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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Yup, that's a +1 from me too. That may appear to be the case, but it ain't actually so.....The resemblance is only skin deep at the most.
  2. What? You mean my USMC T-55M Anti-Aircraft Platoons weren't a real thing? This is not a joke BTW, it's just one real example of what can happen with a script mismatch.....But it breaks nothing, the game works as normal, it's just really strangely labelled.
  3. This is exactly the issue, but it can be somewhat mitigated with forethought by the designer. In the instance you describe, with the enemy force over-running your position, this could probably have been solved had the designer split the move into several smaller moves, and used the Maximum Assault Stance for one of them (the one where they are in what is likely to prove the most favourable position, should enemy units be in that area). With the Maximum Assault Stance units will not move to their next order location until they have eliminated all enemies in contact.
  4. Damn those maps are lovely, kudos to @benpark. That's an interesting idea.....External input at the design stage might be a good way to develop them further, into fully fleshed out scenarios.
  5. "Will Russia Attack Ukraine in September?" Apparently not. PS - Re: Crimea. I don't know if you are aware, but we Brits got into a bit of a squabble over the Crimea the 1850s.....Strangely it was Russians that we were fighting, all the way back then. Their clandestine occupation of Ukrainian territory has clearly been underway for some time.
  6. Make that two! With persistent map damage, we could make some remarkable things.....Consider the possibilities of @LongLeftFlank's Ramadi, @Macisle's Kharkov, or @benpark's Berlin, used as a Master Map in the manner of a CM-1 'Static Campaign'. Just imagine what those maps might look like after ten or more heavy battles! It would be (IMHO), fekkin awesome!
  7. Sadly I believe that will turn them into ammo-dumps in the current engine...More dismounting options would be very cool (the option for x-crewing would be even cooler).
  8. Is it really a Dingo, or is it a Lince: a http://www.warwheels.net/LinceAutoblindaINDEX.html PS - I suspect that actually is a Dingo, but I thought I'd throw this out there anyway.
  9. Back in the saddle: Map #2 for my mini-campaign has been extended yet again.....So many trees!
  10. Aircraft bombs going missing after release has been reported on & off since back in the CM:SF1 days, usually the secondary (500kg?) bomb IIRC.
  11. Oh yes it is! How many do you want & how big do you want them?
  12. That thing is truly a bloodbath! @Bozowans I have Lone Star Shopping Plaza if you want a copy.....It's not quite so easy for the player as the other scenarios mentioned here.
  13. Many thanks.....Any idea what the differences between this and the original are? Or is it just a re-tweak for game engine/patch reasons?
  14. Indeed.....By the time the T-62M took the field it would have found itself facing the Leopard 1A5, a much more capable type. I largely blame the advanced, but IMHO overrated, T-64 for the T-62's lack of notoriety.....It was a good tank, if a bit cramped, but it was also fundamentally of an earlier generation (at least until the T-62M upgrades). The T-72 is the T-55 of the new age.....A baseline tank, add extras according to your personal taste and budget. If you are not fighting NATO it's more than good enough (assuming your opponent doesn't have them too, which he probably will).
  15. So long as I know I'm running the right CM:SF2 patch level (2.02) and H&E Beta (0.96), I'm at least 'kind of' in the game.
  16. No worries, I'll fix everything after the next update and put links to any updated maps here.....In the mean time, I've got plenty of tall & strangely shaped islands to make.
  17. With allies like Mohammed Bone-Saw, who needs enemies? PS - The Houthis will outlast the House of Saud, mark my words.
  18. Those are NERA modules on the turret & also the glacis: This is the virtually identical glacis module from a. T-55 (this type received broadly similar upgrades at the same time, to become the T-55M). The T-55M & T-62M also received new day/night sights with laser rangefinder granting the ability to fire TLATGMs. Good article on the T-62 here: https://thesovietarmourblog.blogspot.com/2015/12/t-62.html
  19. For 1/72 dunkelgelb, try mixing the basic colour 60/40 with Tamiya's 'Buff'. If you are airbrushing there are a ton of tricks you can use to make even a plain monotone colour interesting, check this out: https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235074548-meng-mark-a-whippet/&tab=comments#comment-3714502 Highly recommend checking out more of Andy's posts on Britmodeller.....He's a genuine master modeller, yet he is happy to explain each and every technique in great detail, truly a gentleman & a scholar IMHO.
  20. Only just spotted this.....It might create some issues on my maps (I've used the varying [brush/no brush] textures for certain effects), but it shouldn't be anything I can't fix promptly. Also noticed that some of the Flavour Objects seem to have changed at some point.....Take a look at the 'Bien Dong Co Plain' map, the petrol pumps at the garage in the village have turned into ATMs for me.
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