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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yes. Bummer - but they did get you sorted. Chances are good you things will go smoothly but if they don't they will help you fix it. Good luck.
  2. Oh yeah loads of fun there. This article has a nice little tid bit: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/ "The fix is to separate the kernel's memory completely from user processes using what's called Kernel Page Table Isolation, or KPTI. At one point, Forcefully Unmap Complete Kernel With Interrupt Trampolines, aka ****WIT, was mulled by the Linux kernel team, giving you an idea of how annoying this has been for the developers." LOL
  3. I'll double check on this one. First I've heard of it though LOL I just thought that was intentional. oops.
  4. What @danfrodo said: The kicker, for an anti tank role, is the Churchill's higher survivability. The 57mm gun is pretty good against enemy tanks and the Churchill tank can take more of a beating than the Sherman can. The test you ran has a strong tendency to show strong outcomes because one event can have a cascading effect: once one side starts loosing the losses get worse. They are fun and enjoy running them - if you really want more informative stats create separate lines and fight one on one. When I make testing lanes I usually use terrain (hills 5m - 7m high) to separate the lanes and not just walls.
  5. This was an awesome moment. In a recent loss to @slysniper things were not going smoothly for me. My T64s were dying fast vs his T90s and my units were withdrawing as fast as they could. At this point I figured I was done for and would not even last out the full clock. His forces had just cleared the tree line and were now exposed to my Skif teams (I had several, four I think) that were waiting for just that moment. The first one fired and missed and died shortly after. My heart sank. But then the next two turns other ATGM teams took out four T90s. In that moment the attack momentum faltered and I ran down the clock still holding on to one of the objectives. I still lost - big but it was not a total route and I lasted the time on the clock. This is one of those kills. The most interesting because... The shot The target is returning fire Lucky, this team gets to live to fire again Looks a little low It is low but still finds home How low was it? Really low...
  6. I was digging around in some screen shots I have been meaning to do something with and found this lucky example of WW2 artillery tank kill: From about a year ago. The funny thing is I don't remember if those were my tanks for my shells. With the hit text turned on...
  7. Yep, every game has limitations. You just stumbled into one of CM2's.
  8. I am not sure what you are asking there. I suspect that what we have is what we are going to get. They already implemented some improvements to make close encounters work better and have not really said there are plans to do more.
  9. There is ammo in lorries and you can even make them ammo dumps in a scenario. If your AT gun is towed by a truck there is likely AT gun ammo in the truck. That might not be for all guns but I am sure I have seen it before. As for AVVs resupplying ammo that is not supported. The thinking is that is a rear area activity since it requires significant time and open hatches.
  10. Close range is where CM spotting can feel off. There have been some changes made in the past (engine v2 or was it v3 I cannot remember) so that spotting cycles are sped up when enemy units are closer to each other. That helps with the problem of there being no chance at all of spotting an enemy unit between the cycle time. However it is not perfect. Here are some comments made by Steve. As a bonus some additional discussion about spotting.
  11. LOL that comment has to win the day - or perhaps even the week.
  12. One of us can have a chance at revenge Man that took a lot of artillery rounds! During testing on a QB map I took out bridges quite a bit quicker than that. Jury is still out on if it will pay off but I'm trying to shape the battle. I am very afraid of those Javelins - that is for sure. +1
  13. Two things are important. That the water squares are at a lower level than the ground and the ends of the bridge are resting on land squares of the same height.
  14. I don't think there is a specific place. The short history is that when the forum moved to this new platform there was a up and down vote system. It seemed to work OK mostly but a few forum members abused it and picked on a couple of members. Some of us pointed out the problem to Steve and he just disabled the whole thing. I have been thinking about it for a while and noticed other forums that only have up voting seem to work better. It allows people who contribute positive helpful posts to be easily identified and encourages newcomers to attempt to do the same. Just recently the forum was updated and I asked Steve if there was an ability to only allow up voting. Clearly he decided to give it another go. Doing that restored our scores from the time when down voting was allowed. I personally thing it can work. John was one of the people that was probably ganged up on last time. Quite frankly with some of the terrible posts he has made I do have some understanding of why and have long ignored his posts (using the forum's ignore feature) which frankly I wished more people who get annoyed with him would do. That would have been a much better thing to have done in the first place. Which is totally the way to go. There was only a few months where down voting was allowed. Actually here people last a really long time. Despite what some bitter people say (on other forums :-) Steve is very forgiving and very rarely bans people. Totally agree with that.
  15. And yet you were sill out there taking photographs. Note not the one above...
  16. Certainly. What you described though is a bunch of work for sure and I think the value would be very low. But that's just one opinion
  17. They did for a while. I asked after the last update if there was an option for up voting only. Seems there is. Those that post useful and perhaps fun posts will have their rep go up. Those that do not will not.
  18. Understood, but would it be a desirable feature for other families to get "bridge demo capability" is my and I think RepsolCBR's question. I think @sburke has covered it. It is a feature that some desire but that BFC have consistently said "no" to. For good game play / design reasons.
  19. It is not a demo team. It is an IED. So, any title that would get IEDs would mean they could be used this way. I do not think that any WW2 titles need IEDs.
  20. Oh man @Mad Mike is right. I cannot believe I did not see that. If that whole area were the objective the green shading would be visible. The fact that we don't see any green ground means the objective is inside the building. Which means as Mike says so to do your occupying forces. Oops my mistake
  21. Very likely. I am not sure if that is as intended or not though.
  22. If you want to use the Photoshop templates. This is the one I have used: https://www.psdplugin.com Since I have Photoshop I use that mostly though.
  23. I use the templates in Photoshop. Another editor that is a little more capable than paint but not quite up to Photoshop is Paint.Net. There is a plugin for paint.net that can read psd files so that could be a fee way to make use of the templates.
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