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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. That's an excellent find, Rocketman! Very good to know.
  2. And it's fun so far. Will finish this weekend (before Packers/Seattle game!), and get a report to you, rocketman.
  3. Hey Jeff...I partially un-retired for a special project. At the office, atm, then have to take care of a family matter. I'll get back to you late tonight or in the morning. P.S. You've been busy on here lately, I see!
  4. I have bunches more for CMFI/GL as well. Probably all are outdated what with all modules and changes to naming/numbering of files, etc. Plus, I'd do them different now...these are 3+ years old.
  5. I know! I checked into this last year for my dad's outfit, but the database wasn't online, but wasn't able make it there. I still hope to spend a week there next spring.
  6. Have at it! http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/morning-reports-and-unit-rosters.html
  7. Sorry, but yes, going down to platoon leader level is probably going to require Morning Reports or some such info in the US Army archives (forgot the official name). Or maybe some dedicated unit websites or sumfink. I have the official division histories for the 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, and 32 U.S. Infantry Divisions, and 4th Marine Div, and I don't recall any of them giving a roster down to that level.
  8. Lol, because I completely missed it! Seriously...reading on the fly at work.
  9. 1.11 should be included in update 2.0, which OP mentioned and implied he was installing (only asked about patches...2.0 is technically an upgrade). But you raise a good point...depends on just what modules and previous updates are being installed. permanent666, if this isn't definitively answered by the time I get home from work...about 5 hours from now...I'll post the install instructions I used.
  10. You can skip all the patches EXCEPT 2.12, if your are starting from scratch. You need to install 2.12. Not at home atm, or I could post my install order list. edit: Oh, and of course, 3.11!
  11. Another vote for Nordyke. I have all his books on the 82nd; the regimental ones repeat a lot of what's in his All American opus, but also add a lot more info. I also highly recommend Clay Blair's "Ridgeway's Paratroopers", covering all US Airborne units in WWII (as low as $0.01 for hardcover!), and Leonard Rapport's "Rendezvous with Destiny" (re-printed in 2001, and only about $17 hardcover) for the 101st AB Div. http://www.amazon.com/Ridgways-Paratroopers-American-Airborne-World/dp/0385278888/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=&qid= http://www.amazon.com/Rendezvous-Destiny-History-Airborne-Division/dp/1568523726
  12. borg, not sure what's in the Big Bundle, but if it doesn't include either the 1.11 or 2.12 patches, then you need to install them in the proper order. I didn't have the bundle, and when I got the Vehicle Pack, I needed to reinstall the whole CMBN/CW/MG shebang anyway...forgot to include 2.12 patch in the install process, and had a similar problem to the one you are having.
  13. Sorry General, was busy with NFL games. (Go Pack!) AS = Action Square. Also, in Sheriff of Osterbeek (on a subsequent try at it), when I put a movement waypoint way past the bridge up near the first houses in enemy's direction, the vehicles moved right through on the road under the bridge. Still, I agree that the bridge placement is most likely causing the wonkiness.
  14. GTV, try Move/Slow down the RR for a few AS, and then a waypoint off the RR toward the fighting. Worked for me.
  15. IME, if there is any Move order (and IIRC, other orders as well) on the unit, they won't pop smoke until those orders are executed. Also, it seems that if they are under fire and/or cowering, etc., they won't pop it either.
  16. Way to spruce up this thread, General. Plant your feet, take a stand. I like that.
  17. No fair, too busy with the holidays to respond! No means No, and just like on college campuses today, yes doesn't always mean yes.
  18. I just checked out the Rep for your mod, Blimey. Holy crap! You have a ton of great-looking ones. And I see Mord has been busy there too. I literally haven't looked at CMSF repository or had the game installed since CMBN came out in May 2011. I'm gonna have to re-install it...I have all the modules, and never played the NATO one. Anyway, I dld your French mod. Thanks!
  19. Lol, unless you and Blimey are of the female persuasion, it ain't happening!
  20. Lol, glad you two kissed and made up. I wouldn't want to be responsible for the break up, or people would be calling me Yoko!
  21. Thanks everybody for your suggestions. I have CMSF, but it's been mothballed for several years. Mord, I never played CMx1 stuff. Do you have the voice files from CMBO that you could drop-box to me?
  22. Good idea, thanks Combatintman. I'll need to load CMSF up. It's been mothballed for several years now.
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