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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. @waffelmann Alex, I recommend sorting out an image hosting account with a site like Imgur or Flickr.....I use both.
  2. To set them off, as you discovered, all you need to do is drive them at an enemy unit or place an enemy unit in front of one. The Spy is mostly there to allow a player to acquire a target for a subsequent VBIED attack, he can be dismounted without detriment to the effectiveness of the attack (I recommend doing so if playing as Uncons, but don't bother when using AI controlled VBIEDs as you can easily wind up with far too many spies! ) VBIEDs (x45) & IEDs (x280) at work (all of them detonate or are disabled, no unexploded ordnance remains on turn two, which is a lot harder to make happen than you might imagine): In this example I used them to simulate a SRBM strike (mostly because I really like blowing stuff up).
  3. Sadly I work in plastic, not in pixels.....I normally do Soviet/Russian stuff, but that sure is a great looking M1A1.
  4. That Abram's is a great subject for a model, 3d or real.....The weathering and the combination of wheels & stowage make it a very interesting to the eye and it would be a lot of fun to paint, I'm almost tempted!
  5. My mistake.....I was thinking of the several reports of the same issue in CM:FI where it does appear to be a problem:
  6. If we're talking about individual surrender, genuinely surrounding them seems to be a big part of the deal. Advancing on them with a numerically superior force often seems to be the final push to show the white flag (figuratively, for them to actually do that then vanish can sometimes take ages).
  7. Is that -2 leadership or -2 morale (Poor Motivation)?
  8. This where careful balancing of the Parameters VPs can make all the difference.....I'm of the opinion that many more points should be available for preserving one's own force than for destroying the enemy, for modern western formations at least.
  9. It's the same in the full editor.....Taxis are the sole Single Vehicle option.
  10. I'd be willing to bet that the Foxhole unit just adds a cover value to the tile it occupies.....I might lose that bet of course.
  11. I'd really like to see the unarmed pickup trucks made available as Single Vehicles.....The armed technicals would be nice too, but those pickups are a big omission. But the thing I really want is Breach Teams for both Combatants & Fighters.....These are a massive omission IMHO and surely they would be very simple to add? TBH I wish BF would just import the two Uncon formations from CM:A, the Tribal Group (strong company sized unit) and Mujahidin Battalion (battalion sized unit, unsurprisingly).
  12. You can't.....Both Spies & Spy Forward Observers are available only as Formations, not as Specialist Units. The closest you can come is to co-locate HQ units.
  13. This impressed me a lot: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-48330044
  14. Yeah.....But I've not been out for a proper session in quite a while. I fly an old 10m Flysurfer Speed I (above), 15m Peter Lynn Guerilla II, 13m Peter Lynn Venom II & a whole bevy of fixed bridle kites; I've got full quivers (all the sizes) of Flexifoil Blade IIIs & MAC Para Begos. PS - I also fly a Revolution.....Probably the most agile and generally capable kite ever created: That's not even half of what they can do.....Check this out: Here's something you might like (Benson Airbow): I'd kill for one, but I don't think they were ever marketed in the end.
  15. I remember @LongLeftFlank saying he wished you could apply the full range of damaged building textures across his map......Now you can!
  16. Short range ballistic missile attack: That's the first four seconds.....The explosions go on for about half a minute as a rule (sometimes more).
  17. Oh yeah! You can do some cool stuff with it that you just can't do with any of the others.....Like set off 260 IEDs and 44 VBIEDs in under 60 seconds! Seriously!
  18. @Macisle @MarkEzra Looking at this picture: It seems there is a depression in the terrain ahead of that German team that would provide concealment from the current US position.....So if it's not a scripted AI move, might the team be attempting to utilise that cover?
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