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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. This is still good news. Im very happt that the map wont be hard coded in any direction. This way one can take a previous map and extend it (sacrifying another direction) which makes it much easier to create new maps from previous ones (in the direction you actually want).
  2. Good news about the CMSF future intentions. I would buy it for full price no questions asked. On another note.. with flames making its way into 3.0. When we see 3.0 being brought back to CMFI and CMBN.. I wounder a few things that I hope Steve can answer. I dont want to take things in advance as Im also extremely excited for CMRT but still very interested in hearing what BF is thinking about this. 1. A in the ballpark estimate for when 3.0 will be released for CMBN and CMFI? Do you think it will happen in 2014 - Q4 or even Q3? 2. With no flame units avvailable in CMBN and CMFI at the moment will they be introduced in a 3.0 upgrade (at a higher price than what 2.0 was for CMBN) or will the 3.0 upgrade be separate and flame units brought in with a pack or additional module? Very excited for whats to come! So much goodness, so little time to play..
  3. Just what I wanted to ask. Im super excited for CMRT but Im also very excited for the fact that all the great improvements in 3.0 will be able to be carried back to CMBN and CMFI. The only problem is that there is to little time to play and enjoy all of these games
  4. Aris/Fusers explosions and smoke is also a must for me. I also think that sound mods have a huge impact on imersion and would recomend several out there. For example, check ou waclaws realistic sounds.
  5. Kohlenklau, The final call is yours, just remember the big picture. Most important is that you take the hex, second to destroy Italian AT assets and third to destroy the Italian force. You will probably get another stab at these Italians before they can withdraw to Ribera. Ribera is your main objective and the PzGren that holds it have pak40 AT. Those Stuarts will be very voulnerable so having them in numbers will be important. Regarding casualties.. US Para > Italian Inf
  6. Combatintman, I understand that. Getting something a 100% is probably impossible in a game. But getting close and delivering that feeling of reality (covering everything from the briefing, to map and gameplay) is certanly possible. Something you do very well. You should be proud of your work as its damn good.
  7. Id guess so, as is right now, the pixelmen have to move the gun even if just a few feet to the transport.
  8. Thanks sburke.. happy this is being looked at
  9. I cant speak for CMBN (been playing a lot of CMFI the last six months) but I dident see this until what came after CMFI-GL. I think it was 1.11? I finished all my games before updating to 1.11 and 1.12 that came in such quick succession.
  10. Dig deep, head down and power through it Mord. You know that the end result will please many and we shall not forget the many whom you will stop jumping from windows Seriously Im really impressed and grateful that you do this work Mord! Big thanks
  11. Both AT4 and Carl Gustav are swedish. Im sure the Germans would love to sell pzfausts to the US.
  12. I should have figured. I played the campaign - all missions being great. You knowledge and feeling for realistic Afghan and Iraq missions is superb. My brother did two tours to A-stan and that in combination with a big interest of historical actions makes your work a real treat. I hope the new modern game will feature a overhaul of CMSF so we can see more acurate operations in this theatre with the latest improvement to the game engin.
  13. Thanks for the link to the documentary. It was good and will make this scenario even more interesting to try out. Thanks combatintman. If I dident understand things wrong in the documentary the 360 ambush was suffered close to green 5. So I wounder why the mission is named green 9? Thanks again for your authentic work! R.I.P. Mark Evison.
  14. It looks really awesome so I hope Mord pulls through!
  15. Are you sure? I have played quite a bit and have a strong feeling that units now are much more willing to end up on two sides of the same wall. Before 2.12 they where more reluctant and in almost all cases all guys would be on the same side. I dont have any prof other than a strong feeling. Will have to play more games to see.
  16. How about an AAR showing of the eastern front? Will there be one as was done for MG and FI/GL?
  17. CMSF doesn’t get enough attention these days. I sure look forward to the new release. This campaign looks awesome combatintman and I look forward to try it. With the amount of quality releases from you, I hope BFC consider bringing you aboard for official content.
  18. Noticed this as well. Never seen it before the latest patch.
  19. Anything here maybe? http://militarymaps.narod.ru/osprey_e.html#obt_008 Maps are presented in the DjVu format. File size 30 Kb - 1 Mb.
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