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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. And this definitely doesn't cause the truck to jump to Destroyed status? If this is so, you may have solved something that's been bugging me for ages.....Need to start CM:RT, but I'm driving police cars again.
  2. For a bloke who doesn't even own the game you are remarkably chirpy on the subject. No, it's not a challenge.....It's a depressing massacre. I'm trying very hard not to be rude to the designer, who clearly put a great deal of effort into making it.....But it does not play well at all.
  3. That, I'm afraid, cannot be done.....The closest you can get is to dismount the pickup driver in game and then mount the US squad (who will be able to drive it as normal AFAIK). Note.....This does not apply to armed Technicals (AFAIK).
  4. Fine work gentlemen.....It's a wonderfully intricate game isn't it, if a trifle inconsistent at times.
  5. That's a pretty fine offering.....Cheers!
  6. You get shelled to oblivion, repeatedly.....And there's SFA that you can do about it.
  7. Indeed.....Perhaps someone should make one?
  8. This makes very good sense.....It's the price you pay when you treat every tool as a hammer.
  9. Here are the latest postcards from a slightly retuned version of Ven Song, using the current iteration of terrain mods courtesy of @37mm: I'm kind of new to full-scale mods in CM2, so this is a grand voyage of discovery for me.....Have to confess, with the new splash-screen (& music): Plus the new sky-box and ambient sounds in game, it's becoming quite an immersive experience.
  10. We don't normally agree on much, but you hit the nail right on the head here, fella!
  11. That's a good point.....IIRC this remained the case throughout the Soviet era (& presumably may do so still).
  12. RPOs maybe.....RPGs always seem to do the business, but the CM:BS RPO seems a bit feeble given its reputed lethality.
  13. Oh well, TBH it's not the most obvious TOE hiccup.....There are a few others.
  14. "Hey guys.....Go up to the roof and check for helicopter gunships!"
  15. My old eyes struggle with the font a bit TBH, but 'Ctrl +' sorts it soon enough (I wouldn't say no to it being a bit bigger though). This could be the most exciting bit of the fight.....Once things close to reasonable RPG range Red can be a lot harder to handle. If they have the PG-7R round in significant numbers they could prove to be a real handful.
  16. No worries fella.....You site some excellent counter examples in the body of your post and the whole point of a forum is to have a discussion, after all. However I'd suggest that the tactics displayed by the core insurgents themselves (as opposed to the armed mobs they attract) may have become somewhat more sophisticated since those events. At the end of the day, as Bil says, the rules are optional and open to some interpretation.....They remain an excellent starting point for a more sophisticated game of CM regardless.
  17. Sounds like another TOE change is needed for CM:BS.....No more 'Gran HE'.
  18. Playing as the Uncons it's much more fun and it's the one scenario in which they have a decent chance of giving Blue a good pasting.....Hence my fears about hobbling them on home ground. The current lack of Combatant or Fighter Breach Teams is possibly the major shortcoming of the CM:SF2 TOEs, IMHO.....Using the streets is suicide, as demonstrated everywhere from Stalingrad to Raqqah.
  19. That's a tricky one.....Perhaps rather than attempting to define the above, might it be more effective to restrict the free movement rule to the 'Move' order only? If the Red player needs to 'go tactical' within a building cluster (however one defines it), your normal two waypoint rules should apply. I don't disagree in general, but negotiating something like this: Is kind of waypoint heavy! PS - On my maps all adjacent modular buildings with identical skins and window types will be found to interconnect in some fashion.....They are meant to be (and using the rule suggested above, could perhaps be treated as) one building.
  20. On pretty much the opposite end of the spectrum, both in terms of scale and urbanisation, I've blanked the map section that I extracted from @LongLeftFlank's Ramadi map and adapted for use as Hayy El Karamah in 'Ashsh al-Dababir' (In preparation for a full CM:SF2 rebuild. ): It's only 320m x 320m but it's quite a challenge. If you would like to experiment with it, you can find it (completely blank map, no AI, no Setup Zones, no Objectives, nothing) here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h6yxl7036jzz9on/[Map] The Hornets' Nest.btt?dl=0 All credit for this one goes to @LongLeftFlank, I only sliced it out of his original and tweaked it to my own purposes (although it was a fairly major tweak by the end).
  21. I appreciate you giving the point some consideration. I was trying to come up with a definition for a 'Building Group' (compound, large house, cluster of interconnected houses etc.), within which all movement could be treated as one (thus allowing one to adhere to the single waypoint rule, but giving the Uncon player the option of free movement within that compound on arrival or prior to exit). This would prevent the problem of overly coordinated uncons and also minimise the difficulties of urban maps.....But how to set that definition such that it is not open to unconscious abuse?
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