the Nvidia drivers are up to date pay attention to sound card drivers and issues. Sounds like no pattern of what you are doing when it goes off. I have that - actually some CM games on C: (SSD) and some on D: (HDD) and data on D:. There should be no problem at all with that setup.
  13. Sigh yeah - crazy. Only Less Nessman approved walls will do
  14. Wow the fly boys actually got one. I think that is the first tank I have seen taken out by air support.
  15. Well on the surface that seems like a workable plan. But you are presuming that Erdogan's recent actions against his own Kurdish population was in response to provocation and the abandonment of the peace deal that was in place by the local Kurdish population. While I am sure some will show some "proof" that it was but to me it is far from clear that was the way it went down. Why does it matter? Because why would anyone agree to a peace deal with some one that broke nearly the same deal just a few years ago and why would a dictator that needs internal and external threats to justify his power and or authoritarian actions give up said excuse when things are working well for his dictatorship.
  16. Nice catch. I just tested this. I thought whoever was left in the vehicle's passenger area would move to the leader position after the other troops dismounted. However they will not occupy a vacated "Leader" spot unless they disembark and then remount the vehicle. +1 Yikes so have I. And I have been religious about it for the last while. Damn. I am not in front of my gaming computer until later - is there a way to actually tell in the UI that the "right" seat is occupied?
  17. There is some abstraction around what actually gets wrecked in situations like this. So, keying into what piece of kit was hit on the model to what was damaged in the simulation will not always match. So, this is a limitation we likely have to live with. And this is the rub. This thread has a ton of anecdotal stuff about super vehicle X shrugging off all hits and being unaffected. @Rinaldi came alone and showed that was wrong. Yes, wrong. Next, we get statements like the above. This has been debated before and I personally have no expertise so totally defer to others but really I'm not seeing a ton of stuff that shows this is totally broken. The work that @HerrTom (I think I have that right) showed some interesting things and showed some tweaking might be needed but I do not re call seeing a definitive result that things are wrong. I'll let Steve comment on how he views that. The pictures that @Haiduk have shared could be fed into something but to me it is really not clear what hit what at what time and how often. At least for some. So, is your expectation that AFVs getting hit by artillery should be a near guaranteed burning wreck actually correct?
  18. I hate it when that happens. Glad you figured it out and are playing again.
  19. Thanks @Rinaldi for doing that. I personally had not fired 122 precision at anything during testing but I did 155 vs M1s and T90s and get expected results the vast majority of the time. This test shows yet again the artillery doing the expected thing - serious effect - on targets. So, I just do not believe that you frequently see Bradley's shrugging of hits and carrying on as if nothing happened. These test shows that is not common. Sure it can happen - I saw T90s that survived a hit from a 155 - it was not common but it did happen. Just because it can happen and it sucks when it does *does not mean it is common*.
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