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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Not that I know one way or the other, but I hadn't seen anything to that effect regarding the desert war. The current plan is as far as I know - Finish off the Eastern front - that is 3 additional families plus modules etc there. Finish off CMFI - a module and maybe some packs. Do the Bulge - A family with modules and probably packs. Finish off CMBS - modules and maybe packs... and my sincere hope they do pull off CMSF-2. All that is enough to keep them busy for a couple years.I haven't seen any projections past that on these pages.
  2. they let you back in?!! They promised me ... oh wait, nothing, nothing at all.
  3. Not sure what news you go by, but it is all over the front page here. Turkey's mis steps, the politicization and focus on the Kurds to keep Erdogan in power etc... Just one example http://news.yahoo.com/ankara-bombing-did-turkey-misread-perils-islamic-state-214440348.html;_ylt=AwrXgiNz6CdWM00AOTLQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByb2lvbXVuBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
  4. why? do you see something wong wif my typing? Centuwion stwike him! Stwike him I say!
  5. cool, I'd settle for the faces for now - mind sending that along
  6. The "Mid East" covers a lot of ground and terrain- so one could for example decide to have a confrontation in a mountainous area near the Syrian/Turkish border.... Ignore the background for now, still using TF Spartan Resolve mods.
  7. mug shots at least or maybe even the line up shoots! Turn to the left... number 3 please step forward.
  8. having a bad day? C'mon with an Avatar like that you could just flip on Fox theater 1977 Here a little Sugaree to make the day go better.
  9. Unless they drive all the way into the battle zone with their APS radar blasting away, the US is unlikely to use MRLS in close battlefield conditions. The JSTAR may be able to detect the unit once active, but at that point they couldn't do much about it in the tactical zone.
  10. Not quite. ISIL/ISIS goals are regional. FSA is Syria specific. ISIS/ISIL is also a lot more whacked to the point of destroying antiquities. If you can't make the distinctions you are in for a bad time. Witness the US forces relationship with Sunni forces in Iraq. If you assume all the forces are the same you limit your ability to maneuver within their differences.
  11. It will be home by Christmas. Your best bet is probably to watch ChrisND's Twitch broadcast. He seems to be more or less the PR guy. You can ask in the chat- what kind of an answer you get may or may not help much.
  12. Well I for one would hope Russia wouldn't send in ground troops for their own sake. Syria is a quagmire. I wouldn't wish that experience on any soldier, there is far too much moral ambiguity. I'd also doubt their effectiveness. Not a critique of the troops but rather the total lack of any standard to judge good and bad in this fight.
  13. freakin looks like something an Imperial stormtrooper would carry, but we know how easily those guys are hit and how completely unable they are to hit a target.
  14. unfortunately no - you can only fire as far as you can see...and word of warning - when you fire you can be seen from farther away. It's a nasty trick you can play on the AI. You sneak a few units close then open fire from a distance. When the AI opens up- suckers - they now are exposed to your men. As to your sample, yes you can see a firing enemy farther away than your actual visual spotting distance. Unfortunately with NVGs you are probably gonna get drilled before you can spot them.
  15. Just ran an Stug III G mid around with a tight covered arc by some US infantry and did a full circuit. Not a round fired. Doesn't appear to be a modeling issue with anything sticking outside the vehicle.
  16. You can already do that - check out all the Kohlenlau CMPzC threads - there is one in every WW 2 CMx2 forum. What you can't do is avoid the fact that every player who shares a side can see everything that side can see. Whether BF considers trying to create a true multiplayer option depends on how much actual demand for it there is, or that they perceive there is. From what one can tell off the forum there is a limited amount of people who are willing to commit the time and effort for it, though it does seem like a blast.
  17. well this isn't a direct answer, but it is similar to the format as to how one could answer your spotting question
  18. Does your car pop smoke and reverse a lot?
  19. Heh heh yeah... A work in progress - warlord's opium producing village in the mountains. Okay he's a bit stupid and it is really sunflower plants- he's just hoping someone can mod his fields. US troops making their way up via the trails Arriving unwanted guests The village View of the valley below If we can just get the uncon forces......
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