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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. Nice to know. When modding vehicles could be useful to make a version without any kind of markings then, not a hard thing to do. This version could be [tagged] something like [plain] or [unaligned], so it could be useful for specific scenarios (you'd have to be sure to use tags as scenario designer). Not to mention the need to remove the White stripes on Ukr vehicles. There are still a lot of quite basic vehicles for any kind of uncon force, such as russian BMP-2s, BRM-1s, MTLB, Uaz, Zil. Might be Worth a try to visually recondition a T-64BV to look like a T-64B without ERA. At least from an aesthetic point of view might be interesting, take a look at a very quick first attempt:
  2. Thanks a lot! I will be using the plain silhouettes mod.
  3. Ouch that poor guy who was just turning around the corner!!!! Nice abrams pownage btw.
  4. Kieme CMBS modular roofs pt. 1 mod After a test I noticed that doubling the resolution was not giving much visual impact, that's why I decided to go with the standard definition version, therefore this mod does not affect game performance. I will surely make a standard definition version for the modular buildings mod too as soon as the roofs are finished. This mod covers the "high angle" roofs in game, lower angle ones will come in part 2 (flat roofs covered by buildings mod already) Download: https://app.box.com/s/5yoz7chtwhu3c95nbrlaub62hs2h0fv9 Changelog: -new roofs (2 ceramic tiles, 3 metal plates) -new gables (2 cinder blocks, 1 wood, 2 concrete) -new damaged versions Previews:
  5. I use the Vin's faded Arrow mod since CMRT (managed to port that myself) and I must say this mod adds a lot for me because I really didn't liked the original highlighted bases, while Vin's does the same job but with less visual impact.
  6. Yes I like that too. I am still a bit worried that the effect from far away might tend to be too dark though.
  7. Hehe, presence of tanks is another con against having stripes on the roads. A preview of the modular roofs, mod ready at 25%: Vanilla roof: Modded roof:
  8. Yes, judging from that picture the green is saturated, try that too.
  9. Very interesting. I can see the strong difference with the vanilla T-90AM, I would try to brighten it a bit to fit the other two better, and also to make it better at longer distances (dark objects migth be even darker at distance in game) but it's just my personal taste. What did you do on the other two tanks? The BM3 seems a bit lighter.
  10. The idea of being able to type the text of the briefings directly in the editor would make the briefing creation much faster and enjoyable indeed.
  11. Maybe a sub-forum dedicated to map making, scenario design, scenario sharing could help? I can see that official scenarios get much more dedicated testing, but that's a thing you can only have with selection of testers, dedication, a special forum for few etc.
  12. Very very very nice job. Thanks for sharing"!! Not only that, they are also partly transparent, which is practically a real luxury, but if anyone is in difficulty because he doesn't know the symbols it's the perfect time to learn (recognization tables are inside the mod)! Compliments, this mod is done with dedication.
  13. Any way to extract the soundtrack of that video to use it in game? Has that video a direct link or something? -nevermind, found it on youtube
  14. Try to take a look at the manual, it explains a lot. Then make sure your new files are of the same format and have the same details as the original.
