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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117783-ua-doesnt-use-grads-in-2017/
  2. I made two versions to decide from, one is lighter tone the other a bit darker (weathering is the same, only base colors change in brightness): nevermind, screenshots show practically no difference if published here.
  3. First try with the dirt/dust. Very subtle scratches. Still missing the fresh mud splash. What's your opinion on the colors and weathering?
  4. Abrams, I need to ask for your advice, I am looking for a better fitting color for the M1 Abrams... first, a couple of internet pictures as reference: http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2015/041/a/f/usfk__m1a2_abrams_main_battle_tank_by_rodd929-d8hjggq.jpg http://tank-masters.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/us-tanks-m1a2-002.jpg these are three pictures, The first is vanilla M1: The second is desaturated + a bit darker M1: The third is desaturated + darkest M1: Which one is, in your opinion, the best fitting base color?
  5. A green oplot with a lot of dusty weathering will be done sooner or later. The common 3 tones scheme is indeed nice, but after making it for the bulat mod I really wouldn't like to repeat the experience, it's very hard to make the spots match each other in the transitions between skirts, hull and turret; not to mention the difficulty to find a good match for the sand color.
  6. Ukrainian Army ordnance mods recalling topic List of mods released since now covering the UA: T-64BV https://app.box.com/s/beqrs5jbox26b1v9tc5frk9z83nuxva5 T-84Oplot (digital) https://app.box.com/s/a7cr6zqgl2ug569zxl2tisg6o07hgjw0 T-64Bulat (three-tones) https://app.box.com/s/44s2t1hf8rejozy8m3xxf4whsf6n5zhe BMP-2 https://app.box.com/s/td4e4ohyirchpqb7gsl2sjfz9r70xcf7 BTR-4e (digital) https://app.box.com/s/own9ti9zohnnvmhju6jyr7trg674up2t BTR-70m https://app.box.com/s/9t4wsx7bx7trm2bxg4rwj8z19s3kl8qz BRDM-2 https://app.box.com/s/u2l6fvif3iimmbkivalv4dv8xmvydtnh MTLB (+variants) https://app.box.com/s/3aqnp0x3hg0rxbdqpbh3z9lz0u0p21of MTLBu https://app.box.com/s/q0zy3s03x6uwb2uu07z988tn5rhft6zw BRM-PRP https://app.box.com/s/eocifhiyv2gcbcmkv4etbn1wg88cvcjm UAZ-URAL https://app.box.com/s/djao0nexvbwpblkasq0v82xrhnv8b2z1 Tunguska https://app.box.com/s/2so8nykfdeqpsi7yt8luj5zzvgsyrq8z MT-12 https://app.box.com/s/sp602871mc3t5wf6el1apiqq7hv1qhfn UA uniforms https://app.box.com/s/f6mdliz147eky2pll7riaboi9uty98u8 Top downloaded: T-64BV - 109 times.
  7. This is what I did: download Aris' faces unzip and put in CMBS Mods folder under "Aris faces folder" files are called like this: "german-soldier-skin 1" (I used the one for german CMRT soldiers) renamed each file by deleting out german and putting ukrainian instead. Works also for other CMBS nations. Done. Well, multicams are extremely hard to render on a 3d soldier in scale. I don't really plan to remake any camouflage, I will just add some weathering to existing ones. US Army is indeed next in line, Abrams first.
  8. Kieme CMBS reworked ukrainian uniforms Download: https://app.box.com/s/f6mdliz147eky2pll7riaboi9uty98u8 Changelog: -enhanced sharpening -added dust to pants -added 3 layers of dry and wet mud to lower pants -added 3 layers of dry and wet mud to boots -added a national flag arm band to standard camos -added dirt to helmets -weathered radio and backpack accordingly -same as above for the digital camo -darkened digital camo a bit Note: screenshots showing faces from Aris CMRT mod dedicated to dirty faces (not included in my mod) Previews:
  9. Nice one Blimey! +1 for the armbands!
  10. Kieme CMBS MT-12 UA Not exactly a vehicle, but it's the only one of tis genre. Download: https://app.box.com/s/sp602871mc3t5wf6el1apiqq7hv1qhfn Preview:
  11. You're welcome! Yeah, I got fooled by the 29 palrms name too... How about the smaller tree type in game? Would it fit the setting? (with changed bark and foliage)? Anyway, you got the three bushes too, could make some nice dead weeds.
  12. hehe, true, they also made a texture for a UA bmp-1... maybe those files were needed for the PRP and BRM.
  13. Kieme CMBS Tunguska UA The usual color change and weathering. Download: https://app.box.com/s/2so8nykfdeqpsi7yt8luj5zzvgsyrq8z Preview:
  14. Remember to state specifically what is the scenario with the problem guys so Others can double check.
  15. Thanks, will check asap. As a reference for the future, to have smaller files, you can avoid adding the .mdr files, as those are not mods.
  16. Kieme CMBS UAZ-URAL UA Quite heavy weathering. Changed the base colors to better fit the other UA vehicle mods. Changed color of the URAL tarpaulin to a brownish one. Download: https://app.box.com/s/djao0nexvbwpblkasq0v82xrhnv8b2z1 Preview:
  17. I've seen BTR doing an interesting job on a new kind of green base color for all russian vehicles.
  18. Thanks guys. After UA I'd go USA. First because their vehicles have already a nice camouflage, second because there are less vehicle types than RU. Moreover, RU vehicles have basic colors I don't like one bit, so I'd like to see if someone comes up with a solution to that first (changing the base color of the textures is very hard for me).
  19. When I load that QB map it looks like the OP. Specs: Windows 7 64 bit Nvidia GTX 780 8GB RAM (CMBS patched)
  20. Hey! Wonderful idea! How about I give you a couple of doodads to change those bushes, maybe I got exactly what you need. I will upload them and give you the link. You got a private message. Idea: you might need palm trees, you could try to swap tree models with CMSF.
  21. Looks like the shrinking made all Alpha channels disappear. Sorry for the inconvenience, I should have checked the files. I have corrected the roads, re-uploaded the standard version here: https://app.box.com/s/tunn9rkmoqlv8skme1imrd2qzjawar7s The buildings are on hold, will take more time to work them out, although I didn't check them. Let me know if you find other problems please.
  22. I will check the standard versions of roads and buildings, didn't do that properly. Kieme CMBS BRM-1k-PRP UA These two vehicles were slightly changed in color to match the BMP-2 mod. UA vehicles almost done, UAZ and Ural are the next ones. Download: https://app.box.com/s/eocifhiyv2gcbcmkv4etbn1wg88cvcjm Preview:
  23. Kieme CMBS MTLBu UA Closing the family with this big old vehicle. Heavy weathering. Download: https://app.box.com/s/q0zy3s03x6uwb2uu07z988tn5rhft6zw Preview:
  24. Amen. I shot some AK-47s time ago, and they had all sorts of items attached (or tried to) by their owners. Not only the extensions needed to attach such items were bulky, they were heavy, uneasy to detach (some required a screwdriver) and didn't fit the shape of the gun (making some moviments hard and unconfortable). A great weapon is the AK assault rifle, but flashlights, sights, laser pointers, whatever, are not its thing... The american M4 is the opposite when it comes to attachments.
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