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nik mond

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Everything posted by nik mond

  1. I thought it was the rapeseed fields. Now more commonly marketed in North America as Canola.
  2. Nice little project. Did you use Fraps to record this?
  3. I was thinking more of the anniversary parade look, which I believe recreated the look for the period.
  4. By Request I have agreed to do soviet parade style tanks... Ugh! Shouldn't take very long, not much to it. This is just one type. They will all get a fresh coat of paint. Many will have soviet numbers and other designations. You can use em if you want but you gotta promise me you don't get them dirty. caps are unretouched. These are still a little rough.
  5. 'souvenirrrrs, novelties, parrrrty tricks' .
  6. This is an unretouched screen cap. My compliments to the modellers and artists, who ever was involved these look good.
  7. here's another I call the lonely grenadier, aka hey pongo get off my tank.
  8. Panzer IV crew Chillin, listening to their ipods, staring at the gasthof the night before battle.
  9. O/T, after the war they had so many of these in surplus they went to public auction. My dad said they used them in the lumber camps up north. Couldn't beat them in the bush he said. Especially in the winter they got to places the horses and slays couldn't get to.
  10. Don't forget about those Blue on Cyan battles in Lapland. With the Finns you get three wars for the price of one.
  11. Getting back to the original Toning Adjustment. Beware of collateral effects. Noticed the webbing buckles were no longer black, and adopted the same tone as the uniform. The subconscious sees this. So I returned the webbing only to the original state which makes a nice contrast from the uniform. And reduced the flag by 20% in size although it seems large still, but they were that way I think. Anyways this is my mod;) for my personal use, I'll grow tired of it and download somebody else's later.
  12. The original art work and painting is there to be brought out. It is excellent and a good first step is take a simple approach before using painting or brush techniques. Perhaps simple re-toning may be the place to start. Just by adjusting sliders for 10 minutes I got the following. Not retouched. Not a finished product, but something to try. Getting a little more involved you can apply some dodging to the seams and threads, a lighter layer for frontal wearing on the trouser. Normally I would spend allot more than 30 minutes for a final product, maybe 10 hours. But I just wanted to show how the vanilla texture already has most of what you need. Its just a matter of bringing it out. Getting back to the original Toning Adjustment. Beware of collateral effects. Noticed the webbing buckles were no longer black, and adopted the same tone as the uniform. The subconscious sees this. So I returned the webbing only to the original state which makes a nice contrast from the uniform. And reduced the flag by 20% in size although it seems large still, but they were that way I think.
  13. They didn't have them in Band o bro's either, well except that one guy. Seeing Brit Airborne wearing smocks with sweaters during wombat not too much of a stretch for a mildish winter.
  14. I don't think this is a technical graphic issue other than greatcoats for airborne units do not exist in the game.
  15. Besides how it looks, how would the dice roll? Some weighting could apply to the soldier's condition: wounded vs not. A Veteran gets a bonus vs green. Physical condition, perhaps morale etc.
  16. Does your squad have grenades left? Even satchel charges or rockets? If you can get them within range they will use those when all the bullets are gone. Otherwise sneak them out and scrounge some ammo, from bodies or vehicles. No hand to hand.
  17. Officers and crew wore both white and blue uniforms this includes hats. As seen even in the b/w pic. The white hat should go with the white trousers. Pea coats were always navy blue. Generally white is summer dress or tropical location, blues are winter dress. The exact date of transition is Captain's digression. Having mixed units, and transient sailors pooled from different commands in late September could result in some sailors in whites. I thought the variety would look better than monochromatic. I can't do much about the models and their associated kit. Its just painting. I would have liked to drop kit frame too. For sure its only Kriegsmarine. In the game the sailors have a unique tunic from the Heer. The stock gray skin is very well done with brass buttons, belt buckle and insignia. But I like being able to tell the sailors from the soldiers. Download from GAJ here
  18. I agree, somewhere there is a deeply imbedded spreadsheet, or some other programming, that links all these accessories to the models but we can't get to it. The most one can do is replace the olive gaiters with the dark gray ones, not so conspicuous. The model frames are what they are. I am going to post as an open folder instead of BRZ in the repo so people can pick what they want.
  19. Thanks. Didn't realize how my file host was set to huge pictures :eek: One anecdotal story I gleamed from the internet regarding Kriegsmarine traditional uniforms. Late in the war a Kriegsmarine formation came under command and control of an SS division. Seems there was a surplus of pea dot camo uniforms, mostly wrap tunics. The Kriegsmarine infantry were given the pea dot camouflage but they refused to wear them and went on to the end of the war fighting in their Navy pea coats. I guess getting captured looking like SS didn't appeal to them.
  20. Arrrh! Have you ever been to sea matey? Hide you sons and daughters 'cause the Swabbies are back in town Arrrh! Kriegsmarine traditional uniforms. Work in Progress. Here's a pic of a landlocked Kapitan Stubing and crew from Das Lieber Boot.
  21. Yes, designate the entire enemy formation, or part of it as a Target Objective. Assign how many points you want to it. You will get the ratio of that total based on each and every man you killed.
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