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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. This is a mod a really like. The colors of the camouflage are very good for my tastes and the plain helmet is a must in my opinion. Thanks for sharing. On a side note, if you want you could correct the graphic bug about the soldiers' shoulders, take a look here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118188-bug-report-graphic-russian-infantry/ I used a cloning tool and made the vests shoulders a bit longer up to the edge of the bmp file.
  2. Actually, there are some.. First of all standard graphics are done by one or very few people who have to deal with all the 2d "painting" of the game, and that's a huge task to deal with. So, having to work on so many files of different nature it's hard to keep an extreme standard quality. Increasing quality would require a lot more time, thus asking many more months of development time. Time is money and BFC has to do cuts as well as set a certain quality to assure a good time/development ratio. Second, BFC sets a certain level over which the game must not go, and this level is about performance on a given machine (minimum computer requirements). Increasing quality would hurt that choice, force BFC to increase the target level, increase the minimum requirements, thus cutting a potential portion (estimated) of customers away... moreover, all of this would require game computing resources, so changes on the programming side should be done too. All in all I agree that at least some textures of the original game are not really good (personally, I dislike the buildings, that's where I started modding CM2x games), but we must keep in mind the contraints BFC has to deal with and operate within.
  3. Thanks for the info Panzer, the only limit we must keep in mind with CMBS is that the vehicle names are 100% random, this means that if you have 2 companies, or tanks from 2 companies, the names will mix. If you have single vehicles picked they will have mix names. If you want to try a 100% realistic combination you also should be 100% sure that you will Always have tanks from a single company. And in any case all names of one signle group, as you said, with the same starting letter. The font I posted a link of should be very similar to the original one. As a start find out the correct .bmp file, then put the names on the gun tube using paint.. you can give it a try. I could make a Bradley name add on too now that you gave me so valuable info about it. Only problem is that if I add A... names for A company, then those names will be on B company vehicles too, if I add A... and B... names they will mix... so I would skip the rule in this case too (as for the Abrams). Moreover, I wonder what kind of name should the Brads have, the same generic types as I did for the Abrams, the very same of the Abrams, or something else, I don't know, female names, animal names, or city names, for example. Guys from USA could really give good hints on this becase I am out of ideas and no native US citizen. Agusto, sure you can upload whatever you desire. I really don't know about that problem, all I can say is try to be sure about the numbering of the files, it is possible the game could flip out if something is not in order. About the names changing at a given distance, could be something related to the LOD models of the game... whenever a different LOD model is loaded (because you went too far with your camera) the game might pick another random texture... you don't notice this normally because vehicles only got 1 texture each, but if you add multiple options (such as names or markings) I belive the above might happen. Not Always though, could be either a very minor bug or an engine functionality.
  4. Great job BTR! So that's how many vehicle variants the russians have in game...
  5. Kieme CMBS USA Bradley graffiti add on This is another option for the Bradley. This mod will add a funny hand-written graffiti on the back ramp of each vehicle. There are 23 different short phrases of various kind that will show up randomly on Bradleys in game. Download: https://app.box.com/s/992zusj8ika9g3a00hsi84qez2x45v4c Preview:
  6. Kieme CMBS USA Bradley desert ERA add on This is just an option. This mod adds some ERA blocks of a different color (desert yellow). These blocks will be shown on each Bradley in a random fashion, thus making each vehicle different. The texture for desert blocks has been imported from the old CMSF. If you like the concept, it creates sort of a camouflage. Download: https://app.box.com/s/6yclcf9dq3fkeuvafb0vv2kahj9uo3sp Preview:
  7. Kieme CMBS USA Bradley Covers all Bradley versions. Changelog: -same weathering as the Abrams -changed tracks (just delete the mod's track file if you prefer the original Brads') Download: https://app.box.com/s/3bv3t4kiy547iicvv0zd8pylvea4j763 Preview:
  8. Not the target consumer of CM games. If you ask a dog about CMBS you won't get a different reply.
  9. Check the other thread please, there's an official final release.
  10. You might be successful using old CMSF textures for the vehicles (maybe [tagging] them); for example the M1A2 has the very same textures at a first glance. As well as BMP-2s. Unfortunately for the infantry doesn't seem to hold the same, but you might use bits of the uniforms anyway. I am planning on making some new flavour objects for CMBS using the BMP-1 and T-54b models.. you could swap the same models (and rusty abandoned textures) with some CMBS red side vehicles, and use these as target vehicles or something like that. Take a look at the repository for CMSF, there are some of the old mods I did for that game that you might find useful, for example the horizon mod, looks like it would fit NTC better than sirya. Not to mention the buildings and roads mods. A few ideas: fort irwin http://usarmy.vo.llnwd.net/e2/-images/2008/01/31/12447/size0-army.mil-2008-01-31-171935.jpg http://www.cheapflights.co.uk/news/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Fort-Irwin_Americas-roadside-curiosties-620x282.jpg http://www.allstate-engineering.net/past-projects/fort-irwin-army-base/ https://militarybases.com/fort-irwin-army-base-in-barstow-ca/
  11. Sure they will; you will have an M1A2 with some dirt on the gun, the front and back side skirts (under the ERA) and the front lower hull, the rest of the tank will retain the vanilla textures. Otherwise you can use the original texture and add your own names as described before.
