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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Good points. Its far down on my "list". As is now works well.
  2. You guys are doing just fine this year. But you will have to keep at it to get on the top 20 list of all time.
  3. I was starting to type a response.. but we should stop feeding this troll.
  4. We Swedes are heading towards our best winter games yet. 14 medals is our record. We stand at 9 so far. Btw.. it’s amazing that Norway are the leaders in the all time standings (with a population just over 5 million). Do we have any Norwegians here at the forums (bunch of Swedes, Danes and Finns)?
  5. Even better if the dead (or incapacitated) body would stay in the truck, jeep or whatever. IMHO.
  6. The tracers will most likely work as is but the animated text definately needs to be updated (as it needs to be with every update).
  7. Ah thats right, forgot the incoming target lines in x1. I dont really miss them in x2. Just by watching the action unfolding tells me the same thing.
  8. In a battle Im playing at the moment (US para vs Italian inf) in FI, Im having real problems discovering Italian 65 mm guns in all kinds of terrain. Even when they fire for sustained periods. Ranges from 200 to 1000 meters. Not sure if it has to do with the smal size of the Italian 65 mm or what. I think the simulation in this case is spot on when simulating pre made camo positions.
  9. Areas that have been subject to flame attack or large HE will leave small smoldering fires. No large flames and no spreading fire just yet. We will probably see more improvements in this area as the game keeps devoloping and improving.
  10. Steve, any rough estimate for the price of a v3 upgrade for Normandy and Italy? Also will "flame units" be introduced in such an upgrade or will it be saved for a pack/module?
  11. Are you playing real time? Thats the drawback of RT and why I prefer WEGO (so you can rewind and see who shot who etc. Not to talk about all the cool details you will miss in RT). If you are refering to WEGO.. was it any different in CMx1?
  12. Russia (or the Soviet Union) is huge.. you will find most types of terrain there. There is a lot of steppe but there is also a lot of woodland. Bellarussia where Bagration took place has a lot of woodland and marshes.
  13. Agreed that neither side can be called the good guys. Its a contest in being bad. Sure Germany was the agressor but that is not something the Soviets was shy of either.. the baltic states, Finland and Poland knows this.
  14. Get this to get a better UI of armor and penetration data. I use the XC alternative and love it. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=111940
  15. Destraex1, Not sure if your sarcastic/joking, a smiley would help. In any case its Combat Mission Red Thunder.
  16. And to start with tiny scenarios so you dont have to focus on to many units at once.
  17. Im fine with the current trenches and foxholes but I feel they might be a bit to easy to spot as is.
  18. One thing that I would like to recommend, and what got me started with the editor is to load someone else map (a scenario or QB map), then start to expand on that map. So much easier with something to start with and not so intimidating. Once you get a feel for it you can start your own original stuff. The editor i truly a powerful tool.
  19. Try out this mod and you get this feature back in.. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=111940 I recommend the XC alternative.
  20. You don’t know beforehand.. but If it is a designer that has released quality before you are often up for more quality in new releases. There is also word of mouth. Scenarios/designers can be recommended in other ways than the repository review functions. Most scenarios I have downloaded has been of recommendations in the forum or when the designer has put up nice pics of the map and parts of the briefing/setting etc that catches my attention (Seizing Ciembienne as an example). Your most downloaded scenario has been out for the longest time, makes perfect sense that it has been downloaded most. If you see an increase in downloads over time that is not only affected by the time they have been released I think that’s a good indication that the work is being enjoyed. By no means perfect and at times hard to interpret though. That’s definitely true. I’m guessing that might be because it takes time to play. As many have mentioned (myself included) is that I download intriguing scenarios but It might take me six months (no exaggeration) until I play said scenario. Even if the feedback is not as extensive as you would like it’s more on the forum than in the repository so I think that’s the way to go. This would be nice if possible. And finally. We are on the same page (and I think most are).. players should start to rate more and take the time to comment. We all know that its a lot of time that goes into mapmaking and scenario designing, the least a player can do is give a rating.
  21. I would also like the encyclopedia back.. loved it back in CMx1. But there is an outstanding mod that helps a lot in this departmend. Anyone who misses the encyclopedia really needs to check out Marco Bergmans fantastic alternate silhouettes (avvailable both for CMBN and CMFI). There you will get easy access to armor thickness and gun penetration data etc. I use the XC alternative and L O V E it! http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=111940 And big thanks to Marco for putting it together, probably my all time favorit mod for CMx2.
  22. That would make for a good CMx2 scenario / mini campaign.
  23. First off I think that the amount of downloads in itself shows how well liked a particular scenario is. I also believe that most people will only rate if they are really blown away or disappointed. If they are content they probably won’t rate/come back to leave feedback. That’s just human nature. I do sympathize with you umlaut and wish people would give more feedback to our talented scenario and campaign designers. If we take a quick look at your threads for Ciembienne you have attracted a lot of praise and feedback in them. So maybe the forum should be used in a greater extent. Showing of pictures of a beautiful map and giving some hints about what the battle is about will have more players exited to try the scenario and gives them a easier way to leave feedback (not to mention that you will get reminded of a scenario when you see posts about it on the forum). Other than that I hope people will take this to hart and try their best to give more feedback. Then it’s up to the designer to do what the like with that feedback. Just because one leaves feedback doesn’t mean the designer has to agree with it...
  24. Ahhh.. Too easy. I was thinking it should be a ctrl click on the bridge. Well thats super, my wish fulfilled Thanks for showing umlaut!
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