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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. Thank you people, the buildings mod is 50% done, roads mod is 30% done, roofs mod not yet started, add-on for buildings is 50% done. Meanwhile, this is the last ready to go mod I got, but I'm not 100% satisfied with it. I wanted the modern concrete slabs in lieu of the vanilla blocks wall, because I belive that the original texture concept is more suited for a full urban setting, while in most cases we do need a modern wall to fit most situations and the concrete slabs are quite modern and common sight; the brick wall has Always been a troublemaker for me, you might want to consider this one as a gap filler (that's what I do) until someone comes up with a much better version: Kieme CMBS alternative walls (HD) mod Download link: https://app.box.com/s/syqg4s9yz98y4vw8it85ik1b08fb2nh4 Changelog: -new brick wall texture (modern red bricks) in HD -new stone wall texture (concrete slabs) in HD -new editor buttons for stone and brick walls Notes: -this mod is in HD (2x original texture size), despite that, it should have little impact on game performance since the original textures were of a very low resolution. Previews:
  2. Kieme CMBS improved doodads mod Download link: https://app.box.com/s/6zw49zm80pzq860yd3q3p05qdl9ld8ws Changelog: -new bush in doodad brush -new bush and weeds in doodad brush2 -new clover doodad -reworked flowers4 -new marsh grass doodad -new marsh reeds doodad -new rock doodad -new plant in weed doodads -desaturated weed doodads Preview:
  3. Downloads should be working again now. Let me know if you find other problems guys.
  4. Wait a second, is this problem of great inaccuracy showing itself when you use a different asset (UAV recon) for the spotting?
  5. I am no former military, but there are several here on the forums from US Army and other european armies that could share their thoughts about this matter.
  6. It is possible that the format used for CMSF NATO module might be used here too, that is, introducing a "main" new country's force (in that case was Ger) toghether with some "minor" country forces, in terms of involvement/units. While I understand that many would like to see UK and Germany, I personally prefer new coutnries with different assets and organization.
  7. I belive the first module will include VDV for Ukr and Rus and MARINES for USA. It will include some new terrain/buildings/flavour objects types (civilian vehicles and commercial standard containers are already hinted in game files) It will surely have a MARINES campaign, possibly also a campaign for Rus VDV. The second module will include a new country, possibly one like Germany or United Kingdom. Although I'd like to see something really new like France, Poland, Italy. On the Rus side naval infantry could be added. Irregular formations could be interesting too, for Ukr and Rus sides. B type formations both for Rus and Ukr are also possible.
  8. Looks like there is a limit to the bandwidth. I will consider what to do.
  9. Just did a quick tests with a ukrainian BRM-1K... Map lenghth: 4100m, no features other than grass and weeds and flowers... Targets on the field: truck, BRDM-2, T-90 Conditions: thick haze Time of the day: 12.00 day The line of sight is cut at 3000m (probably for the thick haze or for a standard setting). Brought the BRM at roughtly 2000m from the targets, no sight. Repeated the test, this time at 2000m from the targets the BRM found the BRDM-2. Repeated the test with an elite BRM (first was regular), nothing found at 2000m. Will repeat with different conditions. Same as above, but Conditions: clear BRM was Elite Line of sight was free up to max distance this time BRM found the T90 at 4000m in about 20 seconds. No way you can spot with a binocs at that distance, so it was found by the radar. I will repeat adding a buddy, such as a tank, to the BRM.
  10. Hello guys, I am sorry for the bad delivery, this is the best free site I could find, which also lets you upload files up to 250mb. I was looking for something like this because the terrain mod would require 10+ parts if I used the BFC repository, for example, and it's a mess (for many other reasons), not to mention that there's no CMBS support as of now. This makes very hard to release mods for any of us, especially for me because I am not confident at all with the file sharing techniques on internet. Anyway, I checked the files and seem to be all ok. It takes some time after you click the download button to pop up the explorer's download option, I only have Win7 and Explorer so I can't help you with other browsers issues.
  11. As a reference I am using RealWorldPaint, which is also free.
  12. Kieme CMBS alternative overcast clouds mod Download link: https://app.box.com/s/uz4z8t8crw7vbaiijwju3wq9ttmjoqfi preview:
  13. Kieme CMBS reworked horizons mod Download link: https://app.box.com/s/qcxm6o3sx6wztbtreszl3cd0qamdkrm8 Changelog: -added electric high tension towers -added industrial complex -added civilian antennas tower -added concrete water tower -added grain silo complex -slightly darker sky color
  14. Looks very interesting, I might have a set of taggable textures that could interest this kind of setting, it changes the game highway Tiles giving some options such as parking lots and concrete Tiles. Will let you know eventually.
