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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Don't be silly, they're no good at all for modelling post-war Central/South American coups!
  2. Given the nature of most modern conflicts, these would almost justify a vehicle pack.....Just imagine the things you could create with a few more fully functional civilian vehicles: "There's an IED triggerman's coming straight towards us on a bulldozer!" Or even: "That bulldozer was dead handy for knocking down all those tall compound walls!" Or: "It's amazing how many conscripts you can cram into a school bus!"
  3. Jesus.....He really has lost the plot, hasn't he? I'm at a loss to explain that one, I really am!
  4. There are 'Snow Paths'.....But they don't seem to show up when you place them on a map (hoping these will be replaced by footpaths & snow paths when the module arrives). I've just tried to model an industrial area using CM:FI.....Not very successfully. Not everything in Italy has a terracotta roof!
  5. With all due respect, so far what we've seen is a one off freak occurrence, roughly on par with that dude managing to shoot himself in the ear with a .50cal rifle.....If we start to see a sustained pattern of HMG teams opening up on friendly tanks, then I'd agree we should be concerned, but as it stands I'd put it down to rotten luck & move on. CM has always done this sort of stuff.....One of the things that got me hooked on CM:BO was seeing a Cromwell's AP round ricochet off a Tiger, spiral up into the air and land on an infantry unit, causing casualties!
  6. Send our mutual friend a PM.....I highly recommend it.
  7. Try to view it in a more abstract fashion.....MG team spotter glimpses infantry in trees, tells (very inexperienced) gunner to open up and gives a direction to the target. Gunner was dozing, just hears the command to open fire & does so. Team leader yells at him to adjust his fire, but now there's a MG-42 going full chat and the gunner can't lip-read. Meanwhile the Panther commander sees the arc of tracer coming towards him, thinks 'Those idiots couldn't be firing at me? Could They?".....The first bullet enters his head shortly after that second thought leaves it.
  8. "Atomic Annie".....The Biggest Of Them All! ROFL!
  9. That's usually the way with models, of one sort or another.
  10. I wouldn't say no to a screenie or two either.....Something Brazilian (& amphibious) maybe? Parked by a flat roofed house & some palm trees?
  11. Those Iskanders pulverising the Georgian airbase at Marneuli and the troop assembly area in Gori had quite an impact.
  12. Bravo for this idea guys, you can never have too many flavour objects: If either of you could see your way to making some more civilian vehicles, I'm sure they'd find a lot of use.
  13. That's an attempt to capture the exact moment the tank commander got hit (he's the guy hanging out of the turret, he's in the process of dropping dead). The fire was indeed coming from the tank's right and hitting the right side of the turret, however I believe the lethal hit was caused by a ricochet off the wall just visible at bottom left of the image. If anyone doubts this is possible: 'No more iron!'
  14. Stars & Stripes suggests a change of posture is underway for the ANA too: https://www.stripes.com/news/afghan-military-looks-to-bigger-bases-while-closing-checkpoints-in-hostile-taliban-territory-1.580570 Have to say, that doesn't sound very encouraging.
  15. Interesting.....Pretty sure my dudes in Coup could see what they were shooting at, but couldn't identify them as friendlies (it was always uncons on regulars or vice versa), which given the (no losses) outcome, matches the above idea rather well. PS - Sometime wish that applied to HE too.....Played a CM:BS scenario the other day, half my losses were due to mines or random mortaring, the other half due to BMPs inadvertently putting HE rounds into clumps of trees occupied by my own men.
  16. I've had infantry teams open up on each other at about 50 yards while testing Coup d'Etat, no casualties were suffered. I don't recall what happened with their suppression meter TBH.....I believe @MOS:96B2P either witnessed it, or may recall me mentioning it at the time. Some of the early Red vs Red CM:SF1 scenarios specifically warn you about the risk of friendly fire in their briefings, especially when using low-quality troops in conditions of limited visibility. I believe this applies to vehicles, including tanks, too and those fellas really can wreck your whole day!
  17. If you watch the video at the Panther end carefully you see the ricochet come back and hit him.....Here's one of the rounds that did it: Note the direction of travel. Either that or an unseen 'someone else' shot your TC.
  18. IMHO that MG team isn't firing at the Panther, it's firing at the infantry contact.....They're just bloody awful shots (-2 Leadership)! I suspect @Xorg_Xalargsky may well be correct about a ricochet causing the damage (I've seen friendly fire in Iron Mode, but small arms fire never seemed to have any effect on the recipients).....Do you have a view from the Panther's end?
  19. I still can't. EDIT - Tried a different browser and now I can see them!
  20. Nope, but I got a different error message this time.....Maybe try posting the links again? Perhaps the old links are not reflecting the new public status?
  21. They are, but there's no need to be sarky with people.....We're all on the same side here, remember? This.
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