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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. That's pretty high praise for your work though fella (not undeserved either).
  2. Cool.....Moving on. BTW, I still think your idea is a good one, but some filtering might be worthwhile.
  3. I find that the absence of a full visual representation of gunships makes them even more menacing, the best compromise IMHO would be a shadow on the ground, per CMx1.
  4. Against Panthers it would be the much same if they were in their tanks!
  5. Why is it never Pershing vs. Pz.II Luchs though? Apart from the lack of Pershings obviously.
  6. It's optional currently IIRC so not a problem, I'd leave it for those who like their WHIFs.
  7. Hi-Viz FTW. That photo is just begging for a 'Caption Contest': "What do you mean 'improve our visibility to other road users', we're driving a goddam tank!"
  8. Let's have CM:SF II first.....There's plenty of fight left in that theatre and if Central Asia is part of the deal it could rapidly tie in with the existing CM:BS.
  9. These vehicles are no longer SPAAGs though (the radar is removed as a matter of course), IMHO they are the origin of the 'Terminator' Tank Support Vehicle concept.....Modern SPAAGs are a bit too pricey and fragile for use as infantry support, a couple of rounds through the radar/comms and their utility for their primary role is seriously degraded. But damn, don't Tunguskas look good when they cut loose!
  10. This is why I value the campaign format, it makes matters like these elementary.....Are you really going to risk completely losing a Sherman crew (who you know will receive replacements & a new tank in future missions) for the minor contribution they will make fighting dismounted. 'Brittle' status would work well to simulate surviving a tank brewing up IMHO.
  11. Threatening you? How in god's name does one threaten someone on the internet.....Are you afraid I might throw an adjective at you? This is, I believe, what is known as a misunderstanding.....I genuinely did have your interests at heart, whether you choose to accept that is entirely up to you.
  12. I believe CM:FI Road To Rome or similar was mentioned somewhere as the next immediate project, I may well be wrong though.
  13. Not as a matter of course, but it did happen.....As I said, I can think of plenty of things I'd rather see first.
  14. CMBN church showcase.bts CMBN church 2 showcase.bts
  15. I'd like to see something along these lines too. But I'd prefer to see a CM:SF II first.
  16. Fair comment, but if you happen to have a unit in one of those locations and a bad guy materializes out of thin air and greases him, you are going to have questions aren't you? Personally I'd write the one or two extra orders required to have them walk/drive there, or I'd use flavour objects to depict something like a tunnel entrance nearby (marked with a hidden objective that the player can actually find) and have them spawn there and then move into position.....All this being said, I've never written anything on a 6km2 map, so please don't take my comments as trashing somebody's efforts, that's not my intent at all.
  17. So I actually took the same number of casualties, but mine were much more serious.....I'm guessing Combatintman's not counting the fallen SAS trooper as they weren't within the parameters of the scenario?
  18. Or not. There's a strange and occasionally morbid irony to playing these games sometimes isn't there?
  19. All's well that ends well, as they say.....It's a good idea, but seeing all that Battlepack content filled me with foreboding, mebbe a little content filtering? I think there are still a couple of misplaced files in the CMBN section too (IIRC there are two '.bts' files) BTW.
  20. It's just not so visceral through a monitor & headphones I guess. Maybe having a mate chuck a bucket of lightly warmed offal over you every now and again would help?
  21. But they don't arrive on a flank, they materialize out of thin air.....It wouldn't be a massive undertaking to fix it, there's only a single AI plan and I believe it's only got two orders for the AI Group in question (A5 IIRC).
  22. I'd love it if you could tow tanks or other immobilised vehicles.....But there are other things I'd love more (CM:SF II).
  23. Actually someone was concerned the pair of you were going to wind up in the s**t and get yourselves banned, frankly nightops I couldn't care less, but Erwin's been a good friend so I was watching his back.....I've already paid for all the Battlepack scenarios so the copy protection issue doesn't show up for me.
  24. ROF fire and spotting should be massively curtailed and morale would probably be quite low too.....Scraping pieces of the other three crew members off the various equipment would probably be quite off-putting. IMHO they should save the tank then bail.
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