  15. Kieme CMBS reworked foliage mod Download link: https://app.box.com/s/1s1yiq0fab62k5vrxf1jwjax2wix1o7x Changelog: -hedge saturation and brightness -sharpened tree 1 bark -tree 1 saturation and brightness -tree 2 saturation and brightness -tree 3 saturation and brightness -sharpened tree 4 bark -tree 5 saturation and brightness -sharpened tree 5 bark -new tree 5 leaves -new tree 6 bark -new tree 6 leaves -tree 7 saturation and brightness -tree 8 saturation and brightness -new bush 2 leaves -new bush 3 leaves -new editor foliage buttons -new editor foliage Tiles
  16. Unfortunately the distant ground textures (the mini versions of the terrain textures) are tailored with the new modded terrain, so you'd better stick with the original files. I will consider making a standard version of this mod, keeping the resolution at the same level of the originals, but it's quite a task since all distant ground textures should be redone for that.
  17. Kieme CMBS alternative crops mod Download link: https://app.box.com/s/7aia2idxkivf2hfm8r7w6dzrnsf11piz Changelog: -new crop sunflowers (changes cabbages) -new crop corn (changes potatoes) -new texture for grain n.2 -sharpened texture of grain n.1 -new texture for sugarbeets -new editor buttons -new editor tiles
  18. Kieme CMBS ground mod (HD) Download links: Part 1 https://app.box.com/s/ywtyid56b1t7dphm4fg7et7668q0egdg Part 2 https://app.box.com/s/2arjajmarl8gd33j3j3bad939iks1n9l Changelog: -new textures for all terrain tiles (27) in HD (2x original resolution) -new crater texture -new distant ground texture -new mini tiles -new editor tiles for hard ground, pavement and pavement2 -new editor buttons for pavement and pavement2 Notes: -download split in two for uploading reasons, can be placed in the same folder; -this mod does not include a texture for "ground cobblestones", I suggest to use Aris' Combat Mission Red Thunder ground mod's cobblestone texture to improve over the original; -this mod is in HD, which means its contents have 2x (or even 4x) the resolution of the original textures, therefore it will require more computer resources overe the official suggested requirements to be used without performance drops;
  19. My two cents, without having half the experience in game as many have here.. My suggestion is to use the recon vehicles with these concepts: first of all, is it armored or not? If it is armored you can sustain at least the basic infantry fire, if it is not armored avoid any kind of contact with enemy infrantry. Then, are you attacking or defending? In defense you might want to place your scout vehicles in a bit more risky positions, but bear in mind to keep a backup point, which can be easily reached by the vehicle if it get spotted. Be sure to not place it with obstacles behind it or the vehicle might get cought trying to retreat on its own. In offense I'd recommend to use the vehicles merely as carriers for the infantry spotters they carry, reach a distant safe point, disembark your observation team, and proceed on foot for the recon. If needed move the team back to the vehicle, reposition and repeat.
  20. How interesting is Belarus army merely in terms of equipment?
  21. Repair is absolutely out of the scope of any Combat Mission game. The same situation applied to vehicle mounted weapons. Repairs require a field base (in most cases) and anyway is never done within a battle area, eventually only after the battle has ceased. Resupply of heavy weapons and vehicle mounted guns is sometimes a complex operation (depending on the vehicle) and never happens on a live battlefield, which is the setting of Combat Mission games. Ammunition management is part of the game difficulty and can also influence the amount of victory points at the end of each scenario. Infantry weapons and AT assets can be resupplied with infantry carrying vehicles and supply platoons, the latter can also become a fixed stack of crates, if the scenario designer desire. With these stacks of crates infantry units can be resupplied during the battle.
  22. Spartans Always came back home either with their shield or on top of their shields...
  23. Thank you people. Hopefully, I will find a good place to start uploading today. Meanwhile, 4th building done, it's the only wooden one I'd like to keep (could port 4 of them from CMRT). I really dislike wooden modular buildings, because in most cases modulars are large structures, and large wooden structures are uncommon to say the least.
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