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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Not meant to pick on @BodyBag - but answering the questions based on his post At least as well as I can. Nope. Technically not allowed to say that - certainly not saying more. Welcome to the real world. BFC does not spend a lot of time communicating every little thing they are up to. Accepting that fact will help you avoid stress related injuries Here is the thing, several people have harped on this really long time frame as if way back at the beginning everyone knew and BFC accepted there was a problem. That is simply not the case! Don't get me wrong I get that people had issues with the behaviour early on but that doesn't make it an obvious bug. The AI behaviour was intentionally changed. It made the game better in a few areas. One of the things that happens when you tweak the AI is side effects creep in. I for one still have mixed views on the AI decision to stay and fight vs pull back. Our pixel troops stick it out in a nasty fight for longer than I think real troops would - plus they press the fight forward more aggressively too. But that pulling back exposed issues with withdrawing pathing to a lot more daylight and then there is the game play consideration - it's no fun to play when no one will fight. So, bottom line there was not clear bug at the beginning just vague unhappiness. After I some more serious testing by @IICptMillerII the issues was defined and got testers and then BFC's attention. That was August. with Steve acknowledging the bug in October: So nothing like 14 months of ignore a problem and not planning to do anything about it. Just so you all know.... Vague unhappiness defined by actual testing in August followed by an acknowledgement of a bug in October with a fix to come at some yet to be defined point. That is only six months elapsed time so far.
  2. Which is correct. In my opinion unnecessary - the clarification I mean. To judge if a country is democratic you should *not* look at the name of the country or the name they use for their system. You have to look at the freedom of the people to discuss their views, politics and to choose their representatives. If we just looked at names we would call North Korea a democracy and that would be silly
  3. Yep. The thing is I avoid people who are rude - even those that might be correct. Rude is pointless, rude is crass, rude is unnecessary. My preference is to surround myself with smart, confident people who speak their mind and are constructive and thoughtful. Rude people are kicked to the curb. I don't really care how damn smart you are rude = outta my sight. Which means if I am the boss you are fired if I'm not I'll ignore your rude butt. Life is too short to bother with rude people. Oh and I can tell if its raining pretty well myself thanks. See no value in rudeness.
  4. Ah OK I have not played with SF1 or trigger men at all. I do like your idea of using the area target to run their ammo down.
  5. And they are. BFC provided scenarios are tested at least an order of magnitude more than any 3rd party made scenario I have ever seen. The only thing that comes close is when a scenario is featured at theBlitz for the scenario of the month but that does not exercise the AI - 'cause PBEM. Oh and BTW one of the best ways to find a more challenging opponent is to find a more challenging opponent - a human. Check out the "New to Multiplayer" section of this post Some thoughts on the subject of testing: https://dojo.ministryoftesting.com/lessons/why-didn-t-you-find-that-bug PS those thoughts are from a tester's point of view on how to try to get better at testing - that's how I try to think. I am sure I am not perfect either. IMHO rudeness is never fair.
  6. Once you have access to the v4 engine features you can set the tiggerman's AI group up with an ambush stance order to keep him from firing. I have not tired SF1 so I am not 100% sure that ability is no there. I imagine that after some experimentation you could get the trigger man to hold fire in a way you want. I have not tried that either.
  7. Wow. So, you might have noticed that I only said that democracy was not imposed on Lybia or Syria. And your examples of support for locals fighting for democracy (or at least the end of a brutal dictator) in Syria and those supporting locals in Lybia are not forcing anything. I think we have different definitions of forced. Honestly even in Iraq I have some issues with claims that democracy being force but for the purposes of this discussion I'll concede that. As for hundreds of thousands killed I think you need to reexamine who did the killing. While I am fairly critical of some decisions regarding the Iraq invasion responsibility of for the killing needs to rest with the killers. Yeah, right. Now who is making ignorant comments. Do not mistake western support for or contact with local civil leadership with nefarious acts. The concept that there is a vast conspiracy against Russia is just silly. The west knows that free people are peaceful people and free people are good customers. Sure our corporations don't always behave like they should but that is a far cry from purposefully keeping a dictator in power. ?? I have no idea what you are on about - I'm guessing I probably don't want to know since I feel like you are about to compare me to a terrorist Yes, I totally support closing this thread. Probably should have been yesterday.
  8. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: Parroy Forest CMFI: Hey Diddle Diddle The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  9. The Blitz is running two scenarios this month. Sign up for the February scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMFB: Parroy Forest CMFI: Hey Diddle Diddle The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  10. ^^^This: "Its not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got"
  11. Ahem, I call B*** S***. At no time did the west try to impose a democracy on Libya or Syria. Some part of me wishes they would but that is not in the cards. Operations in Libya were to prevent Gaddafi from slaughtering people whole sale. Sure there are groups trying to help Libyans to have a functioning government but no one is even close to trying to impose anything on them. As for Syria that's just a huge mess with US and a few other's forces just trying to keep the worlds worst from taking over from one of the worlds worst dictators. Also a very far cry from trying to fix a country.
  12. No NATO force will ever attack / invade Russia. It was never designed for that, there was never an appetite for that. It will never happen. The Russian government can go on and on about the NATO threat but NATO forces are only a threat to Russians who are in someone else's country - specifically only other NATO members.
  13. The sharpness of the turns is important - as it is in real life. I have a question though: What does zig zagging get you though? The key to keeping gunners alive and operating the MG in a half track is to keep their distance and square on to the location of the enemy.
  14. ^^^ There is a brave commander Seems like a tactic worth trying though - off to find some balconies.
  15. LOL good point. All I can do is flip variables around correctly. I am absolutely no help figuring out how to actually create atoms out of energy.
  16. Feature creep baby. Nothing kills a project slower than "just add this one little thing, it's small" and "development is delayed, well that's OK we have time now to add this other little thing too then". Slow decent into hell - via project failure.
  17. This s worth repeating - one more time. Also it seems to still be necessary, for some reason.
  18. m = e / c2 As in mass equals energy divided by speed of light squared.
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