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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Somewhere around here would be my guess: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/888530/suspected-abus-soldiers-clash-in-bohol-9-killed
  2. This isn't one of my efforts, it's the stock scenario 'A Trouble In Herat', I enjoyed it a lot and wound up messing around with the map, eventually resulting in my own 'Large City' variant on which I'm setting a few scenarios (including the one you tested).
  3. Looks like you are enjoying it! Personally I think it's one of the best titles in the range, either side has interesting possibilities for the player and the uncons in this one can put up a convincingly good fight, then bug out through an exit zone.
  4. That's odd, I thought units only gathered weapons from fallen friendlies, I'll have to have a play around with this.....I think your modded faces look pretty good, they certainly look different, and often that's enough for the imagination to do the rest.
  5. Compared to some of the images we've seen, even the most battered tanks in these tests got off fairly lightly, I think the damage could probably be safely dialled up a tad for direct hits. Just my 2c.
  6. The colour of those Tunisian Tigers is just ghastly!
  7. I hope you've got a lot of submarines, because the Royal Navy will probably have a thing or two to say about that.....It's really big and scary compared to Germany's piffling little fleet, I mean really big and really scary! SCWWII: AOD has some very cool scenarios, especially the WHIFs.
  8. Sounds tricky TBH.....The VBIEDs aren't having the best time of it, a face full of .50cal really spoils their day! What I don't understand is why the crew bails so often, rather than pressing the big red button?
  9. That's odd FRAPS works fine for me with both CM:A & CM:SF.....Do you have CM:A working OK now?
  10. Testing this is a lot of fun! LLF, it is possible to persuade VBIEDs to use your side-streets, you just need to drop enough artillery on 'em first.....Wound up laughing myself silly as a VBIED, obviously with serious damage to it's wheels crept around a corner through the rubble strewn and crater pocked streets to die (impressively) in a hail of .50cal fire!
  11. Things are not going well for the CTS at the moment, two crushing defeats.....The first was down to the commander's ineptitude, forgetting to call in artillery and the Hinds, but the second was caused by those same Hinds choosing to hose down the spotting MRAP rather than the target at the other end of the blue line! The Hinds are currently Veteran, +1, High.....How good do they need to be to tell a truck from a terrorist? On a brighter note, you can get some interesting teams using this force:
  12. I'd like to see that one too Michael, perhaps it could be posted to the Repository?
  13. Scenario designer trickery.....It's like witchcraft! Have a feeling I may have to use the post-game reinforcements trick in Mosul, Coalition artillery barrages are frightening things!
  14. Just ran a full test on the new scenario.....It all went absolutely swimmingly until a routed group of Bank Guards, ran straight through a solid wall into the vault with the 'Bank-Tellers & Loot' (Spies), all of whom were routed, ruining the whole scenario. Dammit! That's just not fair! Fortunately I have a simple fix.
  15. I'd warrant that most people who'd whinge about the price of this pack haven't spent a great deal of time in the editor.
  16. For a change of pace I've got a wee scenario for Blue almost ready for testing.....Same map, opposite side, two years earlier. It starts a bit like this: Abdul Gul has a plan! In the process of making this I found four more borked buildings and had to fix them on four copies of the map.....Talk about making a rod for your own back!
  17. Well that was painless! Even though a certain muppet managed to buy the MacOS version for his PC, Battlefront have thoughtfully included both versions to make allowance for their punters' idiocy.....Top marks there guys! What's the betting Webroot is going to crash my system now? Yup.....Once again Webroot is crashing my system on exit after an update. Just another week while their tech-support get their finger out and I'll be able to play my new purchase without having to disable my antivirus. My advice.....Don't buy Webroot! PS - The title of the US Campaign doesn't match that on the web-page, I'm seeing 'The Charge of the Stryker Brigade' rather than 'The Glorious Cause'.
  18. I'd love to give this a go fella.....Just point me at it! I'll have something ready for Mosul by the end of the night, but then I've got to slog through writing a fairly explicit briefing.....Oh the sheer joy of writing briefings!
  19. I just found that out the hard time-consuming way!
  20. Cheers for the advice lads, I can see the sense in what you are saying. I think the problem was down to me misinterpreting the way the AI works, I hadn't tried this idea before, now I have. Nothing ventured.....As they say. The five AI plans were intended primarily to act as a kind of random probability generator, it seemed pointless to waste a whole AI slot on one unit and then not take advantage of the option to move him around using multiple AI plans. This in turn led to the idea of randomly placing the reinforcements, dumping different units onto the map at different points & different times and that's where it all fell down.....It's all part of the learning process for me, I've cleared the AI out and will start on a simpler variant of the same basic plan. On the up-side much of what I'm learning with my various experiments here is contributing to other projects.....In the shadowed side-streets of an unnamed Afghan city, a 'Heist' is being planned.
  21. That's an old picture, we're down to one Elephant now and he's a reservist.
  22. My ISIS reinforcements are playing me up something rotten.....They refuse to spawn in the painted 'Setup' areas on the map, which is what I thought they were supposed to do. Units assigned to painted 'Setup' areas at the start of the mission jump around as they should, repositioning according to the AI plan, but the reinforcements only ever show up where I actually placed them. Perplexed. PS - If I've got this wrong I'm right back to square one as the scenario hinged on the reinforcements and I've got five AI plans to un-pick before I can get back on track.
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