  12. Sure you can add your own tank names. As a reference I used font size 20, light grey color, all capital letters. This is a link to the (free) font I used, it's quite similar to the original used by the US Army: http://it.fonts2u.com/browning.carattere Follow the instructions inside the download to install it. Be sure to name the files correctly adding progressive numbers or sbustituting the numbers of the mod. As regarding the mods to download, you should find recalling topics with a list of released mods, for example this one: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117795-kiemes-modding-corner/?p=1585353 all these mods are compatible with each other and others' mods like sound mods, tactical icon mods, force background mods etc.
  13. Had to be sure the thing would be there. Meanwhile, an interest finding... The old .bmp file for the Bradley's ERAs of CMSF works perfectly in CMBS... even after 7 years... just made a quick change to the color. Either as a replacement: Or as an addendum, in which case the game gives us the favour of completely random placing... There wouldn't be one Bradley as the other... Could be useful as an option for ported materials from the desert, wouldn't it? If I am not mistaken these cross-overs are not uncommon for the US Army.
  14. Thanks! Are you sure that the uncovered helmet variant is there? I got one kind only.
  15. Hmmm. There's no way to do this "directly"... I mean, not like it happens for the player's forces, which are somehow followed by the campaign system.. But, there could be a walkaround. The campaign designer could tailor, let's say, the first mission so that the player could score a certain victory only by Killing 10 out of 10 enemy tanks, and then add a branch to mission 2 where the enemy has no tank left... if the player doesn't reach the 10/10 the next mission will be one of a branch with 5 enemy tanks in it. Not an easy jos to do anyway. Also, considering that during a campaign you encounter different enemy formations, not just a single one, I belive a Whole lot of programming for this wouldn't have all that sense.
  16. I would like a new setting. Because, in the end, I belive all the content should be redone according to the new possibilities the game engine would give, map making, AI editing options, units functionalities etc. But I'd like to see a strong OPFOR. That rules ISIS out, because even a detailed amount of unconventional formation wouldn't make the game much different (30 types of technicals is not much different than 4 types of technicals...), and fighting T-55 with M1A2 SEPs wouldn't be much of an interesting setting. I really don't know what could be added, but a real OPFOR with at least some modern assets would be necessary imho.
  17. Well, it depends on how much variation you want. The more you add the less probable to find a copy/double, the more unique each vehicle will be. It's Worth only if it takes not too much effort to you and/or if the effect is really interesting. Otherwise you might just stick to one detail for all vehicles. Let's say you add a divisional marking on your T-72BM3. It would be better to use only that, because if a player has a couple of platoons he would expect them to use the same marking. If you manage to add a tactical number, which should be different for each tank, the more the better, because the player would expect each vehicle to have a different number, but not a different divisional marking on each vehicle (would be a bit silly).
  18. Kieme CMBS USA Abrams - tank names add-on Ok, this might not be for everyone taste, so it's just an add on. If you want your tanks to display a nickname on the gun barrels (noticed this was the case in CMSF too) you just need to download this and put it in your mods folder. I also noticed that US M1A2 SEPs in recent europe training had these nicknames stenciled on the gun barrel. I managed to find a nice font, very similar to the original one. The names are in White but not too large or bright. Anyway, grab it if you like it, otherwise you can keep your M1s with no charisma at all. Download: https://app.box.com/s/hb49kaaisph12f6h69tsjsl4yolekpaa Changelog: -tank nickname added on the gun barrel right side (39 different names) The names vary from WW2 tributes, to obvious ones, to "cool" or actual ones, got a dirty one there, too. Hope I didn't make any mistake. The large file size is due to the number of textures... these should be enough to ensure a certain variety, although you might still get doubles (or blanks). Preview (yeah I know, pretty obvious one):
  19. Kieme CMBS USA Abrams Let's be honest, whatever modern game you get your hands on, you can't avoid to feel this one as the battlefield's king. That's why I was so undecided upon so many things that, in the end, I had to base most of the weathering on the few recent photos showing M1A2 SEPs in europe during joint trainings. Thanks also to Saferight's force specific screens mod and its good pictures. The trickiest part is the side ERA/spaced armor. BFC should really differentiate between the turret blocks and the skirt ones, otherwise you ca't get mud on the lower blocks without splashing unrealistically all the blocks in the same way and the upper turret sides. Download: https://app.box.com/s/24plheazjvgue3y883gmrqkblhum95ia Changelog: -darkened and desaturated colors -enhanced details -added light rain marks -added 2 layers of dust and dirt -added 2 layers of dry and fresh mud -added subtle scratches -added local effects -new normal maps -includes US vehicle gear and US vehicle MGs textures Previews:
  20. c3k , I love the screenshot storytelling, great job! thanks a lot!
  21. Chris confirmed that a more detailed document was to be relased some time after the main game release. Not sure when though.
  22. BTR, as an example: the M1A2 has its gun texture in one of its texture .bmp files. The same as the skirts. It's called "m1a2-skirts". I made 30 other files, named "m1a2-skirts 2", "m1a2-skirts 3" etc. each of them had a single difference, a single nickname for the tank shown on the tank barrel. When loading the game now with 30 M1A2 I will see almost all of them with a different name. There might still be couples or triples, but the more variations you add the less chanced to find two identical vehicles. The only trick is to be sure the numbers or simbols do not get mirrored somewhere. Example: the T-64 bulat turret era blocks have one single texture for both right and left. If I paint a number 3 on one side it will be a 3, on the other it will be a E (a number 3 mirrored).
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