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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. If you downloaded the current version it's already different to the one you tested....."Dude, I didn't like the mortars!" doesn't give me a whole lot to work with on the feedback front.
  2. I had quite a squabble for possession of that low orchard covered hill on the right, but luck was with me and my APCs nailed each threat as they emerged allowing my infantry to sweep the area clear. In my game the RR team that you took out with the Leopoards had almost a full infantry platoon descend on him, point-blank in hail of gunfire (he didn't last too long at all). The clattering they took up there and in the first compound, plus all the little gifts I dropped on the second compound were enough for the AI and it showed the white flag. Did you have trouble with the ATGM teams on the little mounds? The one on the left gave one of my Leopards a nasty scare!
  3. I thought they could carry something bigger on the centreline station for the big ferry tank.....I don't have too many books on aircraft sadly, a couple about 2nd Tactical Air Force and a few Osprey titles and that's about the limit of it. PS - I edited my post to 'half-ton' as you were typing BTW, I realised my maths was way off.
  4. Presumably bombing them is still an option? Typhoons could pack a pair of 1000lbers and they should do the trick nicely. IIRC the Jug could pack a single half-ton plus bomb too. In such a mission I think it would be appropriate to locate a TRP on the bridge, tactical-air briefings were pretty thorough and Allied FAC was bloody good for its day. For 'Ze-Germans'.....Not so much.
  5. It's a bit trickier in CM:A, in my test eight trucks were parked in full view of a spotter on a tower, in CM:SF I'd expect those trucks to be gone in a few minutes, in CM:A to date the Spotter/FAC has not reacted to them at all in over 10hrs of testing. TBH I haven't made an equivalent test for CM:SF, simply as I've not felt the need to.....If you've played my Hammertime Remix, you'll know CM:SF AI Spotters & FACs seem to like my scripts just fine!
  6. Coincidentally I'm playing the Dutch campaign at the moment too.....I took a slightly different approach to that mission, doing most of my work at extreme range, IIRC the AI surrendered before I got into the second compound.
  7. The assistant should chuck the odd firework in there too, get that gunpowder and singed flesh smell going.
  8. Did you finish it.....I thought you quit after the mortaring went badly?
  9. You will, soon. I should probably add that the other reason that casualties are such as a calamity is that all the units are from a Core, I'm stringing together a few Blue scenarios too, this is the second. The earliest one is so small that I've got to be extremely careful how I script it, one misplace burst of fire with Abdul Gul on the other end and it's all over.....If he goes the campaign goes with him, but it still needs to be a challenge!
  10. You helped inspire it.....Some spies will spawn in the bank thirty minutes in marked as 'Prisoners & Loot', you need to get there, 'Blast' the vault open (I've modified the map and sealed the central section of the bank as you will see) and get them to the southern map edge before the sun comes up (or a little later if you are lucky). The less shooting you do the better, each casualty is a calamity as it should be for a Mujahideen band of this size (everything needs to exit and points are attached), but some will very probably be necessary (and some has to happen). It's very nearly there, I've paused from writing the briefing & tweaking the VPs to post (hate writing briefings, had I mentioned that).....Then one more test of each AI Plan (only two, I'm learning). Did you ever finish 'Action & Reaction'? The two-plan version is pretty much done, but I haven't started on the third plan yet. PS - Now that I know how to get artillery to work Action & Reaction just got quite a bit more difficult, you see I left one artillery unit in the Blue force, for just this eventuality (& the Sukhois don't know about this one)!
  11. LOL! Bloody artillery has been driving me mental.....Why won't you fire? I still don't understand why eight hostile trucks in a box pattern or a platoon of infantry with its back turned didn't seem to present the AI with a viable target.
  12. Total air superiority probably played a part too.....But his summary was right, they're apples & oranges. The MG-42 was best used from a tripod on fixed fields of fire and in that respect had more in common with the Vickers Gun (not the Vickers K), but of course in that sort of sustained-fire role you have to change out their poxy-cheapo barrels, whereas a Vickers will chug along until the water runs out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vickers_machine_gun
  13. The MG-34 ammo drums held 50 rounds, so a little more than a Bren, but they also ate the ammo quicker. I certainly agree the Bren should be firing bursts, including quite long ones at shorter ranges.
  14. It seems that AI spotters are just incredibly myopic, unless they are actually looking down the barrel of a gun (either direction will do). I ran the test with the Mine Team again, but instead of shooting at the FO to attract his attention I ran my pixeltruppen backwards and forward until he spotted them and started shooting, at which point I ran 'em around a bit more just to make sure, then hid behind the house.....I was rewarded with a 'Linear Barrage' no less! I guess this means the best way to avoid a rain of HE is to not shoot the enemy artillery spotters, better to drop your own arty stonk on them or nail them with a Hind.
  15. Pictures in the link, I've not been to that one, but I went to their old place good few years back.....Old school 'model shops' are thin on the ground over here these days, too much competition online. I can very often order kits direct from the manufacturer or a specialist seller at a price that beats anything I'll ever find in a UK shop or even a mainstream online vendor like Hannants.
  16. JK would be the expert in that field.....I just like kites.
  17. Hannants London Unit 2, Hurricane Trading Estate Grahame Park Way, Colindale, London, NW9 5QW Phone 020 8205 6697 Email colindale@hannants.co.uk http://www.hannants.co.uk/info/shop_lon.html
  18. The smoke dischargers are linked to the LWD IIRC, it's automated.....But even Elite T-90s always seemed to go into panic mode when they were lased before the update, whereas Abrams would just shoot.
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