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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. Well, if I remember correctly the vanilla CMBS shacks such as this one have two versions, one is wooden the other is bricks covered with ruined plaster...
  2. Outstanding idea. You practically took the system of the game, twisted some arms, and made a brand new functionality! Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!
  3. Start on Strikers... As a first thing I wanted to make a very good wheel (the original one is still very nice); first of all, I doubled the resolution (HD wheel!) of the original file, then I grabbed the pneumatic (and tread) out of a real striker photograph, changed the colors a bit, and "mounted" it on the original rim. Still needs weathering and maybe a bit stronger normal map (I have corrected the trim after looking at this picture to match the correct scale):
  4. Interesting. There's indded a reason why BFC left these buildings from CMRT.
  5. Yeah it is Worth to notice that the next three things you can reasonably expect from BFC are all three snowy... let's see: (with estimated dates) CMRT module --> oct1944/gen1945+ CMBS module --> sept2017/gen2018 Combat Mission The Bulge -->oct1944/gen1945 I belive they will share the same snow graphics (effects, textures etc.), being based on the same engine version. Actual facts in Ukraine proof that even during winter modern war can be done (with all due difficulties).
  6. The best Advisor is a former military, that's for sure. I really enjoy the fact that such people share their knowledge and interest on this forums, which are dedicated to a videogame in the end, a serious game yet still a game. And I feel a bit silly for myself, sometimes, to discuss about matters I have no idea of, if compared to people who lived such things. I have never even seen an M1A2 with my eyes, just to say one.
  7. Panzer, I wondered so, but really couldn't resist. Also, didn't want to show any kind of disrespect to US military, in case that was somehow felt about that name mod. Thank you for your suggestions, I find them very precious. Whenever you got an occasion and remember a detail, let us know about a dumb name you rejected, out of curiosity. Now that I am at it, is there any kind of markings ever used by the hummers? Seems to me these vehicles never spot an insigna, tactical number or similar. I tried a mod add on with a national flag taped on the back cover, but didn't really convince me.
  8. You got it, strikers next! I might still have an ace under the table for the hummer...
  9. That's a good question, I don't know the answer. Surely I can point you out to the game editor. With a few clicks you can set up a scenario and test how things work. I should do it because I have little clue as you have, but experimenting stuff in the editor makes you understand the game most than anything. So that's my suggestion.
  10. Thanks for the clarification Pelican, and it's also a matter of monetary investment. If you have 1 programmer you can ask him for a new engine (for example the multicore 64bit), but let's say he will tell you: ok give me 5 years and you got it. I have no idea how much time would be needed, all I know is that it's not so easy (otherwise it would have been done already). So, do you hire more people? You should, but how do you pay them? What kind of new Investments can be done? All these matters come before the game is released and more fans join in. This is often overseen. BFC is a small company and its tracks are quite set. If I was rich enough I would go there and toss money, without any consideration for it, to Steve asking for every goodie I can imagine (first of all combat mission Vietnam with working helicopters). It can be done, money can do a lot, but would Steve accept? He might not, and he is wise at least to think about saying no, because there's a lot more to consider, any kind of investment can really change BFC and every step must be considered wisely, even if money grew on trees.
  11. That kind of attitude is clearly out of place on this forum.
  12. If I wanted to know how realistic arma is I would go to arma website, search for arma info on youtube etc. Really couldn't care less when reading CMBS forums. And again, comparing the two products, is an exercise of masochism. About the real topic here, CM graphics, I also agree with coffeis4closers, if you take a look at CMSF you can note a great deal of improvements. Sure the graphics can be better, direct3d lets you have more goodies, but in the end I agree with BFC, graphics come after sim. I am one of those who would like millions pumped into BFC, dozens of artists doing 3d models, 2d graphics, dozens of programmers adding that particle effect to tracks moving etc. but the truth is BFC is what it is, and I can live with this.
  13. I belive you guys are doing a fantastic AAR, and I thank you for this. But I have to tell that in my opinion the deployment zones were not correct and, even at the cost of being gamey, the map should have had a bit more of depressions to avoid direct first minute contact.
  14. All this comparison to arma is in my opinion way off hand and uncorrect. The only common thing is that they deal with modern weapons, that's it. The two products not only are different by tradition (past 10 years of development), concept, scope, they are also extremely different in terms of budget, developing team and investment. So, in my opinion, any kind of comparison is a joke. You can like one of them or both, just don't put one against the other because it's not correct for any of them.
  15. Kieme CMBS USA Hummer Should cover all hummer variants. The usual weathering and color changing to fit other US Army vehicle mods. Download: https://app.box.com/s/x1mynr6gq83txoc9sclaiqv2b2fwr2do Preview:
  16. thanks for the heads up! Always interesting to know about camo options. To post a picture use the little icon among those on top of where you write down your message, it will pop up a little window where you insert the direct link.
  17. I belive the fact that the game is so easy to mod (wav and bmp are common formats), has a dedicated folder for mods (Z folder system) and modding instruments (rezpack and rezexplode) is proof that BFC cares about modding.
  18. Kieme CMBS USA Bradley vehicle names add on Special thanks to panzersaurkrautwerfer for this one. This mod adds a name to the back of Bradleys turrets. The names are stenciled in low-visibility black color and are based on panzers' advice on the starting letters, only A and B. There's a total of 22 different names. Download: https://app.box.com/s/4qrm3exuzuvqv9oi0r9a1ugab6zjneki Preview: please see the screenshot in one of the replies above (the name has been moved a bit up in order to avoid the repetition under the turret sensor tower).
  19. Mods tutorial: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/114228-how-to-install-and-use-mods-in-cmx2-video/?hl=%2Binstall+%2Bmods Mods must be placed in this directory (Win7 64) C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Black Sea\User Data\Mods Just unzip the content (extract from the winrar files you download) and place them as they are in that directory. That's the default one, instead of "your user name" you should see the name you picked when you installed the operative system. I should have added a readme with each download but got lazy on that front.
  20. Ohh finally nice! Thank you very much! Independent buildings need some love like this! Interesting choices on the Windows, feels really true. It's very well done.
  21. aha remarkable to be able to talk to someone who was there. Thanks again for your support. What do you think about this low-visibility tentative? Ouch, found a problem! Cheap BFC used the same basket texture to cover the lower part of the turret sensor... I shall move the text on the bolted plate above where it is now.
  22. Thanks a lot for your help panzer! I'd like to make a Bradley nickname add on option as you pointed where with those names. By the way, some are really hilarious, like demented doctor seuss. I recognized "can't miss", which I saw before you told me from this picture: http://i59.tinypic.com/29pxeko.jpg By the way, the real names are quite better than mine, but I went for more tv and movie stuff, guess that's the wrong way as US Army personnel has more imagination than I gave thought.
  23. The HD mods are indded stressful. Doubling the resolution inevitably increases the amount of monkeys needed to run the game. (I can't be more technical than that) I never did specific tests, but the fact is sure as MickeyD pointed out time ago. If a hand gives the other takes. On a side note all the mods that are not HD and therefore use the same resolution as the original ones do not have an impact on the game, because they load the same amount of pixels. In my opinion the best textures in game are those of the vehicles. Yes, I am modding all of them, but what I really appreciate is that they show with great fidelity where bolts, nuts, hatches are located on a vehicle. Each vehicle model is a plain box before these textures are made (take a look at some of ChrisND Alpha or beta videos to see "naked" vehicles), and I can only imagine how much work it is to find the right size and place for every detail. Also the tree textures are great, the foliage etc. not an easy thing to do. And the terrain, which has improved a lot since CMBN.
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