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nik mond

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Everything posted by nik mond

  1. John if you go to the CM:BC news page you will see that listed as in game. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=335&Itemid=578
  2. Combat Mission Black Sea will officially use CM:BC as its initialised form. Whereas Sea=C. Oh, and ISIS is now called ISIL. Ra wasn't very pleased.
  3. Holy alpha channel batman! That is outstanding. The pipes, girders, and lathe are nice touches. That looks just like the tractor factory Nikki Mond described in War of the Rats;)
  4. Von Ryan's Express, it was in colour, and a P38 pilot. Maybe we are thinking of two different movies in Italy?
  5. You have to take a look at it in the game world. Go back to the editor and adjust elevations and terrain to get the effect you desire. I don't think it was previously considered an issue. One thing else, perhaps unrelated, but different terrain tiles will characteristically behave differently in appearance, i.e. gravel and dirt lots maintain a square edge for elevation changes, Mud will go round on the edge for a river that changes direction. stuff like that.
  6. I believe they can be impeded by obstacles such as giving a hide command to troops behind a wall. They will see worse in that situation.
  7. The uniforms in the game have very good trouser creases and wrinkles already there for the taking. I suggest going back to the original monochromatic coveralls, but if feld gray trousers match the model that is better. Convert to gray scale. Super contrast these monochromatic trousers (not camo uniform) until you have a very light and very dark portions. The darkness corresponds to the wrinkles. Now covert to 2 colour black and white. Use the magic wand selection tool to select. Then shift ctrl I, to select just the black inverse...as in the black blobs, you don't want the white. only the shadows and creases. Now copy paste into your original flat ameba camo coverall texture as a layer, and adjust the opacity so the black creases and shadows look appropriate in the game, maybe 40%...go into the game have look, back out and adjust til you get it right. That's how you apply stolen creases and wrinkles that fit perfect to the model you are using. You can always dodge tool a bit to add wear and tear after. Ofcourse this works for the whole uniform not just the trouser, so if you are using the vanilla tanker coveralls this will be a perfect fit. Probably easier to work with olive ones from the brits if they are the same model, not sure, but you can hue first the Russians so they covert to grayscale nicer.
  8. Depending on the ordinance it is possible to destroy some bridges with heavy artillery, maybe heavy mortars as well. I have destroyed stone bridges and canal bridges with heavy long artillery barrages. Takes a bit of luck, or bad luck if you do it without intending to
  9. If you look at the main character Friedhelm, the movie does a pretty good job of showing the transition of an honourable young man with scruples in the beginning. Who goes from trying to save a young girl from the SS in the beginning to actually tying the noose around the necks of civilians and hanging them at the end, without remorse. Seemed to be a metaphor for the Wehrmacht as a whole to some degree. So I disagree with your opening, I think the movie tried hard to explain why the average soldier changed, and did not make excuses for it.
  10. You know there is a tank there just waiting. But when you click on your tank he is just out of LOS. All you see is a sound contact. You know if you edge forward one tile more you will have line of sight, but then you have to play quick-draw with an AI tank in waiting. You will surely lose as he is the fastest gun in the East. There is one more gameyish thing you can do. You have area LOS very close to the enemy tank. So start firing area attack. In front, behind and each side, what ever you can barely target. Some of this HE you are throwing might actually make contact with the enemy, jar him, make him move. then you can hunt a few feet forward and sight him. Now comes the quick-draw......
  11. Do you figure that stg-44 is re-chambered for AK ammo, or still using the 7.92 kurz. I think there is only one factory that still makes that ammo.
  12. Sounds like a campaign battle where the forces suffered some attrition in a previous battle. Was the mortar section commander waxed by any chance? Perhaps some intermediate units were lost in a previous battle, chain of command is broken from the start of the next.
  13. What many people forget or don't know about Company of Heroes is that it was made with the Warhammer engine. They basically remodelled the Hulk Marines into GI's and the hover tanks into Shermans, but didn't really change anything else in terms of game play. The city graphics look good though. But you might as well be comparing Might and Magic to CM.
  14. Digging in a tank is possible in as far as scenario design, /map making. A map elevation tile can be dropped by 2 below the surrounding tiles, or near tiles depending on how deep you want to (not) go. Tanks can be positioned in the holes /depressions. The way the physics works for the projectiles in the game you will get the benefits of dug in I would think. I saw the horror an the valour when it first came out on tv. It was controversial and the vets didn't like it I seem to recall as it focussed more on the horror than the valour. Now that time has passed I think it was a pretty good documentary series.
  15. You can start to walk a gun forward to the next tile. Then halt it immediately and give a facing when you think they have reached the minimal zenith of LOS. This works especially well for berms as well when you want a hull down effect with longer range for your paks. Not ideal, but it is possible to achieve with craters too is what I am saying.
  16. Firing a pak from the hip. I like it, Chuck Norris style.
  17. That's incredulous! Looking forward to it.
  18. Don't worry, large scenarios eventually become platoon sized for one side, or both soon enough.
  19. Hey is there any way to get these to work as the first Alt T alternative? I would like to toggle from normal trees to semi translucent, to tree trunks.
  20. Just took a look at this in Myth of Invincibility which has a lot of deep marsh. I must say this looks really good. Impressed by the way they blend with mud, or shallow marsh border tiles especially if the border tiles are slightly higher.
  21. I just got a good shot off on a T-34/85. It must have panicked because it reversed immediately after the flame attack.. Whether by design as a result of a flame attack, or something else it seemed quite an appropriate response. Its not the first time I've seen tanks change direction from a flame thrower. Might be something to it.
  22. when you said light skinned vehicles I was thinking of something else. I had a request from a "finger quote" client "finger quote" for neon pink and orange skins for H2H play. He believed it gave him an "finger quote" edge "finger quote" in multiplayer battle.
  23. I'm off to a false start. Uploaded to the repo, oops left out the mud hulls. Fixed and uploaded version two but it has not made the board yet. Unfortunately vers 1 posted to repo first. now deleted except to the 5 ppl who got it:o
  24. Yes its pretty much done for the 85 series. No longer parade tanks, its victory tanks now. We changed direction a bit with it and added a little dust and paint wear to take away from the Toy look to give it a movie look. A couple pics below of where its at now. Also added a 3rd unmarked tank for variety, so 3 for each type now.
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