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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Do you mean "A War Without Mercy"? I think it's an original FB scenario. I have it in my scenarios and assume it has always been there.
  2. They’ll sort ya. BFC is an extremely personable outfit and isn’t the out-to-screw-you type at all. Good luck!
  3. Lol, making me dizzy, too! It does take a bit of work to figure it all out, as far as I’m concerned. Let us know how things turn out.
  4. Searching through my exploded brz’s starting from 100, as noted above, I first found them in brz 310. (I always rezexplode all the brz’s as soon as I purchase a game or modules/upgrades and keep them in my backup folders for each game.) I don’t believe that was the vehicle pack, but am not certain.
  5. I agree with the Sergeant. I don't have any clue why it would let you select them in the first place.
  6. Fry, they were introduced around v.3, about 4-5 years ago, so you must have just missed them. (They show up in brz 310 in your data files, which shows a date of December 2015, but I'm not sure when that version actually came out.) If you haven't gone to v.3 you won't be able to access them.
  7. Well, ****, not happy to know it's still hanging around, but at least it seems a rare occurrence.
  8. Is Red Orchestra and its various mods multi-player only, or can you single play? I seem to recall 10 or so years ago checking it out and either there was no single player, or SP sucked.
  9. Yeah, sounds like the occasional rare glitch I would get in CMBN pbems, and maybe other titles and playing solo, just can't recall atm. (Maybe RT??) Anyway, I haven't had it happen since I upgraded to v.4. What version are you on?
  10. Vacillator, if your troops are spread way out from their icon, it means they got split off somehow. Troops used to do that a lot before BFC fixed the “soldier wandering off by himself” bug. No idea what version fixed that, but regardless, even after the fix, a soldier will still occasionally wander away. If that is the case with your current game, then they won’t embark until they re-unite. You probably need to set a new waypoint somewhere between the various split members to get them back together first. In Howler’s case, I would bet the hedge is the problem...animation to jump the hedge may be interfering with the animation to embark, or some such thing. Anyway, move around the hedge to the same side as the HT first, then try embarking.
  11. I have version 96.7 dating to February 2020. I understood from somewhere that the latest version is always found in the first post on this thread...37mm updates it as a new version is completed.
  12. I have CDs for all the CMx2 games and modules for which BFC issued them. Never had any problem upgrading them all to their respective current versions . But, and it's a big but...let's talk about your big but (said in my best Pee Wee Herman voice), I did the upgrades as they were released, and only the last few (basically the version 4 stuff) were done using the full installer thingy. Since the CD just installs the game (and the .exe) on your computer into a Battlefront directory the same as a download/install, it should work Okay. But I second Ian's advice to check in with the Support Desk, just in case.
  13. Just watched for the third time in 4 days. It just out did my previous record of watching Saving Private Ryan, Last of the Mohicans, Black Hawk Down, and Revenant 3 times in the first 5 or 6 days of release; but all those were in movie theaters. Anyway, can’t say enough good things about Mosul. (For the record, I have many, many quibbles with those other four.)
  14. Don’t forget, Fauda depicts Israeli Arabs working in the service of their country, Israel, in a special anti-terror unit. (Forgot the actual name on the unit atm.)
  15. Love Fauda. I've watched all 3 seasons twice already. Season 4 is a go, IIRC.
  16. I've started the original twice; after the first start BFC upgraded to SF2. Then I started it again, and you just posted the newest tweaks. (Only had a half dozen turns in. I have a short attention span, lol, and I play a scenario for a few nights, then on to another, then back around to an unfinished one, etc., etc.) Third times a charm, Sarge!
  17. https://vertigomag.co.uk/film/25-facts-about-netflix-film-mosul
  18. Did you watch Mosul yet? That was top notch!
  19. Only into the first half hour. Looks good so far.
  20. Correction: There is a version in Hebrew with English subtitles.
  21. Shoot, it's dubbed in English with no option to hear it in Hebrew with subtitles. I hate that; dubbed actors always suck. And from reading though the rest of the reviews, two of the characters are apparently as annoying as Jar Jar Binks. Hmmm
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