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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. The version number will tell you what version you have. So, in this case you have version 2.10 and therefore there is no need to run an installer that is to patch up to version 2.10.
  2. And there is also theBlitz http://www.theblitz.org/index.php
  3. Well that was uncalled for (regardless of who you are talking about).
  4. Well, this is a bit off topic but a first post so let's not fuss too much. There is the FAQ thread here: Check out the New To Multiplayer section for tools that help with turn management and sources of opponents.
  5. I un-ignored your signature to get the link and updated the post... Thanks.
  6. This is the post that @sburke was referring too: There are a couple of links on the topic of spotting and a couple on artillery.
  7. Interesting. No ideas here - other than check for Nvidia driver updates.
  8. I am not 100% sure if the naming changes are expected and I am also not sure if the available troops list should have shown a breakdown of the company or the flak entry. The differences are not really there - just in naming and the level of detail. Available Troops Activated Troops Headquarters Team Headquarters Team Kubelwagen Multipurpose Vehicle 1 Multipurpose Vehicle (Kubelwagen) 1st Company 1Battery (Sturmgeschutz) Antitank Company [Medium] 2 Company (Antitank [Medium]) Flak 3 Company (Flak [Light]) So the available troops list does show what you are going to get but it does not show the details on the battery or flak company contents and for some reason the name changes between Company and Battery. That probably should not happen but it is really doing the right thing.
  9. LOL, yep that is the nature of DRM. It causes speed bumps for determined hackers and big fat pains in the butt for some legitimate customers. Weighing those factors is always necessary. I think for games it is pretty clear it is necessary.
  10. All solvable. If you have the email info etc support can help you out.
  11. Sorry that makes no sense. Installing is easy. The new v4 installers are all in one for each game. Support can help you get reconnected with your keys and guide you through any difficulties you run into. Read the instructions, don't take drastic actions on your own and follow the advice from support. You can be playing in no time.
  12. Yes, CMSF 2 will use the newer license system.
  13. Sigh. I cannot even bring myself to be sarcastic. I guess I am going to loose my elite status. There is always room to constructive discussion and requests. Happens every day on here.
  14. Definitely do not use email. Use the support ticket system. But do you actually need support? You really only need help if you cannot acivate your game on a new machine. There is no unlicensing any more.
  15. LOL, well you are correct - no one actually said that but the combined feel of these parts of posts in this thread leave me feeling the same as @slysniper
  16. Nope! Adding more and more choices or more and more features does not make a product better. In fact it makes it worse. The old saying "things should be made as simple as possible but no simpler" holds here. You only add features and options for things that are really important. This is not important. Oh, I get that it *is* important to two people here but it is not important to even a plurality of players let alone a majority. For BFC this is a no brainer. Anyone who really wants this can tweak a scenario in the editor. Ditto designers that want this. The majority of players don't even blink at this feature of the game. Why on earth would they spend even five minutes on it when they have a list a 100 bullet points long of things that matter to more people?
  17. Is there any indication that Javelins were supplied to the YPG or any other Syrian rebel force? I'm not surprised by TOWs but even that I don't recall reading about.
  18. We call it a limitation. Doing something different or better might be desirable but not at a cost of doing other work that is more important. BFC have decided to spend their resources on other things.
  19. Yeah, unless and until the IP from that game has clear title and can be given to BFC I doubt they would touch it. Given what @Cobetco has found out my guess would be there is likely confusion and risk around how owns what. Even the alternative of the one of the new companies taking it up again seems a long shot for similar reasons plus they would have to get BFC to give the go ahead too. So, seeing a updated version seems really, really unlikely. As my son's hockey coach used to say "don't hold your breath - cause you might die".
  20. 25% sounds like a good choice. Good luck....
  21. Yes. Not just from that conflict either. As @Vergeltungswaffe pointed out modern weapons are very deadly. As @Sgt.Squarehead pointed out some systems are speculative and BFC got some things right and other not quite. Actual experienced tankers have commented on here that those speculative systems preform in line with what they expect and the SOP of units reacting to the battle field are what they would expect as well. So, for your question in the title the answer is very. I predict that you are about the discover that some people don't think so and you are about to hear from some of them because I answered your question with a "very".
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