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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. I belive you could mod the casualty crosses file so that it simply can't be seen anymore, if you so desire (completely transparent so you just can't see anything) The buildings becoming transparent is hard coded and can't be changed.
  2. Vein, may I suggest you to review, revive or republish your Base Markers mod? It was very useful for me in CMSF and CMRT, it even had options. New players might not know about it. Maybe it could just be ported.
  3. An example: In a recent video from ChrisND you could see a T-72BM3 being hit by a US AT asset. The tank was hit in its front turret. The shot caused one of the front turret ERA blocks to explode, neutralizing the shot, and the vehicle was still operational after that event. You could see that the vehicle turret was missing one of its ERA sections. Another shot, some time later, struck the T-72BM front turret in that area which was missing the ERA from the previous event, this time it managed to penetrate the armor and destroy the tank. You could see that the vehicle turret had a hole in its front part. Not bad in my opinion as a detailed simulation of the shots, the tank, and the ERA armor.
  4. More previews of the roads mod: Vanilla: Modded: Vanilla: Modded: I didn't add the stripes, because of lazyness and because of the absence of pedestrians in game.
  5. Kieme CMBS improved roads (HD) mod Download link: https://app.box.com/s/9b827rv64gjyugzt0yk9jx7f6gnhra04 Changelog: -new paved road 1 (paved, good conditions, mild weathering, horizontal signals) -new paved road 2 (paved, bad conditions, mild weathering, no horizontal signals) -new railroad (concrete beams) Note: this mod is in HD, but considering that the original textures were of a very low size, it should have little impact on FPS and game performance. Note2: there are some alignment errors with the roads, which can be avoided by carefully placing the road sections in the editor (keep using only one tile direction NS, for example, for the entire road line without switching Tiles by 180°). Note3: there are alignment errors in the more complex railroad Tiles, can't work them out more than this, so please take count of such errors if you decide to use the mod. Railroad has Always been a chimera for me, this is what I managed to achieve and I swear I won't try to mod it ever again! Note4: the paved road with horizontal signals is a modified port from my older CMSF in HD mod. Previews (more coming in another reply) Vanilla: Modded:
  6. I did recently play a good portion of CMSF+modules, modded a lot of files too. Now, I can truly see how far the game has been developed until this CMBS. From so many points of view the game has evolved, improved, it has been enriched in details and features (and these are just the improvements we can immediately see as players). The quality of map design has improved too, scenario designers seem to have found more ways to exploit the terrain editor, and they seem to be following a strong realistic methodology when it comes to fitting the available terrain features toghether.
  7. Kieme CMBS modular buildings (HD) mod Download link: https://app.box.com/s/lriagz6nrjlo1m6y2eke1u99f5jowptc Changelog: -new textures (HD) for all 8 modular buildings -new doors and windows -new details -new flat roofs -new floor texture Note: this mod is in HD, that means that all the content textures are 2x the size of original game's ones. Please note that use of this mod will require more computer resources and might cause lower performances of the game with your system. Preview: (more previews inside this forum thread, please check other pages):
  8. Possibly, for sure some kind of support system coming from a ship ashore. Also, it would be possible to create a [tagged] mod to make sure one of the horizon parts is plain sea, should be very easy... Now that we have amphibious capability I would expect most probably a true Landing scenario as the starter of USMC campaign.
  9. Right on top of this forum: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117743-resources-and-help-for-new-players/
  10. Odessa USMC Landing... I have seen that BFC is planning on releasing a new object in game with the first expansion, from the editor's files: "editor option button container" Which leads to: port of odessa
  11. Vin, yes I belive you should do that, until a point of "balance" where I belive you might get the very same resolution of the main tile and mini tile (although I never experimented this, also because I belive the resolution of the main tile would be too low at that point to be acceptable ad medium distance). I have to admit I never changed my setting while modding the ground textures, I kept the best possible ones Always. But you're right eveluating that possibility. I should really take a look at the terrain mod again to make a standard resolution version for those people who can't use top notch computers, keeping in mind I shall try changing the game options, in that case anyway the mini Tiles will need to be redone from scratch.
  12. Without zipping them, the files are more than twice larger.... I really can't see myself uploading 600mb of stuff in one big send.
