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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. The BMPs & BTRs have had a hard time of it too, if I'm reading the data correctly.
  2. I've sent 1 Platoon to the right to act as a blocking force, the Co. HQ is in overwatch, 2 & 3 Platoons will head left then sweep to the right through the village just after a linear bombardment has given the locals their 82mm alarm call.....Today's will feel like the worst hangover they ever had, of this I am quite sure. Playing realtime, so snapshots only when I'm done.....Definitely looks nicer with mods, but still looks pretty cool.
  3. Shale & Marbles could show you how a cat can be in two places at one time.....But it might be a bit messy!
  4. Don't forget to get some friends to shoot off some live ammo and throw pipe-bombs around too.....Realism is everything.
  5. Looking forward to it. Any hints about what's next in line?
  6. Just keep chucking weapons at the problem..... Frankly the idea of getting my country involved in a 21st century peer to peer war, fills me with horror, but each to his own.....I guess.
  7. Strangely we don't get many cats come visit: Or foxes, or squirrels, or rats, or pigeons etc. etc. I fear we may have veered slightly though.
  8. Enema at The Gates? It's a godawful film.....Total and utter pants, even the CGI is over the top and poorly done IMHO. For a start Vasily Zaitsev actually looked like this: Need I really go on? http://russiapedia.rt.com/prominent-russians/military/vasily-zaitsev/
  9. The building on the left looks like it's from CM:A, as does the market cart on the right.....Very creative stuff.
  10. Is the game fully patched? If it's not something like that I'm at a loss TBH.....Hope you get sorted, CM:SF seems to be undergoing a bit of a renaissance right now.
  11. This might be pertinent: http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/how-the-us-army-plans-build-super-tank-fight-russia-china-20420 TBH it looks like the 2020 SEP v4 upgrade brings the Abrams to something rather like the game's SEP v3 APS.
  12. You are the tester, you tell me.....I just write the stuff! 'The Heist' is probably the one I'd expect to need to mess with least, simply because it's so much smaller.....The current posted version of 'Action & reaction' only has one of three AI Plans and that one is missing a bit (looks like I exited without saving again at some point). It plays to completion OK, but the AI is a little less aggressive than it's supposed to be. I'd be interested to see how an experienced player gets on with the balance of forces in 'Action & Reaction' once the Relief Column arrives. It's meant to be very fire-power heavy (to the point of overkill), but directing this fire accurately and in a timely fashion can be tricky (preserving the Spetsnaz really helps) and you are quite short on infantry (Air Assault Battalions are light on manpower).
  13. Courtesy of Putin's favourite propaganda engine: http://learnrussian.rt.com/lessons/
  14. A gay shooting club.....That's just so American! You really are a very odd lot from a British perspective, but we do love you.
  15. Is the unit understrength, losing a team member can disable FO/FACs in CM:A & CM:SF.
  16. Beatrix Potter definitely needs to read Jentz & Doyle.
  17. That does look cracking with all the mods. I'm just about to start this one too (un-modded), will post feedback in due course.
  18. I'm surprised how high the former figure is, where are these statistics from please?
  19. Whichever you like.....If you want a big battle, 'Action & Reaction' is the way forward, if you want something smaller try 'The Heist'. Combatintman has got back to me with a preliminary report, so my efforts will be focussed on Mosul for a little while.
  20. I hadn't noticed that Erwin, will have a look in the editor, but based on my tests everyone appears to be able to fire.....I did notice that Abdul Gul's command unit appeared to have ammo in the second column (I think of it as medium small-arms) and attempted, apparently with limited success, to have him resupply an LMG team (their fire rate appeared to pick up). This is another area of the game that could probably use some proper exploration.....You really should have a look in the editor, at least 1/3 of the game's real value is to be found in there IMHO and you can learn a lot more about how the system works (and then share it with the rest of us). Let me know how you get on with 'The Heist'.....Hope you have fun.
  21. What a beautiful looking map.....Was this ever released?
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