  15. I agree with the Others, why bother with something the player can do on his own discipline?
  16. I agree on the fact that there are fewer scenario makers that one could expect, considering the power of scenario/map editor. One fact to take account of is that making of new scenarios has increased in difficulty ever since triggers were released, although this feature is not mandatory; on the other hand the overlay possibility has reduced the difficulty and frustration of new map creation from outside sources. In my opinion what the editor would need is a complete rework. Sure, some little changes would be nice (to say one I'd like to see a single big "3d preview" dedicated button on the main interface panel) but in the end if you want to make it easier to create new scenarios a new interface would be mandatory, in my opinion. Another option that could speed up map creation, for example, would be the chance to save into a dedicated library partial map sections, full with terrain, foliage and flavor objects, a 5x5, 10x10 or 20x20 Tiles worth sub-creation that would let you make a nice farm compound, for example, with all its props, and then reproduce it in various maps whenever you need that kind of farm compound. As regarding the vehicle pack, in my opinion, that was the worst possible move: the base game for that is the oldest of the new line and the vehicles inside that pack would have been worth at the release. While I would have kept the flail sherman and AT gun bunkers for a late 1944 module (sigfried line etc.). New vehicles are very interesting, but to rely on user-created maps to make those vehicle worth a game inclusion you'd need to provide something substantial like a new campaign or a good selection of single scenarios. Sure, you have quick battles, but given the specialization of some of those vehicles new scenarios should be tailored for their scope (sherman crab). Take CMBS for example, disregarding the upcoming modules, suppose a little pack of 10 new vehicles is releasable, would you either fit them to the next module or release it now so that the wave of user scenarios will be using those too? For sure I wouldn't release them after all the modules have been published... at that time you can bet very few people will still make scenarios (those doing that have already given their share). I am not an expert and maybe BFC got a lot of money out of that vehicle pack (I didn't buy it), but that's my opinion on that.
  17. Most of the crap was ready before the game released, did some modding the two weeks the game was late and CMSF ports were easy.
  18. Kieme CMBS modular buildings add on 1 (HD) Important !!! this mod does not change any file of the game, it simply ADDs 4 new modular buildings types you can choose from the editor while making a completely new map. Download link: https://app.box.com/s/3whq3ye3oxl5k1ru6qsj7b68xyp0ffxx Previews in previous replies. Changelog: -additional building (modern highrise, brown, light weathering) -additional building (modern highrise, white, medium weathering) -additional building (industrial concrete, light grey, light weathering) -additional building (industrial concrete, light grey, with rollup doors, light weathering) -dedicated new doors and windows for each   Note: this mod is in HD (2x the size of original textures), therefore it will ask more resources to your system and it could slow down your game. Note to scenario designers: if you wish to use the buildings of this add-on please remember that: -if a player without this mod/add-on will use a scenario made using this mod/add-on as an option the said player will see the buildings in game but with one of the 8 original textures, being those modded or not.. -the roll up doors in building no.12 do not work in game, they are just aesthetics -the windows seen on middle facades of buildings 9 and 10 don't work in game, but you can use the long windows + balconies) to match the facade and make it servicable -and yet visually pleasant- in game, see this example: http://i58.tinypic.com/2j4cyae.jpg
  19. Good question, the Windows in that case of the above screenshots are out of a wall with no Windows or doors from the game engine's point of view... so you player can see them, but for your units there'll be a wall. That's why I went for this solution: If you want to use the facade efficiently, you can either add normal Windows, which will ruin a bit the facade effect but will give you all the standard functionality, or you can use such particular building with balconies and long Windows, which match the wall Windows and give you good functionality and visual effect. So, to any scenario designer interested in using these buildings I'd suggest to use them only with all balconies on, and long Windows+1 door each floor. Otherwise they can use the standard Windows, which are not the best looking solution, but it still doesn't make the building facade horrible.
  20. Three previews of the upcoming add on for modular buildings. Ported from my old CMSF mod with little variation. The first two buildings are dedicated to a modern city setting: offices, apartments, anything from a city centre to a new suburban environment; the other two buildings are of an industrial fashion, with the latter being just a little rework showing two roll up doors (but also new windows and door). These buildings will not change anything in the actual game but only give more options to completely new maps.
  21. Hey, Intel Core i5 4670K 3.8ghz on ASUS Maximus VI Gene Nvidia GTX 780 8GB Corsair RAM Win 7, 64
  22. I belive a lot of players would enjoy the gridded terrain, but I'm a bit worried about the work necessary to make such a version. I'll consider that. Still think that BFC should add a hotkey to toggle a virtual grid on and off.
  23. Modern titles in particular have many more potential sources to gather the sounds from. practically a Whole more universe.
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