  13. Hint hint: amphibious vehicles are done, so it's one more box we can tick towards anything pacific-related...
  14. Not sure at all. The only I did as an experiment was something for the T-64, I had the sounds of a T-72 idle and a T-64 moving, modded both to fit the in game T-64, at least this was the plan. T-64 uses these two: vehicle loop engine idle heavy vehicle loop move medium track
  15. Also the challenger and leopard2 had their own sound files iirc.
  16. Thanks Mord and Vin, your words are much appreciated. Vin, I also tried to fight the blurry distant textures (and tree differences) over and over again. Found a thing by chance: if you increase the resolution of the close texture (the one you see at closer distance, the "good" texture) you have to reduce the resolution (or dimensions) of the mini ground texture to reduce the visual difference. For example: CMBS original terrain is 1024x1024 per tile, with the correspondent mini texture at 64x64 pixels. My higher resolution mod uses 2048x2048 closer textures, where the correspondent mini is sometimes a little 8x8 pixel image (!). So I wonder this: considering that a large map, looked from far away, has more space covered by the "mini" textures than space covered by the large closer textures, is there really a big frame impact to the game engine -keeping in mind that there will be 8x8 pixel images instead of 64x64 at distace, and 2048x2048 at closer distance instead of 1024x1024? I belive yes, there will still be an impact because the number of 8x8 Tiles needed to cover the 1024x1024 of a single closer tile is quite large.. (1.048.576 pixels), but, being of a smaller size it means that the far away mini squares will be many... Not sure if all this profane and untechnical elaboration was clear...
  17. I have seen commander's cupola rotating independently on the T-64, but after some testing not on the T-72B3... also, the commander's cupola is in the right direction as Vanir said, so I belive that's the best for spotting and commander's visual checks when buttoned, but it's impossible to use the machine gun when unbuttoned. Tricky.
  18. Some last previews of the modular buildings mod. I have found a solution for the flat roofs, which will be included in the mod (BFC decided to use only 1 flat roof type for the 8 buildings this time, for performance reasons). The other roofs will come separately. The only missing parts to finish the mod are the details (around Windows and doors), should be done today or Tomorrow.
  19. There's the same problem with tank engines, you can't tailor the sound to the single tank type, and that's a pity, since you could manage to get a lot of real sounds. There are some exception, such as the Abrams, which has its own turbine sound. But, for example, the engine sound I managed to get for the T-64, which is the real deal, will be used also by the Bradley...
  20. Note that the running animation is also tailored to the terrain type and condition. That's why sometimes it seems the soldiers run on ice, because of the simulation abstraction (it would be a lot of work to add a specific animation for each possible condition mix), tweaking the effective speed leaving the animation alone is much easier. The cowering takes some abstraction, such as a Group of soldiers who are so scared or suppressed that they can't move, even if you think that would be best for them. In fact often they just broke and start running away and that's when they get even more losses. Makes sense to me. About the movement in lines, I belive that the absence of "formations" is mainly due to an engine restriction, the line movement is dictated by the pathfinding of the AI which is linear, having multiple lines would require a lot of re-work I am sure, and I am not even convinced the actual game engine could support that, maybe in the future the grid will be smaller, allowing for more complex soldier pathfindings (and different within a single unit), but that would also require a lot more computer calculations.
  21. Glad you like this. It's a hobby, but after some time spent modding CMSF and CMRT, after having learnt how to use the different instruments of a specific painting program, after collecting a lot of textures in a database, and after knowing quite well how the textures behave in game and what effectively is in the game, I must say that the modding process can be very fast; take the modular buildings, for example, I now use a simple method: find a good picture imaging a roughtly size of a 3-storey structure in game, medium size (smallr size will shrink the texture a bit, large size will stretch it); then mentally divide it in 3 parts and see if it can fit. If it does then I cut the part I need, resize it in a 2048x1536 image, or "master building texture" (which is exactly the size of the in game modular building, 3 storey high). Then I paste the image in a raw 2048x512 picture, make three of those (bottom/middle/top), and you got the most of the building done. Quick test in game (using a pre-made dedicated small map with buildings inside), check what it looks like near a soldier, check if it fits the other buildings, apply corrections to colors/definition/brightness etc., then add some weathering using decals. Then finish the details (such as balcony), find some matching door/window/longwindow from a pre-made database, finally make the normal maps using a free quick tool; one last in game check. The building is done. Could really make a lot of them, but if you need to make 30 clicks to find what you need it's not going to be pleasant to detail a scenario's map. That's why I will mod the 8 vanilla buildings and at max add 8 more new types, 15 clicks to browse the avilable buildings is more acceptable.
  22. There are no unconventional or irregular forces in CMBS, as the game has no connection to the actual facts in ukraine. It is possible something like that will come in future expansions.
  23. Well, there's a chance to make something at least visually interesting for this... We got T-64BV and T-72BM in game right? I am pretty sure the ERA blocks could be modded to be invisible, then you'd got something at least more similar to a standard T-72M and a T-64b... BTR-70 is in game, BRDM-2 good too. Maybe even the M1 could be stripped out of some features (but I guess it would still look like an M1A2). Wish it would be feasable, but in the end no, too many gaps to fill, it would be like trying to make jurassic park with bits of DNA.
  24. Thank you very much for doing this, it helps a lot.
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