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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. To add screens using links, be sure to click the little picture icon on top of where you write down your messages. Insert the link and it will add the picture.
  2. Kieme CMBS MTLBm-strela-shturm 3-vehicle pack for the MTLB and main variants. Quite heavy weathering. Download: https://app.box.com/s/3aqnp0x3hg0rxbdqpbh3z9lz0u0p21of Preview:
  3. If I were you I'd split the file in parts, following the families of vehicles for each part (MBT, BMP3, BMP2, MTLB, BTR, Softskin/AA, BRDM2 etc. If you made the normal maps the size is double, if you just ignore them (game will use vanilla ones) you halve the size of the files. Winrar makes the file less than half the original size. If you need a quick program to generate normal maps, I use ssbumpgenerator. Easy and free. Crazybump is great (lets you preview), but it will be free for some time only.
  4. You can hide the vehicle in a building. Place the vehicle on the map first, maybe in a far corner then place a big modular building on that very tile. The vehicle will sit there. Make it immobilized, so the engine will not sound... And to be sure make the building without a door entrance... The building will not be transparent, but you'll have the unit icon showing on top of the building. Possible problem with victory points, not sure the game will count that dead vehicle or not. In case add a bonus to cope with the point loss. Problem: you can't dismount manually the hummer with 1 driver in game, if you immobilize it becomes the pile of boxes. If I were you I'd use a Ukrainian UAZ, set it immobilized (and hide as above), bail out the single crew member, rename him as "downed pilot" or something like that (the unit type will be called "vehicle crew", not bad). make a tagged mod for ukrainian army so that the soldier will look like using a pilot suit, maybe you can make the helmet disappear with a dedicated mod... Make the soldier weary, fatigued, what you prefer, make sure you set the minimum amount of ammo. Alternatives: ukrainian scout team (severe ammo should take out the explosives). So you have russians, USA, and instead of UA you have 1 man with a pilot suit, no helmet, a single AK (let's say he found it on the field), with less than a couple of magazines...
  5. I went for this one on mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhzMqhK8hWI
  6. Excellent! Can't wait to see these in game.
  7. Special thanks to Blimey for the next one..... couple of more flavour objects to be added in game... new textures pending...
  8. make sure you haven't turned your sound off... Are all the other sounds working? Just the vehicle don't?
  9. Will keep that oplot present. Meanwhile another marginal vehicle: Kieme CMBS BRDM-2 UA Download: https://app.box.com/s/u2l6fvif3iimmbkivalv4dv8xmvydtnh Preview:
  10. Thanks people, don't worry, it takes less time to do these than you might think, and being a modeler helps a lot, since parts are easier to recognize on the texture files. With the next one the most common vehicles for UA are done, now I'd like to finish with the less common ones (MTLB, BRDM-2, BRMs etc.), no fancy camouflage for them. Kieme CMBS BTR-70m-k Some weathering, a bit deeper scratches to represent an older vehicle, but not too dirty. Download: https://app.box.com/s/9t4wsx7bx7trm2bxg4rwj8z19s3kl8qz Preview:
  11. Kieme CMBS BTR-4e The 3-tone digital camo applies to this vehicle because it's the most advanced as the Oplot, and the only remaining UA vehicle that could display it without too much commotion. Intensive weathering for the lower parts, usual for the rest. Enhanced normal maps included. Download: https://app.box.com/s/own9ti9zohnnvmhju6jyr7trg674up2t Preview:
  12. Thanks Mord, sure splinty, I'd like to finish the UA vehicles, then it shouldn't take much to weatherize a plain version of the oplot, do you have any reference picture with a dirty oplot by any chance? With the occasion might as well try a heavier weathering.
  13. Kieme CMBS BMP-2-k UA A mod for both BMP-2 and BMP-2k in UA ranks. This time I went for a quite strong weathering, because these vehicles are used by infantry too. The base color was slightly changed to be a bit darker. Enhanced normal maps as usual. Download: https://app.box.com/s/td4e4ohyirchpqb7gsl2sjfz9r70xcf7 Preview: Vanilla for comparison:
  14. Kieme CMBS T-64 Bulat another kind of 3-tone camouflage for the Bulat, the usual weathering, a bit stronger this time for the grunt T-64... enhanced normal maps included. Download: https://app.box.com/s/44s2t1hf8rejozy8m3xxf4whsf6n5zhe Preview:
  15. Kieme CMBS T-84 Oplot a 3-tone digital camouflage version for the T-84 Oplot, light weathering representing small scratches, paint shades, rain marks, dust, dirt, mud splashes. Tracks modified to represent rubber-padded version. Enhanced normal maps. Download: https://app.box.com/s/a7cr6zqgl2ug569zxl2tisg6o07hgjw0 Preview:
  16. Not sure, the seem another kind of option, just like the commercial container button.
  17. Yeah I don't know how effective this kind of camo is. I found it to be one of the most common I have seen on internet photos of T-84 Oplot, it's different than usual and not too hard to replicate, therefore I decided to go for it. Moreover, the game is set in 2017 so there could be a degree of fantasy on color schemes. I didn't replicate it perfectly, just used the theory as a base keeping the vanilla green color under it. After some more research looks like this camo was tailored for export tanks (thayland).. but, as the actual crysis has shown, tanks intended to export might be used by national army forces in case of need. Some more internet pictures: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/pdx83aWQGiE/maxresdefault.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DyVTD6qEqLs/Uc6uBxZw_4I/AAAAAAAAaso/1TlNUsAPacs/s800/T-84+OPLOT+M+main+battle+tank+(MBT)+of+Royal+Thai+Army+(6).jpg http://sohanews2.vcmedia.vn/2013/oplot_11_1379345629-cce9f.jpg http://i.imgur.com/5Rz3JrQ.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10504985_785542381487314_8672705693677531672_o.jpg Now that I notice, I should change the tracks to show the rubber pads (at last some photos have them)..
  18. Lurking in CMBS files there are two editor buttons for civilian vehicles, one showing a wrecked car and another a truck...
  19. It should be noted that this tool is very advanced and not easy to use. Avoid if not an expert or without a specific guide to use with CMBS.
  20. With these textures scenario makers can create very interesting city centres, thanks. Mord, about the vehicles, isn't there a trick to create new flavor objects by porting stuff? Like Umlaut did for the industrial mod? How about porting CMSF car and pickup as flavor objects?
  21. I'm glad siljanus, speaking of glaring... close your eyes for the next one then... Weathering pending. I had to avoid some areas (like front mudguards) because of the stretching effects. Got enough areas covered to make the camo complete.
  22. Thanks kendar, I'm so happy with Aris mods that there wasn't even a thought about modding ww2!
  23. Attempt shot at the Oplot 3 tone digital camo: Reference: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LQUyF5iZ7CE/UoW0zpHgE1I/AAAAAAAAAFM/hcPpc1xDyrM/s1600/cLCvS.jpg
  24. On my end looks ok, 25 downloads already.. try again and let me know. Ah the winrar file is locked?? Works for me. Anyone else got the problem? Or managed to open the winrar file successfully?
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